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The Importance of Learning About Pediatric Nursing

According to Hockenberry et al. (2021), pediatric nursing is a specialty that emphasizes the medical and pediatric care of children, ranging from infancy to teenage years. It is an essential field of study since children’s health differs from that of adults due to the development and growth happening during this stage of life. It is important to learn about pediatric nursing since children’s needs are important and unique, making it a special requirement to safeguard the future. Pediatric nurses normally collaborate with other professionals in the health field to give the best possible care to the children (Hockenberry et al., 2021). They play a critical role in monitoring the health of young patients and providing care and support throughout the treatment process. Also, they may carry out clinical research concerning the conditions that typically affect young patients and relevant treatment techniques.

The number one priority for the pediatric patient

Pediatric patients’ top priority is safeguarding their well-being and ensuring that they are safe. This involves handling or managing immediate life-threatening conditions, giving appropriate medical care, and ensuring that the environment is friendly for the psychological and emotional health of the children (Flanders et al., 2020).

Why is the pediatric population considered a vulnerable population?

The pediatric population is vulnerable due to various reasons. Flanders et al. (2020) suggest that children have exceptional patterns of environmental exposure and susceptibilities that determine their development, increasing their chances of being exposed to diseases due to environmental exposure. Furthermore, children’s exposure to toxic ecological chemicals contributes to the changing patterns of pediatric diseases. Children’s immune system is underdeveloped and has limited memory (Harrison et al., 2020). For instance, the immune systems of young kids and children are still developing, putting them at risk of infections. Their exposure to pathogens is also limited, making their immune system lack the memory to fight particular diseases effectively.

Where I see yourself in 10 years regarding a nursing career

Regarding my nursing career, I am using a compassionate and professional nurse who builds a difference in the lives of patients by offering effective nursing care. I also plan to continue sharpening my skills and knowledge in the next ten years by furthering my professional and education opportunities. I aspire to perform more advanced duties and roles, like becoming a clinical specialist. Besides, I aim to contribute to the nursing field through participation in and the conduct of research on initiatives for quality improvement. In general, I envision positively impacting the patients and keeping up with their growth and development as a skilled and empathetic nurse.

How studying for this class helped to prepare me for my nursing career?

Studying in this class will assist in preparing me for my nursing career for various reasons. It will equip me with clinical and communication skills. This class cultivates active clinical experiences that provide opportunities to develop skills needed for children’s care. These include growth and development assessment, administering medication for pediatric patients, and managing frequent pediatric diseases. It also helps learn effective communication strategies with pediatric patients and their families.


Flanders, S., Hampton, D., Missi, P., Ipsan, C., & Gruebbel, C. (2020). Effectiveness of a staff resilience program in a pediatric intensive care unit. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 50, 1-4.

Harrison, T. M., Steward, D., Tucker, S., Fortney, C. A., Militello, L. K., Smith, L. H., … & Pickler, R. H. (2020). The future of pediatric nursing science. Nursing Outlook, 68(1), 73-82.

Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D., & Rodgers, C. C. (2021). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric nursing-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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