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Business Ethics Essays

Business Ethics and Sustainability Issues

Introduction Businesses have become very cautious about their operations in the current competitive business environment. Numerous firms yearn to remain sustainable in all their processes to gain a greater reputation, which builds favorable business working conditions. As firms continue being sustainable, they avoid necessary issues or pressures both internally and externally. This essay will evaluate ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2236

Critique of Degeorge’s Position and Argument on Whistle-Blowing

Critique of Degeorge’s Position and Argument on Whistleblowing Richard DeGeorge’ argues that whistleblowing is morally justifiable in certain circumstances. DeGeorge argues that whistleblowing is ethically justifiable when the whistleblower faces a conflict between their duties to their employer and the public or ethical principles. He states that a whistleblower should only act when they are ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1795
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The Volkswagen Emissions Case

Incident and Unethical Actions The Volkswagen emissions testing scandal was among the most egregious examples of business wrongdoing in recent history. Volkswagen was found to have manipulated the results of pollution tests for its diesel vehicles in 2015, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Volkswagen was able to manipulate the nitrogen oxides (NOx) ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2016

Case Study on Walmart’s Unethical Practices

Walmart has been at the forefront of the retail industry for decades, making it one of the best stores in the world. Walmart is well-known for its competitive pricing, extensive inventory, and devoted service staff. Many, however, feel that Walmart’s business practices are unethical and have voiced their concerns about the company’s treatment of its ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2030

Company’s Organizational Structure

Organizational Design A company’s organizational structure or design defines the allocation of activities such as supervision, coordination, and task allocation to achieve the organization’s goals. They are vital in providing the foundation on which the standard routines and operations of the organization occur. Through an organizational design, individuals are given a different perspective or glass ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3512

Explanation of Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is a mechanism for an employer and a group of employees, such as a union, to debate salary, working conditions, benefits, and other elements of employment. It is seen as a pillar of the labor movement and an essential component of the labor-management relationship (Strunk et al., 2022). It offers employees a voice ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 882

Essay on Business Ethics

Evolution of the ethical concept The concept of ethics has evolved, with different societies and civilizations having unique perspectives on what is considered morally right or wrong. In ancient cultures, such as those in Greece and Rome, ethics were closely tied to religion and the belief in a set of gods who imposed specific moral ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1633

Sustainable Leadership and Business Ethics in the Post-COVID Era

The business environment has undergone significant changes recently, with an increased focus on sustainability and ethical practices. Business objectives and sustainable leadership have become key concepts in this new environment, and the ethical implications and impacts of these concepts for stakeholders are of particular concern. This essay aims to critically evaluate the ethical implications and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3670

Code Of Ethics in Contract Management

Abstract The contract manager’s code of ethics is important in the acquisition field because it establishes a set of standards that contract managers must follow to ensure that the contracting process is conducted fairly, transparently, and in accordance with the law (Rich, 2022). The code of ethics also helps to protect the public interest by ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1156

Analysis of Data Privacy as an Organisational Ethical Dilemma

Introduction In the current era of industrialisation, business ethics have become a key issue for each organisation. As Kotkin, Hall, and Beaulier (2010) explain, ethics deals with moral guidelines and personal character that limit and direct individuals’ behaviour. It studies questions of moral responsibility, wrong and right, and obligation and duty. Many corporations encounter ethical ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1986

Major Global Issues of the Time

Introduction  As Thatcher et al. (2018) highlight, the world is growing at an extraordinary pace, especially in the twenty-first century. Transformations are being experienced in many areas of the globe. However, as the transformations are being experienced due to the dynamic advances, there are issues that companies in the contemporary setup are experiencing. Thatcher et ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3734

Ethics in Organizations

Introduction Terry Cooper’s book “The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role” mainly emphasizes the function of an administrator in an organization and how he deals with the roles ethically. The book brings the difference between morals and ethics in an organization. Morals dictate what is good or bad, but for ethics, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1054

Ethical Question: Can Companies Take Social Responsibility in Protecting the Environment?

Introduction Companies exist for the sake of profits. However, they are also members of society. Most companies face an ethical dilemma regarding environmental conservation. Their duty to society requires them to preserve the environment, while they can choose to ignore that and save money for investments that will reap profits. Nevertheless, companies can use some ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Codes of Conduct and Codes of Ethics

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines for acting morally and responsibly in the workplace. The firm or organization may outline its values, problem-solving procedures, ethical principles derived from those values, and employee expectations in a code of ethics document. A code of ethics, sometimes known as an “ethical code,” can cover many ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1003

Insider Trading and Business Ethics

Insider trading is a prime example of unethical behavior in the business world. The items at the top of the list Insider trading refers to the purchase or sale of investments such as stocks and bonds based on non-public details. Insider trading is not always unethical or illegal. Insider trading is regarded as shady depending ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038
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