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A3: Team Performance Evaluation


In this report, the main goal is to further elaborate on preliminary tests organised in the MGT600/MGMT6009 class for our team’s analysis of our performance. The current press will venture into issues that form part and parcel of our teamwork; these are some of the procedures used, some of the challenges faced, and some of the successes obtained. At the end of a given time, we need to analyse our performance critically to find what strengths can be developed and which of our weaknesses can help us become a more efficient team.

This assessment will employ some ideas presented in modules 4, 5, and 6 of those courses. These modules have offered us essential insights into how teams work and interact, how conflicts are resolved, and how project management. Using these principles, one can estimate how much these components influenced the results of our cooperative work.

Our theoretical frameworks and the cases, practices, and specific observations we have learned while working in a team will be analysed. However, a more in-depth analysis of the events we have done will require knowledge of the aspects that contextualised our interpersonal activities and decision-making processes.

This report will be sectionalised into significant areas such as our team’s history, contexts, score report, recommendations, and closing statement. If we apply this systematic process, we want to give some valuable information and practical suggestions, which will move us forward in our relationship and make this course process more effective.


Our team’s structure was thus put together to focus on making the first evaluations of the MGT600/MGMT6009 course established as the means to be the starting two when performed successfully. These appraisals inquired into informed knowledge of management concepts, a processed manner through case examination, and applying the concepts to practical life. Since we worked through the activities, contextual challenges appeared, inescapably, involving managing a variety of perspectives, task coordination between team members, and a vital feature of delivering on the timeline within the given timelines.

The first two scorecards illustrated sophisticated complexity that required team building, team building, and coordination to make appropriate controlling measures. Enhanced course analysis and case study discussions were a great challenge, as knowing the lectures well and connecting theoretical constructs to reality was fundamental. We faced various challenges as a team, including interpretation-approach dilemmas and time issues (Calleja & Camilleri, 2021). Despite all these challenges, our team vigorously sought to realise the visions set by the course objectives.

This was extremely challenging and rewarding as different perspectives were to be incorporated. Unique insights and experiences included among members provided the basis for exciting debates on advanced methods of solving complex issues. However, we must deal with differences using proper communication and conflict resolution mechanisms to ensure our work is integrated. Furthermore, task coordination and timely completion were highlighted as impacting or increasing productivity (Dixit, 2021). Varied logistic characteristics that were synchronous collaboration, different timetables, and fluctuating schedules of the participants required the presence of a planned strategy and coordination. Every team member must understand their roles and responsibilities to contribute to productivity and accountability in the assessment process.

In conclusion, the team started conducting the first assessments with a unified belief in quality and a willingness to work with each other to overcome obstacles. Although the road was not free of challenges, our teamwork, focus, and determination allowed us to surpass the odds and deliver results that captured our spirit of academic standards and proficiency. In the future, reminiscing on our memories and pinpointing areas we could improve upon will play a key role in enhancing our team’s performance and help us achieve better results with other projects.

Main Discussion:

As we evaluated our team’s ability to perform the initial assessments, we used a detailed analysis based on the key concepts from Modules 4, 5, and 6. These ideas contributed to our understanding of the processes within the context of our collaboration and the tactics used to attain our goals. In this section, we identify our strengths, weak points, and areas of improvement.


In the forming stage of group development, our team performed well by setting specific objectives and defining roles and responsibilities (Navbakhor, 2020). This convergence on shared objectives helped create a sense of purpose and unity and laid a strong foundation for our cooperative strike. By relying on the Merrill-Reid model and the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument, we identified and accepted the existence of different communication styles and conflict resolution methods within the team. This flexibility made engaging in open-ended negotiations, specifying feedback, resolving conflicts as they emerged, and so on easier.

Using the project management principles based on Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, we organised the tasks, set milestones, and met the deadlines efficiently (Ziataki, 2023). Through this shared vision and empowering team members, we developed a sense of ownership and responsibility that propelled us forward.


One of the major issues we faced was the coordination of schedules and the fair workload distribution among team members. Varying availabilities and conflicting undertakings could occasionally result in difficulties in organising meetings and allocating tasks, such that meetings could be organised at a slower pace, and some resources must be utilised appropriately.

While we try our best to accept the diversity of views, conflict management and reconciliation of conflicting perspectives became areas for improvement. Different opinions on handling the tasks and levels of assertiveness sometimes created friction within the team, so the team had to take the initiative and find a compromise (Mills & Mene, 2020).

One of the challenges during the assessment process was establishing sustained participation and active contribution from all team members. Some members actively participated and provided meaningful contributions, while others showed different levels of involvement, resulting in inconsistent workload distribution and productivity rates.

Recommendations for Improvement:

Establish a formal ICT plan with the contact details, avenues, preferred channels of communication, time, and the approach to addressing the significant issues likely to affect the smoothness of the teamwork (Neves de Souza et al., 2023).

Facilitate Conflict Resolution Workshops:

Offer conflict resolution training through workshops to boost the team members’ capacity to deal with conflicts and adopt constructive dialogue and problem-solving strategies while dealing with conflict and opposing views (Rahim, 2023). Clearly define team involvement, contribution, and responsibility required; discuss the importance of balanced equity in workloads, dedicated engagement in mutual objectives reaching, etc.

Recommendations/Action Plan:

Greater attention should be paid to developing means of communication to enhance our team’s performance in future assignments (Caligiuri et al., 2020). As such, team meetings should be held regularly using video conferencing applications. The sessions will involve participatory interaction with the team members for real-time communication and collaboration. Besides, collaborative tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams should be incorporated. These platforms will be central libraries for updates, resource sharing, and project documents, thus leading to shared understanding.

In addition, an environment of frank exchanges and active participation is vital (Tobin et al., 2022). Correspondingly, we will lay down communication standards to which the team will adhere. Differing views will be welcomed, and everyone’s contribution will be appreciated. The mission is to enable an environment where each team member can bring their strengths to make the project independent of thought.

Besides communication, making clear contributions and duties within the group is critical. Here, we recommend introducing specific roles and responsibilities for each member based on the knowledge and skills of that individual. This will eliminate confusion, seeing that every task is assigned correctly. Setting accountability measures such as task lead identification and defining due dates will also be a massive priority for the continuation of the project and comprehension of standards.

Understanding and coordinative capacity are the basis of the team’s success (Yildiz et al., 2021). As such, we are committed to creating a culture of teams that encourages openness and respect for others. Promoting positive feedback and brainstorming sessions will significantly contribute to producing creative ideas and solutions. In this instance, we will help the employees organise teambuilding activities and virtual social events that promote closer relationships and superior teamwork integration.

We suggest implementing project management tools and practices to smooth the project work process and distribute resources effectively. Provided we resort to software solutions like Trello, Asana, and, we can track progress, control tasks, and find hotspots on the go. Complicated actions should be divided into separate, easily realisable subtasks with specific deadlines to ensure accountability and transparency.

Finally, team members need to be supported and trained to the point that helps them to succeed while rendering services. We want to hold training sessions and seminars on communication, conflict resolution, and project management strategies. Assisting by our training, we prove our attempt to obtain the skills and knowledge needed to improve the team’s members’ professional development and efficiency.


Lastly, the first two MGT600/MGMT6009 course self-assessments were reviewed, and strengths and weaknesses were identified. While we have shown proficiency in some areas, our synergy and output can be examined. Under this, we will promote the use of the approaches for advancing the levels of communication, role clarity, and project management research discussed in this study. With such undertakings, we intend to improve our team’s performance and produce exceptional results in subsequent assignments and projects. In the long run, with our dedication to task amendments and learning from our errors, we will get through the challenges and finally reach our targets as a team.


Caligiuri, P., De Cieri, H., Minbaeva, D., Verbeke, A., & Zimmermann, A. (2020). International HRM insights for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for future research and practice. Journal of International Business Studies51, 697-713.

Calleja, J., & Camilleri, P. (2021). Teachers’ learning in extraordinary times: shifting to a digitally facilitated approach to lesson study. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies10(2), 118-137.

Dixit, S. (2021). Impact of management practices on construction productivity in Indian construction projects: An empirical study. Organisation, technology & management in construction: an international journal13(1), 2383–2390.

Mills, B. R., & Mene, C. T. (2020). Conflict and Its Management in an Organisation: A Theoretical Review. Int. J. Sci. Res. Publ10, 540-545.

Navbakhor, K. (2020). Music lessons’ role in forming national and intercultural competence in students. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 130-139.

Neves de Souza, A., Ferreira da Silva, S. T., Baptista dos Santos França, J., Fonseca da Silva Dias, A., Oliveira, J., & Vivacqua, A. S. (2023). Communication channels and their challenges: An analysis of software development teams during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction7(GROUP), 1-26.

Rahim, M. A. (2023). Managing conflict in organisations. Taylor & Francis.

Tobin, M., Hajna, S., Orychock, K., Ross, N., DeVries, M., Villeneuve, P. J., … & Fuller, D. (2022). Rethinking walkability and developing a conceptual definition of active living environments to guide research and practice. BMC Public Health22(1), 450.

Yildiz, H. E., Murtic, A., Klofsten, M., Zander, U., & Richtner, A. (2021). Individual and contextual determinants of innovation performance: A micro-foundations perspective. Technovation99, 102130.

Ziataki, E. (2023). Navigating change: lessons learned from implementing a change management plan to improve team performance.


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