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Wireless Networks Essays

Modern Day Attacks Against Wireless Networks

Introduction Wireless networks enable the Internet of Things and connect many gadgets daily. Wi-Fi security has significantly improved. However, mobile Internet traffic, which accounts for over 75% of last-mile usage, exposed Wi-Fi networks to security threats, according to Gao et al. (2021). Real-world Wi-Fi vulnerabilities are assessed by analyzing 19 million Wi-Fi access points (APs), ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2795

Wireless Technology Security

Introduction Wireless technology has become integral to modern life, transforming communication work and everyday interactions. With the massive use of mobile devices, complex connectivity in smart homes and opportunities inherent to 5G networks, wireless technologies are central to modern life. Nevertheless, this transformative wave of connectivity raises a critical issue of the protection of wireless ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1131
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Network Architecture Paper

Introduction This study outlines the TCP/IP Protocol Suite and highlights how each layer of the Framework mirrors the communicative stream of a structured firm across management units and throughout offices. Effective communication from one party to the other is the cornerstone of all internet activity. The TCP/IP mechanism is the foundation of the more significant ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1063
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