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Comparison of the Ace Department Mission, Vision, and Values


The ACE Department of Nursing emphasizes innovation, creativity, and partnership. It is committed to delivering high-quality education in nursing. Their prioritization of ethical conduct, drive for continuous improvement, and embracing of care perfectly align with my principles as a nurse practitioner. Servant leadership creates impact by putting the needs of others first, encouraging teamwork, and advocating for patient-centered methods. I have diligently contributed to the community’s wellbeing by forming a multidisciplinary care team and implementing a patient-centered care approach. This approach has efficiently improved patient outcomes. In order to form an efficient nursing profession, it is required to balance self-care and servant leadership, such as establishing boundaries, placing health first, and asking for help when necessary. By engaging in self-reflection often, mindfulness exercises, and understanding the significance of self-care, I can assist others compassionately. My appreciation is in response to the objective of the ACE Department of Nursing on critical roles that self-care and servant leadership play in meaningfully advancing the nursing profession and the wellbeing of the community.

Keywords: nurse practitioner, leadership, community, patient outcomes

The ACE Department of Nursing aims to hand out innovative and excellent programs, especially at a reasonable cost. It also aims to be an outstanding supplier of nursing and education. They aim to educate and inspire nursing students to become preeminent healthcare philosophers, educators, and universal leaders. They are committed to being innovative, forward-thinking, teamwork, and evidence-based thinking. Fundamental principles include greatness, passion, unity, cooperation, transformation, and honesty. Range perfectly with my perfection as a nurse philosopher. These divided trusts spotlight the need for moral conduct, global care, and loyal dedication to ongoing zeal.

When I consider the principles that impact servant control, it becomes clearer. A dedication to servant management requires putting the needs of others first, promoting unity, and going after the larger good (Rosen et al., 2019). This reader into tutoring peers diligently participating in mutual care groups as well as promoting patient-centered practices in nursing. Making positive nursing switch by living up to these servant management principles, which diligently encourage the community’s welfare. One of my significant occurrences is when, in my position, I formed a manifold care group and decidedly intensified victim consequences by encouraging a patient-centered care master plan.

To acquire an enriching nursing career requires stabilizing personal care and servant management. The level requires clearing the curbs, putting one’s wellbeing first, and knowing when to request assistance (Sct & McArthur, 2017). Values like contemplation, awareness exercise, and a commitment to confidential development ensure that I am sympathetically competent and well-furnished in service to others. A lively level recognizes being a more skilled and sympathetic health care source. Discerning contribution to the constructive need for servant management and personal care to contribute significantly to career and community welfare. This is in reply to the call of the ACE Department of Nursing’s eyesight and motives.

In conclusion, my values align well with the ACE Department of Nursing’s core principle of sharing dedication to innovation, greatness, integrity, teamwork, and social responsibility. My focus on community wellbeing and adopting servant leadership shows my high contribution to positive changes in nursing. This is by acknowledging the importance of balancing professional and personal responsibility.


Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D., Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2019). Teamwork in healthcare: Key Discoveries Enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist73(4), 433–450. NCBI.

Schmidt, B. J., & McArthur, E. C. (2017). Professional nursing values: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum53(1), 69–75.


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