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Computer Networks Essays

Essay on Routing Protocols

Overview Routing protocols refer to the mechanisms by which routing information exchange occurs between routers to ensure that routing decisions occur. They determine how the information exchanged reaches its destination or recipient and help make the entire process as efficient as possible (OOL). They also help the computer networks communicate efficiently and effectively regardless of ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2817

Roles of Core Technologies in an Effective IT System

Various crucial components make up an IT system. There are five generally accepted classifications: computer programs, networks, databases, information assurance, and web technologies. Since the early days of digital information, each has evolved into formally realized technology branches in its capacity and is essential to the continued survival of the other. This essay examines the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 870
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Data Communication and Computer Networks

Executive Summary Data communication and computer networks are the essential part of our day-to-day life. It is invaded all aspects of our life, i.e., entertainment, business, education and research, space mission, PC revolution, and telecommunication. This paper discusses data communication and computer networks, their importance in the current technological world, and how they are related. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2322
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