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Business Application Exercise – Cultural Assessment: “America Is Beautiful” Advertisement

Based on your readings for this week, define culture.

Culture, a dynamic and multifaceted concept, encompasses shared values, beliefs, behaviours, and symbols within a community. Multinational corporations engaging in global communication must consider the various aspects of culture to resonate with diverse consumer bases effectively. In this context, the analysis of Coca-Cola’s 2014 Super Bowl ad provides valuable insights into cultural representation and inclusion in marketing.

Based on your readings for this week, what aspects of a culture must be considered by multinational corporations when attempting to communicate with consumers?

Multinational corporations must consider several crucial aspects of culture when communicating with consumers. These include language nuances, communication styles, values, beliefs, and cultural symbols. Understanding the cultural context is vital to crafting messages that resonate positively with diverse audiences. Moreover, considerations such as societal norms, historical backgrounds, and local traditions are paramount. Adapting marketing strategies to reflect cultural diversity fosters inclusivity and helps build a robust and authentic connection with consumers worldwide. By navigating and respecting these cultural intricacies, multinational corporations can effectively bridge communication gaps and cultivate a global brand image that is both relatable and culturally sensitive.

Advertisement (Ad) Analysis


Coca-Cola’s ad, titled America the Beautiful, attempted to portray the nation’s diversity by featuring people from different ethnic backgrounds singing America the Beautiful in various languages. The ad’s strength lies in its attempt to celebrate the cultural richness of the United States, emphasizing inclusivity and unity (Coca-Cola). The use of multiple languages and diverse scenes aimed to reflect the nation’s mosaic and evoke feelings of shared identity and pride.


Nonetheless, the ad faced criticism for its execution. Some viewers, uncomfortable with the deviation from the English version of the anthem, perceived it as a challenge to a cultural symbol. Additionally, the fleeting representation of different ethnicities left some feeling that the ad merely scratched the surface of true cultural inclusivity (Coca-Cola). The limitations of the ad lay in its potential to inadvertently reinforce stereotypes and the superficial nature of the portrayed diversity.


The ad, while attempting to be inclusive, only partially succeeded in delivering a culturally sensitive message. It is essential for multinational corporations to critically assess the potential impact of their advertisements on diverse audiences (Berger 77). In the case of Coca-Cola’s 2014 Super Bowl ad, the recommendation is two-fold. Primarily, it is crucial to acknowledge that the ad could have been more universally well-received. Some found the use of different languages to be a positive celebration of diversity, while others felt it challenged the traditional representation of a national symbol. The recommendation is to conduct thorough cultural sensitivity assessments and market research to anticipate and mitigate potential backlash. The element involves understanding the diverse perspectives within the target audience and addressing potential concerns before the campaign launch.

Secondly, for an authentic representation of cultural diversity, the ad should delve deeper into the unique stories and experiences of various ethnic groups (Lympoudi & Vamvakas). Rather than merely showcasing surface-level diversity, Coca-Cola could develop narratives that authentically capture the essence of different cultures, fostering a genuine connection with the audience. This approach goes beyond superficial representation and contributes to a more profound understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.


Multinational corporations must navigate the intricate web of cultural nuances when crafting advertisements for global audiences. While Coca-Cola’s 2014 Super Bowl ad made strides in celebrating diversity, it fell short in ensuring widespread cultural acceptance. Recommendations focus on conducting in-depth cultural sensitivity assessments and exploring more profound, authentic representations to foster a positive and inclusive brand image. By understanding and respecting the intricacies of diverse cultures, corporations can create advertisements that resonate positively and authentically with their target audiences.

Works Cited

Coca-Cola. “Coca-Cola #AmericaIsBeautiful 2014 Olympics Commercial – Cause Marketing.” YouTube, uploaded by Coca-Cola, 2 Feb. 2014, Accessed 10 Nov. 2023.

Berger, Arthur Asa. Ads, fads, and consumer culture: Advertising’s impact on American character and society. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020.

Lympoudi, Katerina, and Vassilis Vamvakas. “Tradition, Modernity and Other Cultural Values Reflected in Food Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Thematic Analysis of British and Greek TV Commercials.” (2020). Accessed 10 Nov. 2023.


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