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AI Essays

Essay on Business Intelligence

An artificial neural network is a computing model that consists of processing elements that perform based on settings activated through their system in functions. The neural networks work in hand with animal brains by biological connection depending on the functions trained on. The artificial neural system can be used for classification functions in establishing patterns ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1138

Benefits and Detriments of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has undeniably benefited society and industry in numerous ways. AI has enormously benefited society in various ways, including facilitating online shopping and answering consumer inquiries, increasing productivity and customer service, diagnosing and treating sickness, and monitoring the spread of COVID-19. But there are some significant downsides to AI as well. Since AI is ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1069
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Annotated Bibliography: Do the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Outweigh Its Drawbacks?

Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Artificial Intelligence Working Group. “Canadian Association of Radiologists white paper on ethical and legal issues related to artificial intelligence in radiology.” Canadian Association of Radiologists’ Journal 70.2 (2019): 107-118. The article’s primary purpose is to discuss the ethical and legal issues related to artificial intelligence in radiology. The article starts by discussing ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1748

Impact of AI on Project Management

Introduction Project management experiences a wide range of constraints that can potentially hamper the completion of a project. Potentially, constraints like scarcity of resources, uncertainty in completion time, and sometimes complexity of the project create distortions in schedules made on the completion of the project (Zehir et al., 2020, 90). The quality of the management ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2269

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, some centuries ago, might have sounded like a science fiction novel. Alpha Zero, a Deep Mind development, opens us up to how interesting further AI developments could become soon. Artificial Intelligence is a fast-growing technological aspect widely incorporated into our daily activities. It copies human behaviours and, through advanced algorithms, provides solutions to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1272

Applications of Technology in Luxury

Globally, the arrival of technologies signified fresh dawn in various contexts. Undoubtedly, since technological improvements are now a part of daily life, different transformations have become apparent. Nonetheless, and this is a good thing, it keeps evolving for the benefit of people everywhere. In some ways, technology has improved life by striking a delicate balance ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1846

Recent Developments in AI Technology Mean It Has Become More Reliable Than Ever

Introduction AI technology has progressed rapidly in recent years, becoming more reliable and effective than ever. This has led to increased adoption of AI across a range of industries, from retail to healthcare. The benefits of AI are many and varied. Still, some of the most significant include improved decision-making, increased efficiency and productivity, and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2700

A.I Is Not A-OK

The article “A.I Is Not A-OK” is a New York Times opinion article by Maureen Dowd. It was written on 30th October 2021 and found in the URL, . The article is a discussion of whether A.I should be a matter of concern. Dowd interviews some people on the possible dangers of artificial intelligence in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1092

How AI Through NLP Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

Abstract In today’s digital environment, computers cannot comprehend the human language we use on a daily basis. Humans and computer systems are unable to communicate effectively because of this. So, researchers came up with a novel method of obtaining data from digital machines. A branch of AI known as NLP has a significant influence on ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3536

Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can be traced back 1950s, when Minsky and McCarthy first defined it as a task undertaken by a machine while mimicking human intelligence (Marr). Many scientists and organizations have defined AI differently. For example, the English Oxford Living Dictionary justifies artificial intelligence as “The theory and development of computer systems able to perform ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 989

Research Paper: Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence is one of the highly celebrated forms of technology that has played an imperative role in improving service provision efficiency and quality. Virtually all sectors and industries have directly benefited from various technological inventions. Through technology, work has been made easier with machines used to doing most of the work (Bond & ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515

Artificial Intelligence Regulation

Throughout time, progress and advancement have been the hallmark of humanity. Invention has been driven by the necessity to make human life easier and more efficient. Since the creation of the wheel, humanity has actively engaged in transformative endeavors that have seen life become easier and human activity increase in productivity and output. Fear of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3243

Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence represents a watershed moment in contemporary science and technology (Dick, 2019). It is the process of automating machines in order for them to acquire intelligence. The concept is astounding in and of itself! Humanity has done a big and admirable achievement. It does, however, raise the question, “Did we go too far ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653

Advanced Topics in Privacy, DP, and Cyber Law

Given the Government’s published National AI Strategy, assess the need for an AI Bill of Rights in the UK. On 22 September 2021, the UK Government published the country’s first national artificial intelligence (AI) strategy, which sets out the government’s plan to make the UK a global AI superpower. The strategy recognises the substantial impact ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2474

Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing of Organisations

Introduction Firm strategy and business paradigms vary because of technological breakthroughs, such as PCs, the Internet, and cell phones. As a result of these improvements, firms are better able to manage consumer needs and deliver services. Aside from these findings, it has been found that knowledge-based organisations develop, share, and utilise knowledge as a fundamental ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2447
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