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Catholic Church Essays

Religion’s Role in the Rwandan Genocide

Abstract The Rwandan genocide tragically represents the capacity of violence in humanity. One common speculation made as an accusation by the current Rwandan State is whether religion and religious leaders, in fact, had any influence in the 1990 Rwanda genocide. Evidence that articulates public opinions increasingly indicates that the presence of religion, especially Christianity activities ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4379

Conflicts of the Church and State affecting Mexico in the Present Day

Introduction Mexico had several upheavals and revolutions in the nineteenth century, some minor and others major. These battles have shaped church-state relations. The church-state dispute caused the Cristero Rebellion and War of Reform in 1858. A random and cumulative process ended these violent conflicts, but they mostly succeeded in obscuring rather than resolving their underlying ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3078
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Why Was the Renaissance a Significant Time in Western History?

The European Renaissance era was an important period in the history of the world. Although many people relate the renaissance to the paintings of this period, the renaissance was much more than art. For instance, it helped to establish the foundation through which the European exploration age, which resulted in its global power. Renaissance was ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1966

The Roles Churches Play in Social Welfare and Society

Introduction Churches have always played a vital role in the communities they serve, providing a place of worship and a source of social welfare. From education and healthcare to addressing social injustice and immigration issues, churches have been a cornerstone of support and advocacy for those in need. Whether through charitable organizations or public service ... Read More
Pages: 26       Words: 6979

The Rise of English Baptists

English Baptists emerged in the 1600s as a religious group that advocated for religious freedom and separation of Church and state.[1]. This was a controversial stance in the 1600s, as the Church of England held a monopoly on religious practice in the country. The Spiritual Baptist faith originates in the Caribbean, where it emerged from ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3239

Catholic Identity Paper

At the beginning of this article, the author describes that his purpose is not to define holiness but to explain its meaning practically based on our day-to-day lives through how we cope with challenges and opportunities. His primary focus is to provide hope for those faced with difficulties and assure that we can still live ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1186

Why and How Catholics Are Calling To Act Politically

Whenever a major change has to be introduced to a society, an intervention in terms of policies and regulations from the government is obligatory. Without political participation, social issues such as teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and racial discrimination remain unsolved, making it hard to have a just society. The Catholic Church’s involvement in politics started ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 699

Gender Discrimination in the Catholic Church

The article examines one of Pope Francis’ recent decrees on formalizing women’s leadership in the Catholic church. The decree amends the Code of Canon Law that governs the administration of the church’s operations and allows women to serve in minor leadership roles such as Bible reading during mass, altar service, and the distribution of communion ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928

Modern Catholic and Medieval Age

Catholicism is rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ that transcends through time and place. Catholics are prone to the influence of the period they are born in, affecting their views on religion. Living in the modern age alone presents contemporary Catholics with difficulties that affect how they practice their faith. The rising urge for ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1634
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