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Agricultural Science Essays

IT Trends in Agriculture and Food Supply Chains

Executive Summary This research investigates how Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) devices could change the agriculture and food supply chains. This integration has completely disrupted conventional supply chain paradigms by improving efficiency, transparency, and safety. When combined with Blockchain technology, IoT devices streamline data gathering and transmission while providing immutable records that cannot be ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4323

The Food of Food Revolution

Introduction My relationship with food and the food system differs significantly from that of my parents and grandparents. My family has a long history of rural life; I was raised by farmers who barely scraped by on the land they were given. They were self-sufficient in food because they grew and harvested much of it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695
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GMOs as an Alternative Source of Cheaper Food to Feed the Growing Global Population

Background Information on GM Continued advancements in science and technology have tremendously revolutionized how different challenges facing humankind are addressed with long-lasting solutions. In the same measure, science and technology are also closely linked to some of the modern-day challenges facing humanity; drawing from this parallel, society is divided on specific contributions of science and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1916

Thermal Food Preservation

Abstract Thermo-preservation is an essential technique for maintaining food quality and safety because it can prevent microbial development and enzymatic activity. The four heat-based procedures will be covered in this article: pasteurization, cleaning, preservation, and blanching. This research examined different thermal processing methods for food preservation, along with temps, processing times, and other essential elements. ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3465

The United States Department of Agriculture

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a cooperative agency of 29 agencies that specify in developing and executing forestry, farming, and food policies (USDA, 2023). President Abraham Lincoln established the USDA in 1862, making it one of the oldest American federal agencies. It was initially named “The People’s Department” and was developed to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1536

Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate-Enhancing Production and Minimizing Input

Introduction Sustainable agriculture is an approach to farming that involves the efficient use of natural resources, reducing inputs, and enhancing production. The goal is to maintain the health of the environment while also providing economic and social benefits to farmers and their communities. In a changing climate, sustainable agriculture practices are even more critical as ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840

Green Revolution Technology

Introduction The modernization of agricultural processes started in Mexico in the 1940s and is referred to as the “Green Revolution.” The Green Revolution technology spread globally in the 1950s and 1960s due to its effectiveness in raising agricultural production there, leading to a considerable increase in produce generated per acre of agriculture. The American scientist ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1950

Data Collection in Carbon Farming

Introduction The term “carbon farming” refers to a group of agronomic systems designed to trap organic co2 in root hairs, stems, and foliage as well as in the soil (Mattila,2022). By putting into operation techniques that are also documented to increase the rate at which CO2 is extracted from the ambient and deposited in plants ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 912

Antibiotics Influence on Seed Germination

Research Question: How do antibiotics affect the growth or successful germination of plants? Introduction and Rationale: The sole purpose of this investigation is to determine how different antibiotics affect the seed germination rate. An increase in the acidity level of antibiotics solution causes a decrease in the rate of seed germination and the number of ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2626

The Role of Intercropping by Using Organic Inputs to Increase the Quality and Sustainable Food Production

1. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1.Overview and Background With the increasing demand for quality food production, the researchers in Agriculture have been designing the concept of intercropping. In intercropping, two or more crops are being harvested together (He et al., 2019). While analyzing the role of intercropping in the effectiveness of the agricultural field, the role of ... Read More
Pages: 39       Words: 10619
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