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Analyzing the Need for Change at Meijer: Applying OD Concepts and Principles


Organizational Development (OD) is about making a company more effective and helping it make positive changes. This paper will determine if the retail company Meijer needs to change by examining how policies are applied differently in different stores and areas. Using OD ideas and principles, we will look at how these differences affect people, groups, and the organization. We will also talk about how important it is to update methods to make the application process fair and easy to use.

Inconsistencies in Policy Application

Identifying the Problem

Meijer struggles with inconsistent policy application, especially concerning timeliness and attendance. Although the company has developed clear policies, team leaders and divisions often implement them differently (Angulo-Ruiz et al., 2022). Employees feel unfairly treated due to this inconsistency, especially in divisions like Fresh.

Need for Change

A crucial first step in applying Organizational Development (OD) principles is realizing the need for change. Recognizing the detrimental effects of inconsistent policy application in Meijer is critical. Meijer can start changing its procedures and promoting a more uplifting work atmosphere.

The application of rules could be more consistent with maintaining employee morale. Employees experience confusion and injustice when policies are not applied consistently. This may result in reduced productivity, engagement, and motivation (Angulo-Ruiz et al., 2022). Employee job satisfaction and loyalty to the company may suffer if they believe their efforts are not equally valued or rewarded.

Conflicts within the organization also result from inconsistent policy application. Employees who believe they are treated differently because of their department or team leader may develop anger, antagonism, and a lack of trust in their coworkers (Rothwell, 2021). Ultimately, this could make it more difficult for the business to accomplish its objectives by impeding good teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

Meijer can foster an equal work environment by identifying the need for change and tackling the problem of inconsistent policy application. Establishing precise and uniform rules for policy implementation across all stores and departments is part of this. Applying policies consistently encourages equity, openness, and trust among employees (Rothwell, 2021). Additionally, it promotes a compelling company culture where workers are inspired to give their all because they feel valued and supported. Addressing the requirement for change in policy application can ultimately result in better employee satisfaction, increased morale, and excellent organizational performance.

Impact on Individuals, Groups, and Organizations

  1. Individuals: The administration of policies inconsistently can lead to employee annoyance, confusion, and demotivation (Angulo-Ruiz et al., 2022). When workers feel they are being mistreated, their engagement and dedication may suffer, which will have a detrimental effect on their work output and general job satisfaction.
  2. Groups: Departmental inconsistencies can drive a wedge between teams and prevent collaboration. Uncertainty in the workplace breeds ineffective teamwork and makes it more difficult for the business to accomplish its objectives.

iii. Organization: Organizational cohesiveness, culture, and reputation are all compromised by inconsistent policy application (Rothwell, 2021). As a result, there may be more staff turnover, less productivity, and sometimes even legal repercussions. It can also destroy trust between workers and their managers.

Renewing Processes for Fairness and Accessibility

Identifying the Problem

Meijer’s application process is mainly based on electronic and online applications, which in the era of technology, may seem quick and straightforward. This strategy, however, has drawbacks that restrict accessibility and fairness to employment chances within the company.

First, relying solely on electronic applications eliminates people without access to technology or who encounter technological challenges. Only some have access to computers, internet connectivity, or digital literacy skills in today’s culture (Singh & Ramdeo, 2020). People who use alternate job searching methods or cannot use online application systems are severely disadvantaged by this.

Electronic applications may also be impersonal and favor those who have polished web profiles or advanced digital skills. Candidates who might shine in person or have valuable abilities but are not sufficiently represented in their online presence risk being missed or underestimated throughout the online application process.

Need for Change

Meijer must understand that people who need access to technology or encounter technological challenges may be excluded if they use electronic applications. Meijer may promote diversity and ensure all applicants get an equal opportunity by accepting alternative application processes, such as paper applications or in-person submissions.

Impact on Individuals, Groups, and Organizations

  1. Individuals: Candidates needing access to technology would need help submitting their applications, reducing their employment prospects (Singh & Ramdeo, 2020). This circumstance may promote inequality and impede diversity within the company.
  2. Groups: Meijer can attract a more diverse pool of applicants by opening up the application process and fostering team creativity, innovation, and a broader spectrum of abilities.

iii. Organization: Meijer’s dedication to diversity and equal opportunity aligns with adopting a more inclusive application procedure (Singh & Ramdeo, 2020). It improves the company’s reputation and aids in cultivating a good rapport with potential clients, customers, and the community.


Like every other organization, Meijer must change to improve its effectiveness and correct inconsistencies. Meijer may create a more equitable work environment and improve its general performance by recognizing the need for change, comprehending the impact on individuals, groups, and the organization, and updating processes to support fairness and accessibility. Employee satisfaction, enhanced cooperation, and positive company culture will be facilitated by implementing uniform policies and supporting inclusive hiring methods.


Singh, R., & Ramdeo, S. (2020). Leading organizational development and change: Principles and contextual perspectives. Springer Nature.

Rothwell, W. J. (2021). The future of organization development interventions. In Organization development interventions: Executing effective organizational change (pp. 301-312). Taylor and Francis.

Angulo-Ruiz, F., Pergelova, A., Chebeň, J., & Angulo-Altamirano, E. (2022). How do marketing activities influence organizational reputation in higher education institutions? An impression management perspective across eight countries. International Marketing Review, (ahead-of-print).


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