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Analyzing Wipro Limited’s Organizational Behavior and Leadership

Part I


Organizational behavior (OB) studies people’s interactions and behavior within the workplace. The OB emphasizes fundamental aspects of leadership, employee motivations, decision-making, and cultural diversity needed to promote effectiveness in the workstation. Ultimately this research will analyze the organizational behavior of Wipro Limited concerning its corporate model, leadership styles, and Culture.

The Attributes, Strengths, and Weaknesses of the Company

Wipro is an innovative business company offering its global clients technology and business solution services. In this context, an organization is defined as a corporation and arrangement of people whose purpose is to accomplish a specific objective. Wipro has a robust global presence, which serves customers across various industries worldwide, a diversified portfolio that offers a wide range of services, and finally, Strong customer Relationships. These strengths give the entity a competitive advantage over other enterprises. However, the global market’s economic regulations and competition hinders merchant performance and expansions.

Part II: Organizational Models

Current Behavioral Organizational Model

The current organizational model embraced by Wipro is a hierarchical structure where decisions and authority flow through various levels of command or management. Specifically, it encompasses a top-down chain of command, which is formal, and managers have little stake in control of the company (Gardner et al., 2021). Most importantly, a hierarchical structure encourages resource sharing and collaboration, enabling the company to leverage diverse expertise more effectively.

Comparison of company BOM models with Other Industry

In comparison, as an IT production industry, Wipro Logistics applies similar methodologies as its competitors, such as Tata Consultancy Service (TCS). Based on the nature and type of business, both organizations are associated with organizational techniques that provide IT solutions to their users. Conversely, their different needs may impact their organization’s operations, shifting their applications. For instance, the current trends in geographical expansion and pressing market goals have empowered Wipro to emphasize a structure that favors effective resource sharing within the organization.

Differences Experienced in Organizational Models

Organizational models vary depending on the specific requirements and nature of the company. As a result, the variation of Wipro’s structure and other similar companies, such as TCS, may be attributed to business nature, needs, and market changes. For instance, globalization has brought benefits and challenges in a business environment. Increased competition for customers has forced companies to change their scope for survivability.

Impact of Culture on Current Organizational Models

The Culture developed within the company is subjective in helping the organization to attain its future visions and missions. In this case, Wipro Technologies has experienced an improvement in cultural trends. These trends can be aligned with the company’s effort to provide growing business solutions and the need for a more extensive customer base. In the past decades, Wipro models were only flexible with market dynamics. Today, competition has increased, and businesses must be agile and innovative enough to perform locally and internationally.

Change in Motivation Models within Wipro

Notably, Wipro Logistics has witnessed milestone changes in motivational models during its growth. The past motivational strategies incorporated monetary values such as rewards, job promotions, and increased salaries to satisfy employees’ hierarchical needs. Today, Wipro has leveraged motivational metrics that develop employee engagement and career advancement and create a positive work environment.

Part III

Leadership Theory

The case study denotes a change in leadership inside Wipro management. The company initially ventured into a centralized leadership technique where a few top officials made decisions. In other words, management was autocratic and focused on operational excellence. The style has shifted from authoritarian to transformative leadership style. Wipro now emphasizes a democratic and inclusive approach, which encourages team building in decision-making roles.

Characteristics and Decisions of Management in Wipro

Wipro Consultancy Company acquired new development and change due to the following factors. First, the company needed to attain its global presence and reach targeted customers (Negi et al., 2019). These elements required employee engagement and practices that raised company efficiency. As a result, management united to steer up strategies emphasizing workers’ satisfaction to align their roles with company visions. In addition, Wipro intended to navigate emerging global challenges and foster competitiveness. Lastly, the growing customer base had expectations that required models that cultivated collaboration approaches to deliver their needs.

Internal and External Influences on Wipro Leadership

The internal and external elements had a dramatic change in Wipro’s management. Some internal factors included the desire to implement an organizational culture of empowerment, inclusivity, and collaboration, especially in decision-making roles. Another critical internal aspect contributing to the new model was the aspiration to foster innovation in its production process. Nevertheless, the fundamental external aspects of change were rising competition in IT consultancy and market dynamics.

Part IV: Organizational Culture

Wipro Internal Culture and Examples

From analysis, it is evident that Wipro worked tirelessly to mount an internal environment culture where employees can express and communicate their ideas freely without external infringement. Kulkarni et al. (2021) confirmed that a strong emphasis on innovation, customer centricity, teamwork, and employee empowerment characterizes Wipro’s internal Culture. The enterprise aspires to become a global giant by establishing an inclusive cultural climate. The examples of inner Culture can be demonstrated in this case study when Wipro invested in various pillars of behavior; respect, trust, integrity, stewardship, responsiveness, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.


Conclusively, Wipro Limited, with its global reach, diversified portfolio, and strong customer relationship, has situated itself as a leading consultancy industry globally. The organization’s current behavioral model combines elements of a hierarchical organization. The leadership style changed from autocratic to transformative, more participative, and democratic—besides, innovative and collaborative internal Culture shape employee behavior, contributing to the organization’s success.


Gardner, W. L., Karam, E. P., Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2021). Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against. The Leadership Quarterly32(6), 101495.

Kulkarni, S., Qumer, S. M., & Ikrama, S. (2021). Can Thierry Delaporte Revive Wipro?. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior20(4).

Negi, P. S., Dangwal, R. C., & Tomar, Y. (2019). Sustainability-oriented Organizational Culture in the Indian Service-Sector. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal19(1).


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