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Final Examination Equivalent Project



Based on the above given EV case, please discuss five (5) major elements of each of the SWOT variables that would affect/influence the progress of the EV industry in Malaysia.


Malaysia’s electric vehicle (EV) industry is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by increasing environmental concerns, technological advancements, and government support. The case article highlights the current situation of the EV industry in Malaysia, emphasizing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). A SWOT analysis aims to systematically evaluate the internal and external factors affecting the EV industry’s development and strategy in Malaysia. By identifying these factors, stakeholders can better understand the industry’s position and make informed decisions to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks.


The electric vehicle industry in Malaysia possesses strengths that help in its growth. Malaysia benefits from strong government support, EV ecosystem development, and investment incentives. Policies such as the Electric Vehicle Mobility Blueprint and incentives like tax exemptions encourage the adoption and growth of EVs (Maximize Market Research Pvt Ltd., 2023). Also, Malaysia’s strategic position in ASEAN allows it to become a regional center of EV manufacturing and supply chain consolidation. A favorable economic situation also goes in hand with this capacity. These two strengths have to be leveraged for more growth.

The electrical and electronics manufacturing industry is a solid cornerstone upon which EVs can be assembled in Malaysia. Manufacturing is a strength area the country has to help it transition to EV making. Further on, the fact that the market attracted foreign players not from the SEA region also proves the vibrancy of the market and its future outlook. Working with such established brands increases the speed of indigenous development of the EV industry (Rüland, 2023). Additionally, a distinct reversal of consumer choice is evident regarding green and environmentally friendly transportation alternatives. Rising consciousness in environmental matters and government schemes foments the demand for electric vehicles in Malaysia. As such, the electric vehicle industry will do well with this strength base in the years to come.


The Malaysian electric vehicle industry is also faced with weakness. High cost and shortage of materials is one of the weak points. The cost of the EV models and their components is higher than that of conventional vehicles, restricting the product’s mass market availability and affordability (Kok & Siripipatthanakul, 2023). Moreover, insufficient and unreliable charging infrastructure serves as an equally critical threat to large-scale implementation. Due to range anxiety, a lack of charging stations discourages consumers from purchasing EVs. Furthermore, Malaysia must catch up in R&D and innovation in EV technologies and solutions. The country’s ability to develop competitive EV offerings is necessary for significant investment in research and development.

Uncertainties and inconsistencies in regulatory frameworks and policies create barriers for EV industry players. Clear and consistent policies are essential for fostering a conducive EV development and investment environment. In addition, there is consumer resistance and skepticism. Despite growing awareness, consumer resistance and skepticism towards EVs persist (Lee et al., 2023). Concerns about vehicle range, performance, and reliability contribute to hesitancy in adopting EVs. These Malaweakness issues should be addressed to remove the hindrance of the growth of the traffic vehicle industry.


Malaysia has many opportunities in the EV industry. Firstly, the global and regional market potential for EVs is on the rise, presenting significant opportunities for growth and competitiveness in Malaysia’s EV industry. Secondly, advancing and adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and digital strategies can enhance EV production efficiency and delivery processes, driving innovation and competitiveness (Online, 2023). Thirdly, there is room for diversification and differentiation of EV products and services to cater to various consumer segments and needs. Specific needs of the market can be answered by customization and specialization. Fourthly, collaboration and partnerships with stakeholders across the EV value chain, such as government agencies, manufacturers, suppliers, and research institutions, facilitate innovation and industry development (Syafira et al., 2023). Finally, EVs greatly benefit the environment and society by minimizing carbon emissions and providing clean air. Emphasizing these advantages may improve EVs’ perceived value and attractiveness among consumers. Those are some opportunities the EV industry can venture into that would help it flourish.


The EV industry in Malaysia has encountered some threats. First, there is competition and disruption. Competitive pressure from other EV players and substitute modes of transport threatens the Malaysian EV industry (Veza et al., 2022). Emerging technologies and business models disrupt the competitive arena even more. Besides, The EV sector is vulnerable to the influence of economic and political factors that are bound to shape the demand and supply dynamics. Market conditions can be disturbed by economic downturns, policy changes, and geopolitical complications, along with risk damaging investor confidence. A quick response is required regarding these threats.

The vulnerability of the EV industry to many risks and disruptions in the supply chain, wrong application of intellectual property rights, and many challenges brought by the technology transfer policies render it dependent on foreign technologies and resources. Furthermore, there is much compliance from the traditional auto industry. The expected resistance from the traditional automotive players and interest groups could arise from vested interests and perceived threats to existing business models (Chong et al., 2023). Resistance from such stakeholders can hamper the capacity of the EV industry. In addition to the environmental advantages EVs bring, they pose many challenges regarding resource extraction, battery disposal, and infrastructure construction. Overcoming these challenges is critical to the EV industry’s proper sustainability and ethicality.

To sum up, SWOT analysis is very worthwhile as it reveals the current position and future trends of the EV industry in Malaysia. In order to leverage the strengths and emerging opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and threats, stakeholder diversities and forces must collaborate and innovate environments that are dynamically changing. Suggestions include developing charging infrastructure, promoting inter-organizational and interstate coordination on research, supporting science policies, and consumer education. However, with the existing challenges and by developing its strengths, Malaysia can approach a leader in the world’s EV market and contribute to a greener future.


What are three effective strategies for Geely or Tesla to attract Early Adopters and, subsequently, Early Majority consumers in the Malaysian electric vehicle (EV) market, ensuring successful lead generation and customer acquisition activities?


The electric vehicle (EV) industry in Malaysia has made rapid growth with support from government policies, technological innovations, and attention to environmental concerns. The Malaysian EV market has demonstrated encouraging growth, characterized by a significant market size and a high growth rate, demonstrating an unexpected focus on sustainability and innovation. The National Green Technology Policy program and Battery Electric Vehicle Global Leaders Initiative

The point here is that understanding the nature of EV migration is critical to formulating profitable strategies for admission to the Malaysian market. Drawing upon the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, which delineates how innovations spread among individuals and groups, we can discern five distinct adopter categories: Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards. This report proposes three strategies aimed at the Early Adopting segment and three strategies meant for the Early Majority segment of the Malaysia EV market, focused either on Geely or Tesla.

Strategies for Early Adopters

The early adopters, also called Innovators in the Diffusion of Innovations theory by Rogers, are especially ready to adopt EVs in the Malaysian market. To reach out to this cohort, the ensuing development must serve their specific interests and incentives (Nygrén et al., 2015). The primary way of engaging the Early Adopters to make that initial purchase and keep them loyal to the brand is to offer them benefits one will not make available to other consumers. Low prices or subsidies offered on the purchase, or infrastructure facilities such as free charging, can greatly motivate Early Adopters to invest in EVs. Furthermore, perks for membership, including participation in specific events or attending exclusive services, foster the belongingness of the entrepreneurial type, thereby intensifying their attitudes towards a brand. Early Adopters become brand advocates and suggest their Brand loyalty to peers, creating tension to adopt it too.

Social media sites are instrumental in influencing the opinions of consumers as well as determining their purchases, especially among the early adopters who are typically engaged in digital communities. The audience that can best be reached by leveraging social media channels to facilitate the creation of noise and awareness about EVs is characterized below (Sääksjärvi & Hellén, 2019). The brand could partner with influencers and opinion leaders in the automotive and environment industries, amplifying its message and lending merit to its offerings. Real testimonials and exciting and motivating outlooks and perks from an EV owner’s perspective are powerful and pull out Early Adopters’ interest in exploring more about the brand before purchasing.

Usually, early adopters are wealthy clients who prioritize customized solutions to their demands. Provision of personalized services, for example, online consultations with EV professionals, equip the Early Adopters with in-depth understanding and advice based on individual needs (Chesbrough & Crowther, 2006). Besides adding convenience, home delivery services show comfort for the customer and eradicate any commuting hassle in a purchase, making the process wholesome. Specific financing opportunities, adapted to the needs of Early Adopters, such as versatile payment methods or preferential interest rates, resolve the concerns associated with finances that need to be addressed to make EV ownership more viable and attractive. The brands should prioritize personalized experiences and understand the preferences of the Early Adopters to build strong relationships based on trust and customer focus that will lead them to loyalty that will eventually translate into advocacy.

Strategies for Early Majority

The Early Majority segment is a vital stage of the diffusive process with pragmatism, limited risk-taking behavior, and conformity tendencies. To capture this key cohort, strategies must focus on convenience, reliability, and, most importantly, the demystification of perceived risks of EV adoption.

Primarily, for the Early Majority, assuring EVs’ performance, quality, and safety plays a critical role in deciding the purchase. Third-party reviews, ratings, awards, and certifications by industry specialists help appease fears and establish trust regarding the brand and its products (Bianchi et al., 2017). Impartially established opinions from reliable sources work as product approvals; the EV’s capacities are upheld by the manufacturer and supported by reliable parties. Through an open display of these EVs’ strength, reliability, and safety inclusions, brands can cultivate faith in potential buyers and motivate a few to consider changing to electric.

The availability of EVs in the case of the Early Majority determines the essence of the adoption of vehicles. The distribution and service network extension enables EVs to be easily identifiable and readily within reach of potential clients across diverse locales and channels (Ram & Jung, 1994). Allies with high-end dealerships, automotive retailers, and online platforms help increase the brand’s brand strength and brand awareness in the market. Secondly, developing a far-ranging service system – whether. Setting up maintenance units and creating charging network augment.Ants’ brand image in terms of customer support and after-sale service. Increasing the availability of EVs will allow brands to engage with the Early Majority whose inclinations towards convenience and the decision to embrace electric mobility will be supported.

Potential customers should be educated on the merits and advantages of EVs and about their perception of doubts and misconceptions to be solved. Moreover, involving customers via roadshows, webinars, etc., enables them to inform, respond to questions, and demonstrate the advantages of EVs (Pierce & Stacey, 2013). Through roadshows, the consumer can learn more about the EVs by trying them out personally or through an interactive demonstration, deepening their understanding of what they can deliver. The informative avenue comprises webinars and newsletters that provide useful information on EV technology, charging infrastructure, and government incentives. Becoming aware and being informed means for the brand to make the adopters’ customer very powerful on his or her own with which to flourish would mean that they make informed decisions overcoming barriers of adoption.

To conclude, penetrating the Malaysian EV market requires special attention to various adopter categories, each requiring separately personalized needs and motivations. Since Geely and Tesla can focus their strategies on satisfying the distinctive features of Early Adopters and eventually the Early Majority, this will force these companies to become pioneers in the emerging EV industry represented by Malaysia. Embracing innovation, fostering community engagement, and prioritizing consumer-centric approaches are integral to driving sustainable growth and establishing a formidable presence in this dynamic market. As the EV industry evolves, ongoing research, experimentation, and adaptation will be imperative to navigate emerging challenges and capitalize on untapped opportunities.



Pricing Strategies Maria’s Business

Maria’s business has a variety of prices for the different products and services, making the core of her pricing strategies, which otherwise are the starting point for pricing her products and services. Pricing is necessary so that production costs are covered and the product is sold to the targeted customers, thus retaining them to keep buying from the business enterprise in the future. The strategies of price Maria can cause include the following.

Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is a holistic approach that considers prices for Maria’s green cosmetics based on what they are perceived to bring to her customers. In this method, Maria should deeply master her target consumer’s preferences, desires, and pain points (Harmon et al., 2009). Through the prism of market research and customer surveys, Maria can analyze what concrete qualities of her products match most closely the target audience’s interests. For example, she could focus on the naturalness, biodegradability, and ethics integral to her cosmetics and point out their health benefits for consumers, well-being for society, and environmental friendliness.

Additionally, Maria may conduct competitor analysis to ensure that the price combines the sense of value in the market with other products. Placing her products as premium value propositions with unparalleled quality and sustainability certificates, Maria will be in a position to justify soaring prices and competition away. It helps Maria grab value out of her USP and creates an illusion of rarity and luxury for her target audience.

Penetration Pricing

Maria uses penetration pricing as one of her strategic approaches. She starts with low prices to get into the market by attracting customers’ attention and reaching out toward market shares rapidly, in this strategy, Maria’s primary goal is to encourage initial usage and adoption of her green and sustainable cosmetics by selling them at a competitive price point. By undercutting the competitors, Maria can shift value-seeking customers to her brand, leading to trial purchases (Dolgui & Proth, 2010). However, Maria must ensure thorough planning to recover and achieve long-term profitability. To compensate for these reduced profit margins resulting from such a pricing strategy, Maria may have to implement cost-cutting measures like streamlining production processes or negotiating better supplier contracts.

Additionally, promotional strategies such as limited-time offers or bundled discounts can be employed by Maria in order to coax more patrons into trying out her products. By mixing targeted marketing campaigns and strategic sales promotions with penetration pricing, Maria can fast-track the market penetration process and establish herself in the competitive cosmetics industry.

Bundle Pricing:

Bundle pricing is when one offers several things in one, and the price is lower than buying them individually. Maria can use bundle pricing to induce her customers to purchase several items from her eco-friendly cosmetic line (Faith 2018). To implement this strategy well, she must develop product combinations that provide substantial value propositions for her specific audience. For example, she could create bundles centered on particular skin care needs or preferences, such as the ‘Essentials Bundle for Sensitive Skin” or the “Travel Kit Bundle for On-the-Go Beauty.” Through bundling products that complement each other, Maria can improve the overall customer experience while simultaneously targeting various skincare issues.

Furthermore, bundle pricing may help Maria sell less-known products or slow movers through cross-selling or upselling. Offering discounts or freebies on bundled purchases will encourage consumers to try new products and expand their purchasing habits. Alternatively, Maria can introduce time-limited bundle offers associated with consumer tastes and buying patterns during seasonal trends.

Dynamic Pricing

The sophisticated strategy of dynamic pricing involves changing prices in real time according to market conditions such as demand, supply, competition, and seasonality. For example, Maria can use dynamic pricing algorithms and predictive analytics to optimize prices dynamically to maximize revenue across different customer segments and product categories (Sammut‐Bonnici & Channon, 2015). Fluctuations in customer demand are used to adjust the prices under demand-based pricing. A surge might also be experienced during peak shopping or special events, whereby Maria introduced surge pricing to increase demand while maximizing profitability. Additionally, this can allow her to offer discounts or promotions, especially during off-peak seasons, which will stimulate sales while maintaining competitive prices.

Also, Maria can use competitor-based pricing to have a clear grasp of the competitors’ strategies regarding the price and then adjust hers accordingly. By continually observing competitors’ costs and their advertisements, Maria can identify pricing gaps that can make her products more competitive. Moreover, dynamic pricing allows Maria to adjust prices to clear excess inventory or promote slow-moving products in inventory management.

Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing leverages the mental effects of fees on client perception and conduct to steer purchase choices and beautify the perceived cost of Maria’s merchandise. Maria can rent various pricing processes and strategies to create psychological effects that pressure client behavior and increase income (Deshpande, 2018). One common psychological tactic is allure pricing, wherein Maria units prices just beneath round numbers (e.g., $nine.99 as opposed to $10) to create a belief of fee and affordability. By finishing fees with the variety 9, Maria can make her products seem extra low-cost and appealing to fee-aware customers. Moreover, Maria can use prestige pricing to signal exclusivity and luxury by placing premium charges for high-cease merchandise. This approach appeals to status-conscious consumers who associate better charges with advanced pleasantries and prestige.

Effective pricing strategies are instrumental in Maria’s adventure to success within the inexperienced and sustainable cosmetics market. Each method offers its advantages and drawbacks, and the most fulfilling method may rely on marketplace dynamics and client possibilities. By carefully thinking about and implementing these techniques, Maria can navigate the demanding situations and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the evolving landscape of the cosmetics enterprise. Recommendations include conducting market research, testing pricing strategies, and evaluating results to refine pricing strategies over time. With optimism and confidence, Maria can position herself as a leader in the green and sustainable cosmetics market, meeting the needs and preferences of environmentally-conscious consumers.



Lazada, a leading e-trade platform in Southeast Asia, has emerged as a pioneer in the online retail enterprise. With a vision to revolutionize how humans keep, Lazada aims to offer unparalleled convenience and accessibility to a wide range of products and services. With its assignment to empower dealers and pride clients, Lazada prioritizes innovation, performance, and client pride. The enterprise’s middle values of purchaser-centricity, integrity, and agility underscore its commitment to excellence in every element of its operations. The most crucial purpose of this file is to seriously look at five factors of the conversation mix that Lazada has hired to cultivate a splendid photo and foster successful customer engagement. By analyzing Lazada’s communication strategies, this file targets to discover critical factors contributing to the employer’s success in the incredibly aggressive e-commerce landscape.

Communication Mix Elements

The communique mix refers to the aggregate of tools and channels that an organization uses to communicate its messages and interact with its customers. A powerful conversation blend is vital for creating cognizance, producing interest, stimulating choice, and prompting movement among customers (Frimpong, 2014). Furthermore, it performs a vital role in building trust, loyalty, and delight among customers, enhancing brand fairness and long-term success. Lazada has effectively utilized the subsequent elements of the communique blend to engage clients and strengthen its brand presence:


Advertising, a cornerstone of Lazada’s advertising and marketing approach, involves utilizing paid media channels to disseminate promotional messages to a broad and numerous target market. Lazada employs a multifaceted technique to advertising, leveraging numerous online platforms along with websites, social media, and cellular apps to attain capability clients successfully. For example, throughout Lazada’s flagship 11.11 Shopping Festival, the company orchestrates a complete advertising and marketing campaign providing local celebrities and influencers (Todorova, 2015). These commercials, strategically positioned across virtual channels, now showcase the extensive range of merchandise available on Lazada and highlight the festival’s excitement and one-of-a-kind offers. By tapping into the influence of famous personalities, Lazada enhances logo visibility and captures the eye of clients, ultimately driving engagement and income.

Sales Promotion

Sales promoting methods shape Lazada’s marketing arsenal, specifically for essential purchasing occasions and festive seasons. Lazada employs diverse promotional incentives to incentivize buying behavior and foster consumer loyalty. For example, all through the 11.11 Shopping Festival, Lazada rolls out many engaging offers along with loose transport, limited-time flash sales, surprise containers, and tasty fortunate draws (Devarakonda, 2022). These promotions now entice customers to the platform and create an experience of urgency and exhilaration, compelling clients to explore and make purchases. Furthermore, Lazada’s interactive video games and sports over duringover during such occasions beautify consumer engagement and elevate overall buying enjoyment, reinforcing brand affinity and customer loyalty.

Public Relations

Public relations projects play a pivotal role in shaping Lazada’s emblem photo and popularity regionally and internationally. Through strategic PR efforts, Lazada is committed to fostering high-quality relationships with stakeholders, including clients, companions, and the media. For instance, Lazada’s participation in outstanding enterprise occasions and partnerships with legitimate groups underscores its dedication to excellence and innovation in e-commerce. Lazada’s involvement in tasks with #MYCYBERSALE 2020 demonstrates its willpower to assist (Devaincreases, 2022). By aligning with meaningful causes and actively enticing the network, Lazada strengthens brand trust and affinity, positioning itself as a socially accountable and patron-centric emblem.

Direct Marketing

Direct advertising is a customized and targeted conversation tool for Lazada to interact with its purchaser base efficaciously. Lazada leverages purchaser data and analytics to tailor personalized messages and gives them through channels, including electronic mail, SMS, and push notifications (Peterson, 2022). For instance, customers who downloaded Lazada’s cell app receive custom-designed notifications about modern-day promotions, product launches, and tips based on their surfing and buying records. By handing timely and applicable content material directly to clients’ gadgets, Lazada enhances consumer engagement and encourages repeat purchases, ultimately driving revenue and loyalty.

Online Media

Lazada harnesses the power of online media systems to connect to its audience and foster meaningful interactions. The business enterprise maintains a strong presence across diverse virtual channels, social media systems, websites, blogs, and online groups (Peterson, 2022). Lazada actively engages with its target market by frequently posting updates, visuals, films, and user-generated content on structures with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Additionally, Lazada’s internet site and weblog function as precious assets for customers, providing in-intensity product facts, buying publications, and lifestyle content. By leveraging online media efficiently, Lazada nurtures brand advocacy and network engagement, using emblem recognition and patron loyalty within the digital panorama.

In conclusion, Lazada’s strategic use of the conversation mix elements has played a pivotal function in shaping its excellent picture and fostering a hit customer engagement. By leveraging advertising and marketing, income promoting, public members of the family, direct advertising and marketing, and online media, Lazada has efficiently communicated its value proposition and differentiated itself within the aggressive e-commerce landscape. Moving ahead, Lazada can decorate its communication efforts by improving advertising effectiveness, diversifying sales advertising techniques, and evaluating the effects of its conversation blend. With a persistent focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and logo excellence, Lazada is well-located to maintain its leadership within the dynamic and evolving e-trade industry.


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