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Addressing Standardization Challenges at Texas Delights: HR Perspective and Recommendations


In Central Texas, the fast-food chain Texas Delights is having challenges related to standardization and operational efficiency. The recent MBA graduates from TAMUCT have been assigned the responsibility of apprehending and solving the challenges they bring about. The key success point for Texas Delights is its dedication to ensuring it offers an excellent dining experience at all its outlets. However, the organization suffers from setbacks related to client dissatisfaction decline, high staff turnover rates, varying consumer preferences, and a competitive market landscape. As HR graduates, we will look at the management workforce angle and recommend the development of a robust environment for employee gains to fight these challenges.

HR Perspective

As our recruiting strategy, our emphasis here would be on the company employees. For this reason, the first recommendation is to perform a thorough workforce situational analysis. Such research will provide data to define training needs and performance incentives for employees, as well as the mechanisms of the special work climate. The information above demonstrates that only 70% of the employees complete the training program, and the current employee survey score is 4.5/7 (Brown, 2023). The fact that it is observed shows that there is still a need to sharpen employee training and retention strategies.

Challenge: Staff Analysis and Training Needs

To guarantee standardization and operational effectiveness, it is vital to carry out a thoroughly detailed workforce analysis, and the specific training needs should be identified. Such analysis must encompass the sets of skills and competencies needed for each position, as well as the voids that are in the current labor force (Stallworth, 2020). Linking these gaps through available training programs should be implemented in the company in order to improve employees’ performance and adherence to standards.

Recommendation: Comprehensive Training Programs

Investing in broader employee skill-building programs will lead to improved job satisfaction and thus increase employee retention. The current 70% completion rate for the training program signifies a disconnect in training effectiveness. Proper and uniform training of all employees within the organization will be ensured, and the same can be done to ensure they have the required knowledge and skills to satisfy the company standards (Awang & Yusuf, 2020). It will result in operational efficiency improvement and customer satisfaction in the future.

To enhance the effectiveness of the training programs, Texas Delights can consider the following strategies: To enhance the effectiveness of the training programs, Texas Delights can consider the following strategies:

Develop a structured training curriculum: Construct a hands-on training curriculum that comprises all aspects of kitchen preparations, service areas, and safety measures. It must ensure the combination of theoretical and practical training where students may practice with criticism and guidance (Awang & Yusuf, 2020).

Implement a mentorship program: Assign new staff to teams with the most experienced staff as mentors and advisors as they go through the training process. Here, new hires will, in a timely fashion, obtain all the necessary skills and adapt to the company’s standards.

Utilize technology for training: Introduce e-learning modules and digital learning avenues to deepen the training experience. This approach will let the employees learn what they want and when they want, and also training materials will be available to them 24 hours a day, making the training program more effective and convenient (Awang & Yusuf, 2020).

Implementing the suggestions above, Texas Delights can continuously develop employee skills, job satisfaction, and production. Hence, this will pave the way to standardization and operational efficiency, yielding higher customer satisfaction that, in turn, results in brand loyalty.

Ethical Considerations

In order to achieve greater effectiveness, stricter time limits for food preparation may sometimes be considered, but at the same time, there is a need to contemplate the possible implications on the employees’ well-being. Excessive pressure that brings stress and burnout will also reduce job fulfillment, increase employee turnover rate, and lead to poor food quality. To deal with this ethical issue, Texas Delights should carry out periodic checks to determine the workload of their workers as well as their stress levels (Umezurike, 2021). Adopting measures like bookable appointments, regular breaks, and care programs for the employees can help in reducing burnout and managing a healthy workplace.

One other ethical question to look into from this perspective is the effect of standardization on the local suppliers. The lambs are then butchered and packaged into convenient sizes for consumers. Texas Delights uses local ingredients, with standardization potentially posing a threat to its ability to provide unique products. To address this, Texas Delights is going to work in close connection with suppliers to understand their needs better and find the balance between standardized services and local businesses’ support (Umezurike, 2021). That could go as far as providing an array of menu items that are not only distinctly local but remain part of the core standardized menu sets.


In order to achieve their goals of standardization and operational efficiency, HR should conduct a comprehensive workforce analysis and invest more resources in employee training programs that are more detailed and effective. By recognizing the particular training needs and giving adequate training, employees can enhance their performance, adherence to standards, and overall operational efficiency. It is equally important to consider Ethical Dimensions such as employee well-being and the impact on local suppliers when putting these strategies into practice. Applying the suggestions mentioned above will ensure that the company always maintains its reputation as a provider of quality and consistency while also adapting to the changing consumer preferences and remaining in business in Central Texas for the long term.


Awang, N. N., & Yusuf, D. H. M. (2020). Rewards, Training and Development, Promotion Opportunities and Job Satisfaction of Fast Food Industry Employees.

Brown, T. (2023). Reducing Employee Turnover in the Fast-Food Industry Through Leadership Strategies.

Stallworth, H. J. (2020). Leadership strategies for improving employee retention in the fast food industry.

Umezurike, P. C. (2021). Employee retention strategies in the fast food industry.


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