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International Management: Communication Across Cultures

Case Italy’s D & G in China

Reasons for D&G Backclash in China

Dolce & Gabbana faced backlash from Chinese consumers due to several important factors. Firstly, many people thought the “Eating with Chopsticks” campaign was culturally insensitive. Chinese culture was deemed to be mocked and disrespected by the campaign’s depiction of Chinese women having difficulty using chopsticks and mispronouncing Chinese words. The campaign further exacerbated the offence felt by customers by displaying a need for more understanding of Chinese cultural quirks and customs. The fire was fueled by Stefano Gabbana’s insensitive remarks about Chinese citizens, which were interpreted as offensive and disparaging (Aguada, 2023). Furthermore, the situation could have been better by Dolce & Gabbana’s initial inability to quickly address the complaints made by customers on social media, which damaged the brand’s credibility and trust among Chinese consumers. These elements ignited a broad backlash against the Chinese fashion house, severely harming its market presence and reputation.

Forgiving D&G

For several reasons, Chinese consumers should be willing to overlook Dolce & Gabbana’s cultural misinterpretation. To begin with, forgiveness creates a favourable atmosphere for productive communication and comprehension by encouraging healing and reconciliation. Chinese consumers can help close cultural divides and foster respect for other cultures by being forgiving. Forgiveness can also encourage constructive change at Dolce & Gabbana and in the more significant fashion sector. Chinese customers can push the fashion house to prioritise diversity and cultural sensitivity in their upcoming projects by forgiving one another. For the benefit of Chinese customers and the international community, this may result in a more inclusive and respectful representation of Chinese culture in fashion.

Moreover, compassion and harmony are traditional Chinese values consistent with forgiveness. Even in the face of hardship, Chinese consumers who embrace forgiveness can uphold these values and show empathy for others (Kinser, 2020). Ultimately, accepting responsibility for past transgressions and making a favourable decision to move on is more indicative of forgiveness than condoning them. Chinese customers can indicate that they are willing to give Dolce & Gabbana another chance to learn from its mistakes and move forward by forgiving the company, which will help build a more positive relationship.

Ensuring Advertising Content Does not Antagonize Local Consumers

Multinational corporations should follow a few crucial advertising guidelines to prevent offending local customers. In order to give their marketing teams and advertising agencies a more nuanced understanding of the cultural taboos and sensitivities in target markets, they should first prioritise cultural sensitivity training (Francisco Cantón, 2023). This guarantees that campaigns honor regional traditions and customs. Additionally, by working with regional specialists and thoroughly pre-testing advertising content, businesses can reduce the risk of offence by gauging consumer reaction and spotting possible blunders before launch. It is critical to avoid stereotypes and offensive imagery in favour of culturally relevant messaging that emphasizes the advantages of the brand. Including various viewpoints and cultural insights into creative teams enhances the development process even more.

Risk of Using Humor When Advertising Across Borders

When humour is used in international advertising, its potential for offence and misinterpretation must be carefully considered. Businesses should conduct in-depth research on the target audiences’ preferred humour and prioritize cross-culturally inclusive humour. Humour can be tested with local audiences to see how well received it is and to make necessary content adaptations to ensure positive resonance.

Considerations when Advertising in the Chinese Luxury Market

Companies should prioritize cultural sensitivity when advertising in the Chinese luxury market, ensuring that the language, aesthetics, and content are all appropriate for Chinese culture. Achieving success in interacting with Chinese consumers also requires establishing credibility and trust, interacting with local influencers, and following regulations. Multinational corporations can successfully navigate the complexities of the Chinese luxury market and establish meaningful connections with consumers by prioritizing cultural sensitivity and using a nuanced approach.

Current Events Article: “Communicating Across Cultures”

Good cross-cultural communication is essential in the increasingly globalized world. If not adequately understood and navigated, cultural differences can significantly impact communication styles and thought processes, which can result in misunderstandings and conflicts. To promote understanding among people and prevent communication breakdowns, it is crucial to comprehend the distinctive viewpoints of various cultures. Examining the distinctions between analytical thinking—which is more common in Western societies—and holistic thinking—which is more common in Eastern societies—highlights the significance of taking a variety of viewpoints into account when communicating (Gill, 2017). While holistic thinkers emphasize interconnectedness and place events within a larger context, analytical thinkers concentrate on particular details and causes. People can close understanding gaps and promote fruitful conversation by acknowledging and embracing these differences.

Moreover, the differentiation between communication cultures with high and low context emphasizes the significance of contextual cues and interpersonal relationships in meaning transmission. People in low-context cultures place more value on explicit language and specific information, while members of high-context cultures rely more on implicit clues and shared knowledge (Abdelhady & Alkinj, 2023). People are able to respectfully and successfully communicate across cultural boundaries when they are aware of these cultural quirks.

In conclusion, effective cross-cultural communication requires valuing cultural diversity and taking into account various points of view. Through acknowledging and honoring cultural variances in thought processes, modes of communication, and social conventions, people can foster mutual understanding and harmonious cross-cultural relationships. In our increasingly globalized world, effective cross-cultural communication not only strengthens personal bonds but also promotes cooperation and respect for one another.


Aguada, L. (2023, May 16). High cost of racism in high fashion: A case study on dolce and Gabbana’s cultural appropriation – about resilience. About Resilience -.,a%20popular%20Chinese%20microblogging%20site.

Abdelhady, S., & Alkinj, M. (2023). A pragmatic analysis of ostensible lies in high-context cultures. Cogent Arts & Humanities10(1), 2241275. b

Francisco Cantón, P. (2023). Cross-cultural marketing of beauty products in countries with cultural and religious differences.

Kinser, J. R. (2020). Factors Impacting Relational Reconciliation in a Mainland China Faith-Based Context: A Qualitative Study (Doctoral dissertation, Biola University).

Gill, C. (2017, April 21). Intercultural Communication and considering a different perspective. OUPblog.


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