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Conflict Resolution Through an Integrative Approach


Hello, esteemed CEO, I feel very privileged to stand here today as a consultant organization behavior to seek solutions for the current problems facing your company. I know the impact of resolving fights/issues and also enhancing the output of work in a productive workplace, no matter what it takes. My words of appreciation for having given me this chance to deal with the circumstances of Jim and Danielle.

Conflict Management Approach:

According to the case scenario, I propose the usage of an integrative or collaborative conflict management approach as an option. The selection of this approach is commensurate with Integrative or Win-Win Negotiation which stresses the search for solutions satisfactory to both sides rather than focusing only on one side winning a competition against the other (Williams, et al.2019). In this case, there exist opportunities for the combination of the communication skills between Jim and Danielle to unlock win-win solutions, thereby creating reciprocity and value.

Diagnosing and Mediating the Conflict:

In this case, the conflict stems from Danielle and Jim being in opposition over capturing the client, boiling down to a loose thread of tension within the work units and therefore reduced output. I suggest you take a step back and see whether mediation is an effective way to resolve this conflict. For this, I would recommend having a structured negotiation session organized by both VPs and their teams. It is this session, that will allow to create a secure space for the generation of open dialogue, where each one can be able to outburst their concerns or interests. Besides, providing solid rules and ways of engagement will diminish resistance to client recruitment and will give birth to fewer future conflicts. Fixes will cover a period when some measures would be introduced to bring back productivity and team collaboration in situations that might include transferring duties or relieving positions. The follow-up measures would include putting in place systems for tracking the resolution progress and providing sustained support, then conducting check-ins after some time to ensure sustainable conflict resolution.

Impact on Workplace Stress, Health, Wellness, and Safety:

Workplace conflict can have severe implications on the health and productivity of the company’s staff members and the company itself. Long-standing stress for our workforce as a result of a stressful environment and the unpredictability of the future can lead to a reduction in productivity, absence, and burnout. Furthermore, unaddressed workplace toxicity generated by the conflicts could throttle the personnel’s mental health state and work attitudes making a sick work environment. To resolve conflicts without delay as well as to enhance the productivity of the business operations and to maintain business continuity, moreover, for the extra care and safety of your workers and to safeguard a healthy working environment; all these Priorities for addressing conflicts are therefore essential.


In the end, the combination of theory, research, and practice in organizational behavior helps enrich the manager’s understanding of the nature of conflict management. The keys to running an effective organization are applying the principles of integrative negotiation, diagnosing conflicts adequately, and taking into account employee well-being. These approaches can help organizations find the most suitable solutions in cases like the one from the case study. Mediation and a constructive environmental mediation that cherishes a focus on collaborative problem-solving, conflicts might turn out to be addressed better, thus, creating a working ground for success and productivity. I feel truly honored that you have given me this chance, as it will provide a forum to discuss this matter.


Williams, C., Moore, E., Williams, C., Jones, R., Bell, R., & Holloway, R. (2019). Using an integrated system approach to manage conflict. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics16(4).


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