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Case Study Essays

Managing Employee Relations

Introduction Employment relations policies affect employees’ work atmosphere and performance, making them crucial to any company’s success. Beginning with employment relations theories, this essay analyses an organisation’s H.R. procedures. High-performance work systems, strategic human resource management, and critical management studies are current approaches, while unitarism, pluralism, and radicalism are classic. We will examine how local, ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4785

Kuwait Steel Company

Introduction According to Mazilu (2008), the idea of globalization implies the transition toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy and has been a “life savior” for international enterprises and economies. The idea of a “global market” has made it necessary to create international organizations like the World Trade Organization to encourage the creation of ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4274
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Integrated Case Study: BD Network

BD Network is a leading UK-based company established in 1990 and specialises in providing diverse digital marketing solutions to its clients (NETWORK, n.d.). The company’s growth can be attributed to its exceptional online marketing services, encompass optimisation for search engines (SEO), paid promotion, content promotion, and online marketing. BD Network is well-known for its ability ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4043

Employee Turnover: The Case of Walt Disney

Employee turnover is one of the chronic challenges facing every business and can lead to significant losses if not mitigated in advance. The term refers to the average number of employees who leave an organization or a company over a certain period. Employee turnover involves those who quit the job voluntarily and those fired by ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 997

Case Study: Evolution of an Enterprise Information System Toward Omni-Channel Retailing

Introduction The recent entry of new competitors into retail banking has resulted in major changes in the industry since the competitors focus on offering telephone and online banking services. Due to the lower cost bases and desirable rates and levies offered by these new competitors, conventional banks are under pressure to change and become more competitive. An established ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2942

CommonBond Email Marketing Case Study

An email creation strategy and process can bring several benefits to a company. To communicate with customers and achieve business objectives, CommonBond, a financial technology company that provides student loan refinancing, needed to develop a robust email creation process. One of the primary advantages of developing an email creation strategy is that it aids in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 853

Boeing 737-Max Case Study

Introduction Ultimately the case stipulates Critical issues in the analysis of the crisis at Boeing company with a specific focus on the 737 Max from a stakeholder perspective. In this context, there is a focus on communication, how it affects the brand reputation, and how stakeholders view future crises. The case study analyses the response ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 878

Zara Case Study

Competitive advantage denotes the distinctive set of qualities and resources a company possesses that permits it to outdo its rivals in the market. These qualities and resources can be tangible assets, i.e., proprietary technology, patents, and physical infrastructure, or intangible assets, i.e., brand reputation, customer loyalty, and specialized knowledge. A competitive advantage permits a business ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2602

Influence of Information and Knowledge Management on Increasing Profits and Efficiency in Franchise and Chain Stores: A Case Study of Ontario, Canada

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background and Description of Issue Franchise and chain shops have grown practically ubiquitous in retail due to their ability to rapidly expand and gain economies of scale. However, growth into new sites is one of many factors influencing these shops’ profitability. Instead, referring to Easton et al. (2021), it is determined by ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4348

A Case Study on Sources of Competitive Advantage and Its Relevance to Management: Starbucks

Introduction Starbucks is known for its high-quality coffee and excellent service. The company has become a household name and industry legend. This case study examines Starbucks’ success and relevance to corporate management. According to the report, Starbucks’ branding, customer experience, and product innovation have helped them stand out in a crowded market. The study also ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2183

George and Shirley Case Study

Depending on the case study, George and Shirley are already old. This means that they lack the strength required to manage their lives appropriately. Therefore, even though the couple seems okay, there is a need for more specialized care or assistance to manage the condition appropriately. Shirley’s condition keeps deteriorating, and her husband could get ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1899

Foreign Direct Investments: A Case Study of China

CHAPTER 1: LITERETURE REVIEW Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) refers to substantial, lasting investment made by a company or government of another country to another one for the purpose of establishing a long-term interest in a business in the foreign country (Venugopal, 2022). The definition of FDI is based on long-term relationship that reflects a lasting ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1791

Criminal Offence Case Study

Introduction A crime is an offence that requires public condemnation and retribution, typically in the form of a fine or prison sentence. This is distinct from a civil wrong (a tort), an action brought against a person and calls for restitution or payment of damages. Criminal offences are typically prosecuted by the State or the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1123

Mammoth Energy Company Case Study

Executive Summary The paper analyzes the implementation of a new program pioneered by Maechelle. The program aims to cancel the process of upgrading eight airstrips and embracing partnerships with the regional airports. Maechelle faces various roadblocks as she strives to implement her idea originating from both internal and external forces. She utilizes considerable leadership skills, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1981

The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank: A Bank Theory and Operations Analysis/ Case Study

Introduction: Silicon Valley Bank’s Road to Collapse The collapse of Silicon Valley marked the height of financial restraints instigated by the global inflation of 2020-2022. Silicon Valley’s avalanche followed the collapse of Signature, Silvergate and other global power banks (Pandey et al., 2023) within two weeks in what came to be known as the 2023 ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3641
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