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Vulnerable Populations Essays

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Introduction Interprofessional primary care plays a crucial role in addressing the complex healthcare needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Unlike the general population, individuals with IDD often present with a myriad of physical and mental health conditions, necessitating comprehensive and coordinated healthcare approaches. However, accessing high-quality primary care remains a significant challenge ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3332

Equipoise in Clinical Trials

Introduction Ethics are integral to medical research and play a pivotal role in furthering scientific advancement while safeguarding research participants. Benjamin Freedman introduced a crucial principle to this ethical framework – equipoise. This term requires genuine uncertainty within scientific communities regarding the comparative effectiveness of interventions. Freedman’s nuanced distinction between theoretical and clinical equipoise enhances ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1580
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Challenges in Caring for Older Adults

The United States has a large number of vulnerable populations because of the increased social vulnerabilities like lack of access to housing, history of racial discrimination, poverty, and lack of language access. These social vulnerabilities expose most people to risk factors such as chronic diseases. The group of vulnerable populations in the U.S. includes children, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712

Intricacies of Psychological Assessment

Introduction Psychological assessment is vital in understanding and describing human behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Several applications of this discipline are in clinical diagnosis, as well as in forensic evaluation and program effectiveness assessment (Goldfinger, 2018). This paper explores two specific topics within psychological assessment: assessments for adults with emotional or behavioral problems and assessments of children/adolescents ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2172

Healthcare and Regulations

Introduction & Healthcare Coverage and Vulnerable Populations Describe the importance of healthcare coverage (insurance) According to National Academies Press-U.S. (2001), healthcare coverage plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy population by enhancing access to healthcare services and protecting people from financial shocks due to the high cost of healthcare services. Health care coverage in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1522

Identifying Vulnerable Populations in the Own Community

In every community, vulnerability emanates from poor or lack of access to resources or services occasioned by individual or group characteristics. Social factors determine or exacerbate vulnerability for individuals or groups by exposing them to more significant risk factors, hindering access to care, and culminating in higher morbidity and mortality rates compared to the larger ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1107
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