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Vulnerable Population Essays

Analysis of Vulnerable Population: Cancer in Men Over 40

Treatment of cancer, especially among men over the age of forty, is a major health challenge that requires targeted actions for improved results. This summary proposes to synthesize existing opinions and evidence so as to advise an interprofessional team to better support this vulnerable group in their initiatives to improve healthcare. Position with Regard to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1284

The Importance of Learning About Pediatric Nursing

According to Hockenberry et al. (2021), pediatric nursing is a specialty that emphasizes the medical and pediatric care of children, ranging from infancy to teenage years. It is an essential field of study since children’s health differs from that of adults due to the development and growth happening during this stage of life. It is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683
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Healthcare Coverage and Vulnerable Population

Introduction Vulnerable populations experience adverse health outcomes because they live in areas excluded from services which makes them unable to participate in health programs due to a lack of awareness. Health coverage is important because it makes it easy to afford healthcare services and protects people from financial strain when unexpected illness or accident happens. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1454

The Development of a New Policy To Allow for Earlier Sepsis Detection and Management Among Patients Who Are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Introduction to the Proposed Problem and its Significance Sepsis is a life-threatening health condition that needs early detection and prompt patient intervention to avoid any adverse outcomes as it affects the systems of the body, which enhance response to infections (Evans et al., 2021). It occurs when the infection-fighting process turns on the human body ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1312

Baltimore City Windshield Survey

Baltimore City Baltimore City is known for being the largest city in Maryland. It is located in the north-central of Maryland with an estimated population of 593 490. Baltimore is home to individuals of different ethnicities, although the community focus is African Americans, who constitute 62% of the total population. The health problem of focus ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1266
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