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Endeavor Air in Depth Study


Endeavor Air is a subsidiary airline of Delta Air Lines. However, it is wholly owned. It is a regional airline that is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Endeavor Air was originally Express Airline when it was founded in 1985. Since then, throughout the years, the company has undergone several changes and has also engaged in mergers. For instance, the company has made nine investment projects and 11 acquisitions since its founding. In 2021, three companies were acquired: Mailman, located in Victoria, Canada, Qcue, located in Austin in the United States, and OpenBet, situated in London in the United Kingdom. Generally, Endeavor Air has spent more than $6.66B for acquisition (Tracxn). In 2012, Delta airlines acquired the company and renamed it Endeavor Air. The company has hub operations in various areas, including New York City, Cincinnati, and Atlanta. It operates more than 200 flights daily to over 80 destinations in North America.

Current Challenges

Like other airlines, Endeavor has faced many challenges resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. After the pandemic’s start, most countries imposed some restrictions, which involved quarantines, wearing of face masks, fewer movements, and even banning most travel. For this reason, the Airline had to suspend all its flights temporarily. As a result, the company experienced reduced revenues. Since most people were not travelling, Endeavor did not make enough money to cover all its expenses. In addition, the workload had reduced. However, employees were still expecting salaries. This also became a challenge. The company had to terminate most employment contracts to reduce the number of employees working there. Besides the pandemic, Endeavor faced other challenges, such as labour shortages and rising fuel costs. The increased cost of fuel reduced their profit margins. Increased costs increase operational costs, and when the selling prices remain the same, the profit margin reduces, reducing revenues. In this case, the company faced the threat of operating at a cost rather than a profit since charging more for travelling tickets would be risky due to competition. In terms of labour shortages, emerging from the pandemic was challenging due to labour shortages, since the company had fired many employees.

Current and Future Opportunities

After the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were out of place, the demand for airlines increased. For this reason, Delta airlines announced its plan to hire more than 1,000 pilots. Since Delta is a parent company of Endeavor, this announcement would also be a good opportunity for the subsidiary company. Many airline companies were at the peak of going bankrupt during the pandemic. Therefore, most of them may not be able to recruit employees to fill positions for previous employees after the termination of employment contracts. Hence, they may not operate well due to a lack of human resources. Hiring many employees would also increase the demand for Endeavor, which gives the company hope for increased revenues to facilitate all its operations smoothly. Regarding future opportunities, the company will expand its fleet of Bombardier CRJ-900 aircraft in the coming years. This plan is an excellent opportunity for the company to attract more potential customers and increase its revenues.

The Company Culture

The company’s culture focuses more on safety, reliability, and teamwork. In terms of safety, Endeavor thrives on ensuring that all its customers are safe by providing high-quality services and implementing practices and regulations that ensure that they have safe travels. In addition, the company also ensures a safe and healthy working environment for its employees. A safe working environment encourages employee engagement and commitment to their work, hence facilitating improvement in the company’s general performance (Endeavor Air, 2021). Regarding reliability, Endeavor has developed a schedule and organized many flights to meet the travel demand. As mentioned, the company operates more than 200 flights daily to over 80 destinations. Therefore, it is reliable for customers to provide services when in demand. Moreover, the company creates an inclusive and diverse cultureEndeavor Air, n.d). For instance, the company plans to increase the number of women and men of colour working there. It means that the company does not practice or encourage any discrimination. This creates a sense of teamwork among the employees.

The Current Hiring Situation

Since the pandemic, the company has been striving to employ new staff to help meet the increased travel demand. Therefore, the company has to hire pilots and other staff (Endeavor Air, 2021). Generally, the company offers very competitive benefits packages and salaries. With the increased demand for human resources across all airlines, the company has to provide the best competitive offers to potential employees to attract them to work in the company, including salaries and benefits packages. Moreover, the company aims to hire top talent to ensure competence and high-quality performance. Therefore, an effective recurring process has been developed to select qualified individuals to work in the company. Since the pandemic reduced the company’s revenues, it focuses on ensuring that employees provide quality services to improve general performance, increasing revenues to cover expenses. Endeavour also has a good reputation for being a good employer. This reputation attracts individuals to apply for jobs in the company. Thus, the company has access to a wide range of skills. Hence, it increases its chances of hiring top talent in the company.

The Requirements for the Position of First Officer

Generally, the first officer is an individual who is second in command after the captain in aviation. Qualifications for this position to work in Endeavor Airlines include a GED certificate or a high school diploma and a commercial pilot license. A commercial pilot has first to learn the basics that one needs to know to fly. Getting a license gives them an opportunity to seek employment for compensation, which means that they get permission as approval that they can handle complex flying situations of a plane. Further, such as candidate must have a little experience as a commercial pilot.

Furthermore, a valid FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) certificate is also essential. This certificate provides employers (airline companies) that a candidate can meet all set FAA safety regulations and expectations. Thus, it gives them confidence that a particular pilot can ensure the public’s safety (travellers and co-workers). Other qualifications include medical requirements, age, and commitment to customer service and public safety. Regarding medical requirements, a pilot should be perfectly healthy since flying planes can be risky. In any situation, they should be able to make the right decision regarding the safety of the passengers.

Reasons to work for Endeavor Air:

Endeavor Air offers excellent working opportunities for those who are interested. When advertising for job opportunities, the company offers potential candidates with favourable terms and conditions, which are enticing. For instance, the company’s salary and benefits packages are encouraging and attractive. In addition, Endeavor creates a supportive and conducive environment for work. Such an environment is attractive for various reasons. They include; it facilitating learning and career development, and increasing morale, commitment, and engagement, which increases employee satisfaction. Therefore, it makes the company attractive to work in, learn more, and gain incredible experiences while developing a promising career.

Additionally, the company takes good care of its employees. For instance, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the company paid for testing programs and vaccination to ensure their safety and well-being. Even after most of them went home for quarantine or to be with their families during the challenging period, the company often reached out to determine how they were fairing with the pandemic (Endeavor Air, 2021). Most employees confessed that working in the company creates a feeling of family since they feel cared for and well-protected.


Endeavor Air. (2021, July 31). Endeavor Air emerges from the pandemic ‘resilient and ready’. Aero Crew News. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Endeavor Air. (n.d.). Navigate your career. Careers | Endeavor Air. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Tracxn. (n.d.). Acquisitions by Endeavor. Tracxn. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from

Endeavor Air website:

“Endeavor Air Announces Plans to Expand Operations in 2021 and Beyond”:

“Endeavor Air Hiring Pilots”:


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