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Literature Review: Training


As we continue to live in a business society that is always in transit, the contemporary work environment is involved with transforming an apt human resource that can adjust swiftly and roll back any changes brought by evolution within such industries for consistency. This literature review delves into two crucial aspects: the obstacles to successful training and development initiatives and the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external training programs.

Obstacles to Successful Training and Development Initiatives

Good training and development Programs provide various benefits, such as employee skill development, keeping the business abreast of transformations in a specific industry, and ensuring overall organizational development. Nevertheless, several fundamental barriers to such programs’ success introduce further difficulties that a company like Z might face.

Customization is also a widespread and complex issue that places more emphasis on the specialties of individual employees, such as their skill set, training needs, and past history (Liu et al.2019). However, this does not mean that all individuals cease to become engaged in one-size-fits-all strategies, for there may be other falling gaps in employee-employees’ skills.

The change-related issue was one of the most critical challenges, especially in leadership training and development projects (Day et al., 2021). When the program encourages and mentions the organizational culture, there are higher chances for its success. One of the most persistent barriers opposing a new training program is resistance, particularly if it impedes traditional operations or fails to match professional expectations regarding what should be done correctly.

A significant amount of critical investment will always have to be channeled through time and financial commitment towards redistribution of resources to implement the training programs successfully. Ms. Smith and Gillespie (2023) note that most traditional professional development models employ short-term or one-session workshops. However, low-cost training is often shallow and needs to provide more depth to develop fundamental skills.

According to Liu et al. (2019), technological challenges result from the rapid evolution of technology. Technology presents new training opportunities, but when it comes to using certain technologies, some challenges arise not only for programs in general but also for technologically deficient workers. Issues that may compromise the success of digital platforms as a platform for training initiatives are access, connectivity, and usability (Regmi & Jones, 2020).

The evaluation and feedback mechanisms are essential when it pertains to the importance of leadership training programs, according to Day et al. (2021). Robust accountability measures are absent, making it impossible to judge whether or not the training programs were able to change performance standards and other results that concern all departments working in a company. Thus, continuous feedback is required to perfect and improve training techniques from one time frame to another (Whysall et al., 2019).

The work of Smith and Gillespie (2023) points out this limitation in the form of their proposal about job-embedded professional development, which takes place within an organizational setting. Nevertheless, detached training must establish the link between theory and practice and may need more bridging learning in employees’ workplaces.

Staff Motivation

Motivation is a clear core function of all organizations that defines the kind and quantity of achievements made by an enterprise in terms of efficiency and satisfaction with work performance. Even though numerous research works have been devoted to this dimension about different approaches, literature has provided interesting views regarding several principal dimensions and factors encouraging motivational style.

The level of employee motivation as an academic staff member that Tien studied (2019) directly connects with the level of involvement and degree to which they were driven. They have emphasized creating a happy office setting that will bring excellent employee satisfaction and happiness. This result emphasizes the importance of organizations concentrating on creating motivational work environments that are not just related to monotonous activities but also comprehend how motivation contributes to job satisfaction (Cireș & Negoescu).

One of the most significant additional depth introductions to which we could attribute Alrawahi et al.’s (2016) approach is the two-factor theory as applied within Omani Hospitals’ clinical laboratories. Some aspects of hygiene concern the negative impact that would work on employees, pushing them toward their work, and motivators seek to find a positive effect. These include hygiene or core factors like health and safety, workload, salary motivation, interpersonal actions with co-workers, and leaders’ development. The integrated approach supports the idea that motivation is multifunctional and recommends a one-dimensional strategy focused on addressing sides in which people are unsatisfied around those who make them satisfied.

The study by Mariyadas and Saravanakumar reveals motivating factors in the educational sector in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Exciting work and high pay are critical elements that promote affiliation, emphasizing the skills of resistance embodied in construction motivation. The findings indicate that factors like the promotion of labor-friendly environment development and conflict improvement are necessary to increase the motivation rate among school personnel (Voynarenko et al., 2020).

The underpinning themes of staff motivation are expert growth and recognition. Alrawahi et al. (2020) state that one of the factors affecting job satisfaction among medical laboratory experts in Oman is “recognition,” which refers to one of the motivating incentives that has been shaped and ought not to be overlooked when working with employees and the masterpieces and victories they have posted. This motivation for teaching is supported by Tien (2020), who draws attention to the effects of recognition and developments on students’ involvement.

In their study on reward systems, Mariyadas and Saravanakumar recommend fitting designed rewards such as job enlargement (physical increase for work volume), improved inner staff promotions, or via social incentives. The systems can motivate the employees by providing genuine rewards for their contributions. The literature generally highlights that an efficient reward system includes cash and several factors encompassing professional development and career advancement.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Internal Training

In an attempt to achieve strategic importance, employee development internal training has drawn a lot of attention and interest in establishing the required skills for augmenting their performance basis towards overall organizational efficacy. Many companies can benefit from internal training programs because they provide quality. In another longitudinal study, Flegl et al. (2021) confirmed the positive link between worker training and output performance by investigating it over some time. Correspondingly, the fundamental benefit is the correlation of training programs to organizational development objectives and strategic purposes. The employees’ capabilities are developed through the focused training since, during this phase, they acquire skills that enable them to work according to organizational needs (Rismayadi et al., 2019).

Furthermore, Pramono and Prahiawan (2022) suggest that training effectively develops competence. Organizations should train employees through appropriate programs to increase employee competence, enabling them to arrive at the workplace knowledgeable and ready for work. As a result, this usually has a positive impact on employee productivity.

Ewing et al. (2019) discursively present social media in terms of internal training to discuss how it could be introduced into training as a tool for engaging employees more actively and motivating workers to provide their input. The programs provided within social media environments enhance flexibility because the workforce uses options they habitually interact with. This is why accessibility is essential.

Although numerous benefits accompany in-house training programs, some challenges and demerits should be addressed. Gubzhokov (2022) discusses physical training within police agencies, and it is understood that overtraining has certain constraints. The studies show that excessive training can lead to a drop in performance. In other words, there is a cut-off point beyond which the extra training might be useless and even harmful.

Additionally, Flegl et al. (2022) indicate that minimal training hours can negatively affect results by reducing the effect on performance. This means that it should be desirable to make a specific balance regarding how many trainings are available. Ineffective training only sometimes equips employees with the right skills to help them achieve.

Alternatively, Pramono and Prahiawan (2022) can be seen as a representation of the fact that commitment correlates positively with employee performance, even though training does not significantly impact it. This translates into the fact that training may be ineffective, and institutions should consider other things beyond their roles in ensuring employee loyalty besides their component organizations.

Advantages And Disadvantages of External Training

The types of external training programs involving other parties have become more significant when the business and industry climate is constantly evolving. The literature argues for the pros and cons of external training options, which may illustrate employee development and organizational performance.

Employee development and training strategies in the context of Industry 4 should be considered as research by Stachová et al. (2019). Moreover, other external training programs introduce new best practices in this company valued for the advanced technologies and innovative approaches that might be unavailable. When partnering with outsiders in their work outside the community, like schools and organizations, collaboratives receive new implementation inches that tackle them over current market industry styles.

Additionally, external training offers the particular benefit of handling some of the biggest challenges that the Fourth Industrial Revolution dictated. In addition, Ren et al. (2022) go into depth about the green HRM process, elucidating its conditional effects that appear due to CEO environmental beliefs and external pollution threat stages based on their use levels. In this context, external training has one of the most significant functions in defining people who can manage and adapt to sustainable practices based on global environmental goals.

Taking a different approach, Guan and Frenkel (2019) conducted their study on Chinese manufacturing firms that employed external alternatives. Knowledge, skills, and other information acquired outside workshops or training may contribute to better work performance. In addition to offering workers the opportunity for peer learning, external training can increase creativity and innovation in any company.

Though there are numerous advantages to investing in external training programs, organizations should also critically look into the risks. However, it is a challenge to tailor external training more to lessons and match their requirements as an institution. In their study, Shen and Zhang (2019) argue that SRHRM is difficult against external CSR’s correlation with a staff perspective. In this case, if the training programs are conducted by other companies, refraining from deliberating on the moral duties that an organization should undertake, it might create a gap between what an employee expects to obtain from his or her employer and corporate strategic goals.

Additionally, Ramlawati et al. (2021) show the subsequent changes in employees’ job satisfaction and change intention in the future. The study reinforces that choosing external alternatives is a significant factor influencing perceptions and attitudes toward employees wherever they work. Raftis & Holtoms’ item measurement is used to determine whether what an individual was previously working on creates more excellent value. Such a tactic demonstrates some of the significant drawbacks of extrinsic training, as greater access to external opportunities can create an urge among employees.

Another cost includes the possible increase in external training costs. One of the most significant financial investments most organizations make is partnering with individuals or firms from outside their industry, so it becomes crucial to compare cost against benefit. Similarly, in the paper by Guan and Frenkel (2019), it is also proposed that HRM may be equally or even more effective than internalizing teaching under certain contingencies.


The literature review demonstrates several areas concerning employee development tools. Some key components that define successful training and development include tailoring, cultural flexibility, and asset provision incorporating evaluation systems. Approaches to internal training have exciting features, such as alignment with organizational purposes, and must be slightly modified in terms of scale or magnitude. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of referral barriers arising from external training due to exposure are far too pronounced when picking an institution for studies or are concerned with relevance and cost factors. A correct mix of internal and external training programs plays a vital role for such organizations as Z to have an empowered labor force loaded up with the proper skill set, motivation, and flexibility needed in this volatile, competitive world.


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