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Children Essays

Limited Screen Time for Children

In our fast-paced digital society, children are surrounded by technology. Screens—from computers and TVs to phones and tablets have transformed how we communicate, study, and live. Despite its benefits, the digital revolution has a downside. Technology has helped children, but it has also hampered their physical and emotional development. As technology advances, our kids are ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1715

Technology Use Amongst Children and Teenagers

Technology has become a staple in the lives of children and teenagers. The use of technology has increased exponentially over the past decade, with 97% of teenagers owning or having access to a smartphone. This constant access to technology can positively and negatively impact children and teenagers. The positive impacts of technology use include increased ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1370
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Impacts of Social Media on Children and Teens

Social media has both positive and negative effects on children and teens. Apart from the most criticized adverse effects, different researchers show that social media has many positive effects. These effects affect areas such as body image, health conditions and citizenship. Some commonly known adverse effects include distraction, sleep-disrupting disruption, increased cases of bullying, false ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1542

Health Inequalities Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Children

Introduction This research aims to understand more about the health inequalities among non-Indigenous and Indigenous kids in Australia. Health challenges impacting Australian children include tobacco usage, child respiratory illnesses, ear health, and hearing loss. Our health and wellbeing are influenced by the living and working environments that compose our social environment. In general, the greater ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1456

Children and War

One of the mechanisms that countries use to instill patriotism and nationalism in children is through literature. In German, for example, literature subjected the generation after the Reich’s foundation to nationalism and militarism (Donson, p 580). Since publishers prioritized a nationwide market in quest of bigger profits, youth in Stuttgart or Ulm read the same ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1342

How Media Influences the Kids?

Introduction A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics on whether the media influences children concluded that media influences children as the children learn by observing, imitating, and making behaviors their own as depicted in the media (p.1224). Moreover, the influence of Media on children is steadily increasing as new forms of media are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1647

Climate Change and Its Impact on Health

Climate change has affected various populations resulting in various health threats. Three populations are more vulnerable to climate change. They include older people, children, and people of color. Examples of health effects include malnutrition and vector-borne disease. As a result, both primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions are adapted to deal with health impacts. Therefore, climate ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1065

Children’s Mental Health and Well-Being

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography Kelly, W. (2017). Foster Children’s Well-Being and Mental Health. [online] ResearchGate. Available at:’s_Well-Being_and_Mental_Health [Accessed 17 Mar. 2022]. Foster Children’s Well-being and mental Health by Wendy Kelly is a very informative journal about how to support children and their families in foster care. In this book, Wendy Kelly describes specific ways to ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4513

An Analysis of How Children Construct Friendship Relationships in Joint Play Activities and How They Gain Access to Peer Groups

There is a strong correlation between a child’s early life and later developments. The process involves changes to various behaviors, including a shift from immaturity to maturity and dependent to self-reliance. It is, therein, ideal that a child adopts such capabilities since they are vital to prepare for future outcomes (Rauf & Bakar, 2019). Notable ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2435

Spanking: Not an Effective Disciplinary Method for Children

Humans have gone through enormous changes in their lifestyles throughout history. Changes and advances in society have happened due to technological breakthroughs in lifestyle, mode of transportation, parenting, and other aspects of daily life. However, one aspect of life has been similar throughout history: how young children are disciplined. Spanking young children is often regarded ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1559

Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children

The physical activity entails bodily motion from skeletal muscle that requires individuals to spend energy. On the other hand, mental health is the state of wellbeing where people discover their abilities, cope with life stresses, work productively and contribute to their communities. Evidence suggests that taking part in physical activity supports children’s current and future ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2633

Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Assignment

A healthy brain is necessary for reaching one’s full potential and general well-being. Children and adolescents who have been subjected to child abuse or neglect and accompanying trauma may have their brain development disrupted, resulting in functional deficits. Persistent maltreatment may disrupt a child’s brain development and have long-term effects on a child’s emotional, psychological, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1001

Friendship and Peer Groups

Peer relationships are influenced by the early attachment relationships experienced by the child. Suppose the child’s attachment to their parent involves highly related to qualities of friendship outstanding at a particular age. In that case, the child’s attachment security is associated with coordinated and positive interactions with friends in early childhood. Lack of support, parental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1024

Combination of Storytelling and Music Therapy To Reduce Stress in Children With HIV/AIDS and Discrimination in Surabaya

HIV/AIDS is a global contagious disease that has no cure. The disease can affect both adults and children and is associated with adverse physical health conditions. Previous studies show that the number of infected children in Indonesia is large. Therefore, they have psychological and physical stress due to bullying and the lack of acceptance of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1092

Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Common Cold in Children

The common cold affects many children, especially in the winter season. Although the severity of common cold symptoms may vary from one child to the other, there are common symptoms such as fever, nose congestion, sneezing, and coughing. Zinc sulfate is a medication treatment prescribed by medical experts to cure zinc deficiency in the body. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1046
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