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Business Essays

Masterclass Strategic Management

Preface I am a student in my final class. In this assignment, I am taking the strategic advisor role to advise Boeing Company about a strategic decision based on different models. I chose the strategic management subject because it is the central operation for most businesses in different environments and sectors. Strategic management offers an ... Read More
Pages: 23       Words: 6176

Marketing Health Insurance

Introduction One of the best aspects that keep health insurance companies in the business is advancement in marketing. Currently, the eruption of the covid-19 pandemic has increased the influx of people who need health insurance covers. Insurers are struggling due to increased demand for online and offline support services. To keep up with the pace ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1501
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Articles Review: Managing Human Resources

Management may be defined as the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. It can also be termed as a set of principles relating to functions like planning and controlling to achieve organizational goals. There are different types of management. However, we can categorize them into three major types, Autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1861

Summary and Evaluation of the Article “Underemployment in the Australian Labour Market” by Chambers et al., 2021

Summary Chambers et al., 2021, examine Australian underemployment, and they offer recommendations on how to increase employment in Australia. When there is a surplus of labor, employed people prefer to work longer hours, which drives up the number of people employed part-time. Labour markets have been adjusting to changes in demand over the past few ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 766

Essay on Human Resource

As part of the company’s entire workforce, human resources are a single employee who contributes his or her skills and abilities to the company’s success. Anyone who is prepared to give up their time, effort, or expertise in exchange for monetary recompense is a human resource. Part-time, full-time, independent, or contract workers are all acceptable. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1620

Leadership Improvement Plan

Introduction The nursing field is well-known for its active role in treating diseases, preventing further infection spread, and promoting universal health through better patient outcomes. However, it is faced with many challenges emanating from medical dilemmas and, at times, errors such as wrong drug administration, which result in poor patient outcomes. This is the case ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1947

Social Media Policy in Organizations

Social media has affected governance in organizations because it provides a platform for sharing negative information about organizations. Some individuals with bad intentions may share inappropriate content or false accusations. People are not restricted on what they write in commonly used social media software applications. They may therefore use the platforms in gossiping about organizations ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 568

Essay on Leadership

Leadership is more of choice than a position meaning that everybody can play a leadership role. Leadership is the implementation of influence on an organization’s efforts to achieve its set goals and objectives (Herman, 2016). It demands unique leadership’s influence to impact actions, behavior in long-term manner effects. This influence has key points in that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1107

Innovation Fuel Podcast Assignment

Introduction The moment which Kimberly Kaplan expected to rouse her to make a video-first dating application was the TikTok video. The name of her undertaking is Snack. Snack acquired notoriety given its configuration. Kaplan was effective as far as her experience is concerned and which was the explanation Kaplan had the option to fabricate a ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1976

Individual Reflective Essay: Perspectives in Creative Leadership

Introduction In this essay, I will examine the strengths and shortcomings of my creative leadership skills as a result of my experience leading a group project at the university. Because my position was equal to that of my teammates, I had a difficult time mentoring their performances and ensuring their active participation in group work. As ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2475

Individual Case Reflection: Startech CRM System

Introduction Customer relationship management is a critical key player in modern business management. This strategy aims at analyzing the relationship of the organization and its customers bearing in mind that customers form the basis of any successful organization. Building a successful customer relationship management plan in any organization can be a complicated process bearing in ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2145

Incremental vs Radical Innovation

Often radical and incremental innovation differentiate in two major dimensions. The main feature of radical approaches is that organizations aim to create a new market. It is usually considered a risky approach since it involves a huge commitment of funds, time, and labor, often failing to meet expectations. By contrast, incremental innovation features minor improvements ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 700

Impact of Safety Management Systems in Aviation

Safety Management System refers to an organized method to managing protection, including the essential organizational structures, policies, accountabilities, and procedures to support effective decision-making. Its main objective is to ensure the execution of a management plan for modifiable decision-making processes, achieved by improving an overall safety culture to all personnel in an organization, thereby prioritizing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1079

Identifying a Performant Management System Problem

Introduction Performance planning is the systematic process of recognizing, evaluating, and growing the team performance, as well as matching productivity with the goals of the group. Performance management helps to monitor your workers’ behavior and evaluations if they want further assistance, can deal with higher learning, or merit that leads to a bonus. The primary goal of building ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229
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