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Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Global Warming

One of today’s significant environmental threats facing the world remains Global Warming which has resulted in a devastating impact on various elements, including ecosystems’ health status. As climate threats like irreversible habitat destruction cause worldwide worries regarding possible impact on future generations’ life conditions, unveiling gaps amongst contributing reasons and ways of mitigation on greenhouse gas generation could lead us towards betterment. Each person around the world has an obligation to take action aimed at decreasing surging temperatures and conserving our planet for forthcoming generations. The reasons behind global warming, its impacts, as well as possible solutions will be examined in this paper to determine their significance. Global warming is a serious environmental threat caused by human activity, and its effects will have dangerous consequences for our world if left unchecked, which is why concerted efforts must be made in order to mitigate the causes and reduce the impacts of climate change.

Causes of Global Warming

Humans contribute to global warming primarily through actions like burning fossil fuels or engaging in practices like deforestation that cause landfills, methane emissions, and ozone depletion.

Burning Fossil Fuels

As per Uddin, due to our extensive use of transportation systems powered by combustion engines using petrol or diesel fuel along with large-scale energy production facilities run primarily on coal, oil, or natural gas, constant emission of CO2&CH4 creates a green-house effect which leads to sudden spikes in global warmth. Burning Fossil Fuels adversely affects global warming by releasing CO2 and Methane, which builds up huge gas concentrations allowing radiation to elevate temperatures worldwide. The primary cause of greenhouse gas accumulation which traps solar heat, increasing earth-surface temperature, is primarily attributed to Carbon Dioxide(CO2)and Methane–emitted through burnt-fossil fuels like Oil, Gas, and coal. In Uddin’s view, “these activities are mostly driven by human activity and our reliance on the burning of fossil fuels for power and energy.”

Deforestation and Landfills

Global warming can be attributed to both deforestation and landfills. Items such as wood and palm oil require deforestation causing vital habitats for animals and plants leading, negatively impacting the ecosystem, deforestation being its primary cause Deforestation is not only impacting ecosystems but also contributing heavily towards global warming along with activities such as landfill creation. This was explained by author Uddin through an environmental piece called “Causes, Effects,and solutions to global warming”, “human activities are largely responsible for driving these actions that lead to catastrophic consequences if no measures are taken”.

Methane Emissions

Methane emissions caused by humans originate from activities like rice cultivation, oil/gas extraction, landfills as well as livestock farming involving mainly cows. Major culprits contributing towards inducing man-made Methane includes but is not limited to; Rice fields used for cultivation purposes , extraction & refinement procedure followed in Oil/Gas sectors respectively coupled with Disposal Methodologies adopted at Landfill Sites besides Combustion methods executed in Biomass industry. Seddon et al., have pinpointed various causes for climate change including “quick increases in populations around the world, more frequent utilization of fossil fuels producing methane emissions which raise overall temperatures globally through trapping heat within our atmosphere”. Melting of Earth’s polar ice is caused due to its attributes whereby after its release into the atmosphere, Methane generates unique heat-absorbing contributors that speed up Climate Change.

Ozone Depletion

Ozone depletion caused mainly by human-related activities greatly contributes to climate change. With increasing level of CO2 causing further reduction in Ozone plus rising global temperatures resulting in catastrophic effects on environment/ecosystem making it imperative for humans start taking corrective measures which shields us from harmful UV rays. As humans continue their activities related to personal care products and industrial practices, they’re depleting natural gases like Ozone. Human activities are causing slow depletion of Ozone via personal care products and industrial processes, which is reducing sunlight protection over Earth

Effects of Global Warming

Numerous damaging consequences can be attributed to the phenomenon of global warming. Shrinking ice sheets and legal habitats are also being caused by warming temperatures due to global warming’s impacts. Warming used intermediately by global warming has direct impact like melting mountain/glaciers resultantly putting coastal areas at peril with the increased risk of storm/tsunami.

Rising Sea Levels

Global warming has led to rising sea levels, thus putting coastal cities and communities at significant risk. The increasing temperature of both atmospheres is causing both glaciers on land as well as snow to melt into the ocean thereby raising its level As a result of rising temperatures on land and sea ice melting into the ocean depths; sea-levels increase whereby causing probable submergence future wise for coastal shores, docks, or any such structures. Seddon et al. argue that “Rising ocean levels can cause beaches, ports, infrastructure and other low-lying areas to be submerged in the future”.

Changes in Weather Patterns

The impact of these changes extends beyond just the rising sea levels. Al‐Ghussain says that “global warming causes changes in various weather patterns such as air temperature, precipitation, and frequency of particular type of extreme weather events”. These extreme weather events cause harm to people, plants and animals alike. Droughts result in fewer water supplies which leads to scarcity while Longer spells of hotter days commonly referred to Heat waves contribute towards dehydration incidence with resultant symptoms such as sunstrokes. The alteration of weather patterns globally is also attributed to global warming, which heats up the atmosphere persistently. Changes in temperature & rainfall patterns due to melting ice sheets retain more water which leads to further warming & more frequent/intense extreme weather conditions. In addition, melting ice sheets retain more water and absorbed more of the sun’s energy, causing further warming and changes in temperature and rainfall patterns.

Shrinking Ice Sheets

Both increasing temperature in Arctic &Antarctic region are consequences for melting down Ice leading towards risk with Glaciers, Sea Ice affecting widely over Water Supplies ,Global Temperatures & Sea Levels. According to Mikhaylov et al., “the melting of ice sheets, due to global warming, leads to an increased contribution of freshwater to the world’s oceans, causing sea levels to rise”.

Loss of Habitats and Ecosystems

Global warming causes consequences such as loss of habitats and ecosystems due to its far-reaching effects. Climate change results in changes to weather patterns which can have far-reaching implications such fluctuations impacting our oceans’ currents by raising sea levels while also triggering polar ice sheet melting located within both northern/arctic region(s)/Antarctica (southernmost continent on earth). Seddon et al. posit that “nature‐based solutions should be considered with respect to their potential to reduce the impacts of global warming on habitats, ecosystems, and their services”. Global warming is also having a devastating impact on our planet’s biodiversity. Species struggling with adapting to the changing climate are creating shifts in how and where they live. Species facing diminished living conditions will uproot themselves from unlivable surroundings in search of new homes while having no choice but compete alongside others seeking similar areas. Global warming is also having a devastating impact on our planet’s biodiversity.

Possible Solutions to Global Warming

The present-day issue that confronts us significantly is global warming as it poses many critical aspects to consider for humans and nature alike. With climate change causing a steady increase in overall temperature, humanity is facing tremendous obstacles including the devastating effects on both our world’s ecology as well as us.

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewables such as geothermal and biomaterials possess the potential for finding sustainable solutions towards curbing global warning. Among the best ways to address issues related to conventional energies are renewable systems such as those involving solar, hydroelectricity or biomasses. As a result these provide a more friendly approach towards our environment through their capacity in cutting down on carbon footprints whilst meeting our needs. Cost reduction is possible when switching over to a renewable source of energy which could be either solar or wind because they tend to be more affordable than conventional fossil fuel-powered options. Seddon et al. claim that renewable energy sources are a “viable and cost‐effective solution to tackle climate change”.

Sustainable Agriculture

Another solution to global warming could be sustainable agriculture. Practices employed towards achieving sustainable agriculture incorporates several undertakings: Sustaining natural resource usage thus reducing pollution rates including but not limited to minimizing Green House Gases (GHG) emission are only but a few. According to Uddin “sustainable agricultural practices can lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate the effects of climate change (2)”.

Reduction of Emissions

Combatting global warming necessitates taking a crucial step, which is decreasing emissions. The reduction of deforestation, increased urban green spaces and improving industrial processes are other methods that also help achieve reducing carbon footprint. Another effective method is through investing and properly managing infrastructure for renewable energies and efficiencies. The renewable energy sources are a viable and cost‐effective solution to tackle climate change.

Carbon Pricing

Carbon pricing encourages companies and individuals alike in reducing greenhouse gas emission, by giving them financial motives. Carbon pricing is an efficient method to encourage businesses to lower carbon emissions and transition towards cleaner energy sources. Both direct emission prices and cap-and-trade structures allowing for allowances buying are viable methods through which carbon pricing can be implemented. Seddon et al. explain that, “By implementing carbon pricing policies, businesses and organizations can adjust their behaviors and become more sustainable (1518)”.

Regional and Local Policies

Seddon et al. argue that regional and local policies are important for promoting the use of nature-based solutions to climate change (1518). To reduce greenhouse gas levels, local governments may opt to introduce policies such as encouraging renewables or discouraging burning traditional fuels. Likewise, alongside government mandates that aim towards limiting air pollution from various sources such as automobiles and industry factories; legislation passed at the interregional scale accomplishes similar goals through monetary rewards/penalties based on sustainability results.


It is clear that global warming is caused by human activity and that it has a number of serious effects on our environment. To protect our planet, we must take actions to reduce emissions and shift to more renewable energy sources. We must also implement regional and local policies to mitigate the effects of global warming. By doing this, we can help to ensure a healthy future for our planet and its inhabitants.

Works Cited

Al‐Ghussain, Loiy. “Global warming: Review on driving forces and mitigation.” Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 38.1 (2019): 13-21.

Mikhaylov, Alexey, et al. “Global climate change and greenhouse effect.” Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7.4 (2020): 2897.

Seddon, Nathalie, et al. “Getting the message right on nature‐based solutions to climate change.” Global change biology 27.8 (2021): 1518-1546.

Seddon, Nathalie, et al. “Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375.1794 (2020): 20190120.

Uddin, S. “Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Global Warming.” Academia Letters (2022): 2.

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