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Counterterrorism Essays

Counterterrorism: Target Assessment and Response to Al-Qaeda Threats

Al-Qaeda (AQ) is popular for attacks that have significantly impacted the globe. Founded by Osama bin Laden in 1988, it has been accountable for several acts of terror, most famously the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US (Stanford University, 2019). This piece explores AQ’s potential threat to specific targets within the local environment, focusing ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2850

Cybersecurity and Its Impact on U.S. Government and National Security

Technology keeps on advancing as a result of the development of the technology. Cyber threats have become a great challenge across the globe, and hence, there is a need for security mitigation techniques to be realized to fight the threats and ensure that digital content and devices remain safe. Cyber security assures that networks, information ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1353
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Anti-Terrorism and Counterterrorism.

Terrorism postures an ever-growing risk to the global community, and countries worldwide are taking activities to end it. Counterterrorism and anti-terrorism are two of the most frequently used stabilities in this setting. While they might seem substitutable, there are fundamental differences between the two. This dissertation aims to comprehensively define and describe anti-terrorism and counterterrorism, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 931

US Foreign Policy: War on Terrorism

“This crusade, this war on terrorismis going to take a while”. – George W. Bush[1]The war on terrorism is a multidimensional campaign that was launched in response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It was intended to lead the world into a new phase that would provide security, repair global relations, intact human rights, amend ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2490

Antiterrorism and Counterterrorism

Terrorism refers to the application of ferocity against the civilian goal to generate or threaten general inescapable fear for the determination to achieve the political goal (González et al., 2021). This undoubtedly shows that terrorism is based on politics. It sometimes starts that intimidation and violence are the effective means of attaining the many aims ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 880

Counterterrorism and American Presence Overseas

Recognizing that the United States faces a broad spectrum of terrorist threats, the National Strategy for Counterterrorism focuses on employing all national powers to combat terrorism and terrorist ideology. Recruits and followers, funds, weapons and the ability to move freely, various sorts of material assistance (such as means of communication, places to hide), besides vulnerable ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1712

Global Terrorism and Counterterrorism Efforts

Introduction Over the last decade, terrorism has been one of the most controversial issues facing countries across the globe. The US, for instance, has had to come up with better countermeasures to fight off terrorists, both international and domestic. One important question that lingers is, “what exactly is international or global terrorism?” According to the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3263

Current Event in Counterterrorism

As a tactic of coercion that uses or threatens to use violence in order to instill fear and achieve political or ideological objectives, terrorism may not have a widely agreed-upon definition. To keep the peace, terror poses a major threat to several United Nations member States and their citizens (Pillar, 2018). The United Nations’ 19 ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1203
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