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Workplace Efficiency Essays

Problems and Suggest Solutions in the Aspects of Supervisory Skills

Introduction Supervisory skills play an influential role in managing any form of team effectively in the workplace. The paper will reflect on the supervisory skills that Mr. Chan displayed in a given construction project scenario and give recommendations for the problems identified. It will start with a general discussion on the roles and skills of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 638

Disclosing the Effects on the Employees and Future Preventive Measures

 Introduction Digital Taylorism, a new spectacle in modern work setups, changes governance principles through the suffusion of digital technologies. It is a game changer used to optimize work processes and provides a more efficient means of control that has not been achieved before. Based on observations by Gautié, Jaehrling, and Perez (2020), Fredrick Taylor’s digital Taylorism ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1222
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The Impact and Benefits of Workplace Automation

Workplace automation refers to the use of technology, including hardware and/or software, to carry out repetitive or predictable tasks without the need for human involvement. Currently, modern automation setups, such as machine learning, have the capability to handle more complex tasks. Automation may be implemented by a corporation via the use of robots, equipment, software, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 884

Embracing the Benefits of Working Less Than 40 Hours

Introduction The 40-hour Workweek is a historical and economic norm in modern labor. In the early 20th century, Ford Motor Company established the standard, believing that longer working hours would boost output. However, this conventional model must be reassessed as society and work change. This essay discusses the 40-hour Workweek’s origins and adaptations. A distinct ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 878
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