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Essay on Organizational Behavior


This research paper ponders on applying theory Y in health care to minimize medical errors and maintain patient safety. Organization Behavior is the main discipline incorporated to enhance the studying behavior of various employees at various levels. Various studies align with the application of Theory Y in the organization. Most managers use the theory to enhance satisfaction. Organizations differ through the individual, group, and organizational levels. Like other entities, healthcare sectors need more leadership, hierarchy, group dynamics, workforce inadequacy, and team-building support. The paper explored the existing literature on the management styles in organizations that can be applied in the health sector. The researchers in such literature studied various management forms; only the application of Theory Y alone needed to be addressed at that time. Utilizing Theory Y in the workplace proposes and justifies an organization’s management model that successfully manages the employees in the healthcare context. The organizations operate in a dynamic environment that changes often. The type of management style determines the performance of the organization—good management help in reducing medical errors committed in the healthcare workplace. Assumptions based on Theory Y in management are outlined to get insight into how the management approach is applied in the healthcare sector. The theory is associated with advantages and disadvantages, which are discovered for more information on applying the theory.

Keyword; Organizational Behavior


Organization Behavior (OB) can be defined as the applied behavioral science that incorporates sociological, anthropological, and psychological concepts. OB helps further insight into what activities improve job satisfaction and productivity in the organization. The Healthcare sector is among the organizations which have embraced Organizational behavior in its setting. It has been discovered that organizational behavior plays a vital role in healthcare settings by enhancing the safety of patients, ethical behavior by healthcare professionals, improving the approaches to patient care, and introducing changes to enhance patient satisfaction. The widening employee job scope increases the variety and the opportunities to satisfy the needs. Also, the participative management principle is important. Managers consult employees in making decisions, thus enhancing the capacity for creativity and providing them with regulation over the work environment (Borkowski & Meese, (2020). Performance appraisal as a principle can be applied to enhance motivation. Employees set objectives, thus improving self-evaluation via engagement and dedication. Most managers use the theory to enhance satisfaction. Organizations differ through the individual, group, and organizational levels. Like other entities, healthcare sectors face numerous leadership, hierarchy, group dynamics, workforce inadequacy, and team-building setbacks. Healthcare sectors have to be flexible to changes to meet diversity. Healthcare organizations adhere to a hierarchical structure and changing levels of authority which can lead to communication problems. Thus organizational behavior comes in to conceal positive and organizational behavior management techniques. The managers thus will apply Theory Y to enhance healthcare operations.

Review and Application of Theory Y.

Researchers have taken several studies to examine feedback schedules to determine the best-supported maintenance of healthcare routines, positioning, feeding, and transferring physical challenges. All the schedules efficiently added and maintained the targeted behaviors; however, scheduled feedback by producing a more immediate behavior change. Another showed how organizational behavior techniques like goal setting, training, and feedback increased compliance with procedures to reduce the likelihood of accidental exposure to pathogens (Prottas & Nummelin, 2018). Setting goals with individual reviews of the behavior based on feedback increased the use of behavioral feedback by the nurses to promote infection control exercises. Utilizing Theory Y in the workplace proposes and justifies an organization’s management model that successfully manages the employees in the healthcare context. The organizations operate in a dynamic environment that changes often. The type of management style determines the performance of the organization. Good management help in reducing medical errors committed in the healthcare workplace

McGregory conceptualizes different management theories for understanding workers at various levels. He discovered theory Y of management based on the positive assumptions regarding the typical employee. In this theory, managers accept that workers are personally motivated, love work, and toil to develop themselves rather than getting undeviating rewards. Theory y is one of the best theories many managers apply in their management. The needs in the highest hierarchy of need esteem and self-actualization are normally satisfied via the application of Theory Y. Managers that apply theory Y perceive employees as their assets to the organization, thus lashing the inner operations of the corporations (McGregory, 1960). Typically, employees tend to undertake complete responsibility for their job. Thus, they can provide quality products without tight supervision. Nevertheless, before a worker undertakes their tasks, they must get approval from the managers. Thus this ensures that the job is efficient, productive, and aligned with organizational standards.

Theory Y managers incline towards connecting to an employee on a more individual level. As a result of theory, Y managers are likely to have a better rapport with their employees, thus creating a conducive environment at work (Prottas & Nummelin, 2018). Therefore, theory Y integrates Pseudo-democratic conditions into the workplace. The favorable environment enables the employees to construct and design their work promptly according to their job and ventures. Theory Y comprehends creativity and discussion, thus enhancing teamwork. The managers who select Theory Y have a democratic management style, encouraging employee participation. Their thoughts and goals are valued in the management.

With assumptions of Theory Y, an opportunity is offered to align individual goals with the organization’s goals by using the motivating factor workers need to fulfill. Theory Y holds that the institution can use several principles to improve employee motivation in a health organization. Firstly, decentralization and delegation are principles applicable to this theory. When an organization decentralizes controls and reduces management levels, the managers have more subordinates, thus delegating responsibility and making decisions. Another applicable principle is Job enlargement. The widening employee job scope increases the variety and opportunities to satisfy the needs. Also, the participative management principle is important. Managers consult employees in making decisions, thus enhancing the capacity for creativity and providing them with regulation over the work environment. Performance appraisal as a principle can be applied to enhance motivation. Employees set objectives, thus improving self-evaluation via engagement and dedication.

Pros of application of Theory Y 

Theory Y’s application by management in any organization is associated with various benefits to the organization and its employees. One of the advantages is innovation among the workers. Theory y enables management to create participation of the employees, which later enables the workers to be very creative and innovative. In healthcare organizations, the worker’s cab exercises a high level of imagination and brings ideas on performing their duties efficiently, thus increasing productivity. Another advantage is love for work which is the source of employee satisfaction. Therefore the workers are prepared to perform everything to ensure they prosper in their respective departments (McGregor, 1957). In addition, a sense of ownership is observed in healthcare institution that embraces theory y in management. The employees feel a high sense of ownership in the organization since they can make company decisions. Workers feel a sense of ownership as the managers have full trust by delegating the decision-making responsibility.

Furthermore, Participative management is created using theory Y. This type of management enables the managers to motivate their workers by providing value to the employees’ input and allowing them to participate in making decisions. Additionally, Better customer services are offered. In the healthcare sector, medical errors are likely to reduce, and patients’ safety increases since the employees feel motivated and handle their duties without enforcement (McGregor, 1957). The clients get immediate responses to any problems. Another advantage of Theory Y is that managers focus on the core business strategy. As the management requires less supervision, the managers can focus on healthcare’s main strategic goal, patient safety, while reducing medical errors because they can delegate other duties to their workers. Moreover, Employees exercise self-control and self-direction. Theory Y is optimistic; thus, the employees are dedicated to the organization’s objectives. Also, Theory Y enhances productivity. This theory provides a favorable working environment, motivates, and offers goals and directions, which increase the performance and productivity of the organization.

Cons of applying Theory Y

Like other theories, Theory Y has disadvantages when applied in the organization. one of the disadvantages is over-generalization. This management style tends to overgeneralize workers as one way all employees cannot be the same. Moreover, Theory Y encourages laziness in the administration. The managers delegate responsibilities to their employees and relax in their offices doing nothing. Also, more time management skills (McGregor, 1957). Some workers require time management skills that give them the autonomy to do their work.

Additionally, there are restrictions whereby those who follow the theory must act in a directive way. Another drawback of Theory Y is that it invests more in empowerment. For instance, remuneration and favorable working situations alone cannot inspire employees and enable them to prosper (McGregory, 1960). The organization has to devote itself to motivation and enablement programs. Also, assuming employees’ self-motivation is a great challenge for some employees. Some workers may need to be more self-motivated and hence may require motivation and empowerment from the managers to utilize their abilities and capacity.

Despite the shortcomings of theory Y, the theory has repeatedly been used in several studies to help understand the organization in selecting management styles for good performance. For instance, a study on theory X/Y and democratic decision-making intended to explore whether McGregor’s Theory X/Y conventions are the basis of the manager’s tendency for democratic decision-making. The outcomes discovered that Theory Y managers recognize the positive consequences of worker involvement on the superintendent and organizational effectiveness. Hence, researchers suggested that managers’ susceptibility to democratic decision-making anticipated great points by their theory Y assumptions.

In research by Ravenelle (2019), the researchers aimed to study and find out the evidence if the leadership and management style of the small and medium institutions concerning Theory X and Theory Y has an affirmative effect on Administrative concert. The outcomes from the research discovered vital indications only courtesy of the directors who conveyed a rise in the previous five year’s revenue applied Theory Y conduct than Theory X comportment personalities. Although other recital regions were not empirically reinforced.

A study by Graham (2022) identified Self-efficacy as the major social cognitive theory, which means personal confidence that one can accomplish a task without being forced. Bandura (1986) restricted self-efficacy as a person’s view of the capability to arrange and implement activities needed for chosen concerts. He claimed that the self-efficacy philosophy is built on the standard that cognitive proceedings are prompted and changed by the know-how of operative performance. The researcher also claimed that self-efficacy played a substantial role in the performance of human beings as it affects factors like goals and aspirations. Self-efficacy is viewed as personal confidence in attaining tasks and effort. The study concluded that self-efficacy expectations determine workers’ managing behavior, expending effort, and the time the effort would be unrelenting during perplexing activities (Graham, 2022). Because persons are different natural dispositions, it is simple to conclude that individuals largely have diverse ranks of self-efficacy. Given the ongoing literature on theory Y administration styles and self-efficacy, a case can be formulated for the value of relationships among the employees and the organization. Thus, a need to uninterruptedly study Theory Y and its importance in the health sector. Therefore, the imperative in the current study contributes to understanding this theory. Thus, the following studies have been observed to lay the foundation of the present study.

Research conducted by Fiman (1973) studied the effect of the managers’ assumption on theory X/Y over effective results. He verified the connection between the orientation of theory Y to Managers and workers’ gratification. The accomplices of the samples of 200 employees randomly from 20 diverse team groups of women workers in bookkeeping and accounting departments and the corporate headquarters in an organization in Newyork. The researcher found that the managers who utilized theory Y exhibited high satisfaction in the targeted dimensions. Also, results revealed that supervisors who applied a great degree of theory Y were more operative than juniors who displayed a high degree of theory Y conduct.

Also, a study by Bellou (2011) on leadership preference and gender differences among workers aimed to explore the workers’ perception of the desired managers grounded on the sex dissimilarities of staff. The test entailed 2008 workers in the Greek communal sector with an aging array amid 18 to 64 years. The results showed that ladies and gentlemen perceive the preferred exemplary leader behavior differently. Specifically, women staffs are more likely to choose individuals and change-oriented front-runners than men. Although, the outcomes did not verify that men workers are inclined to devise leaders with task-oriented management styles. Moreover, Hattangandi (2015) declared that theory X executives’ administration style is task-oriented, while executives with theory Y administration are attention to self-esteem, confidence, happiness, and employee success. In this concept, a manager with a theory Y managing style is more employee-focused.


Medical errors committed by the staff remain a primary public healthcare issue. Patient safety is the most required aspect of the healthcare organization. Medical errors can be categorized into 14 events. For instance, technical errors, diagnosis errors, drug use, complications in surgery, and delayed treatment, among others. These errors may be intentional or unintentionally committed by the staff. Medical mistakes caused by latent errors like delays in treatment are addressed by system change (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). However, additional improvement remains after quality gains from the system are realized. The system’s main component to reduce errors is using informed staff with knowledge and technology. Understanding the organizational structure, behavior, and choice management style in the health sectors are the main factors that will reduce the medical errors committed by the staff. The healthcare sector is complex and sensitive; therefore, the management must study its employees to ensure they deliver quality services, enhancing patient safety. The system also causes medical errors and changes not embraced by caregivers. Administrators are put in a position where they can be uncomfortable choosing protocol improvement. Consistency is required to improve the healthcare culture; the healthcare workers need to be supportive of autonomy and a feeling of empowerment to change their behaviors that may harm their patients.

Health caregivers are progressively confronted in resource-scarce conditions to offer high-quality patient precautions concerning patient experiences and clinical outcomes. It is widely acknowledged that leadership matters have an important and direct effect on the employees’ performance and attitudes. Managers in health care givers may benefit from Theory Y assumptions and behaviors. Creating a conducive working environment for healthcare providers to minimize medical errors and enhance patients’ safety (Tien, 2019). Theory Y can guide managers to understand how their mindset influences authenticity via self-fulfilling prophecy.


The research paper indicates that Managers applying theory Y type of management bring positive results in the healthcare sector, thus promoting patients’ safety and minimizing medical errors. Theory Y calls for self-responsibility, self-control, and self-directive. Once the managers involve the healthcare givers in the decision-making, they can give their views based on the healthcare organization’s operations. Medical errors thus will reduce. The well-being of good institution functioning depends greatly on the way management conducts itself. The managers should thus be aware of the consequences of their management styles and assist their workers in increasing job satisfaction. Organization Behavior plays a significant role in enhancing a conducive environment. Many organizations have failed because of using the wrong management style since they have yet to take the time to learn about their employees’ behavior (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). Organizations should offer an enabling environment where employees explore their capabilities and enhance their skills for both individuals and the organization. The widening employee job scope increases the variety and the opportunities to satisfy the needs. Also, the participative management principle is important. Managers consult employees in making decisions, thus enhancing the capacity for creativity and providing them with regulation over the work environment. Performance appraisal as a principle can be applied to enhance motivation. Employees set objectives, thus improving self-evaluation via engagement and dedication. Healthcare organizations benefit largely from the employees’ confidence in their capability to perform and their perception of themselves. The challenge of medical errors existing is minimized by managers utilizing theory Y in their management. This type of management enables managers to motivate their workers by providing value to the employees’ input and allowing them to make decisions. Better customer services are offered. Medical errors will likely reduce in the healthcare sector, and patient safety will increase since the employees feel motivated and handle their duties without enforcement. The clients get immediate responses to any problems.


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