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Visiting a Retail Store

The most popular retail store is Uniqlo, which sells famous brands of products. On the first day I visited the store, many technologies became apparent once I entered. The store had a digital electronic board installed in various locations within the store, and they were displaying ads and advertisements (Lin, 2023). These screens were touchscreens, which could be used as a virtual helper to find collections at the store; the customers could also learn about the latest deals and offers. Moreover, the store had already accepted barcode scanning, which customers can use to scan a bar code on an item to get information about its fabric, fitness, and other sizes and colors.

The other technological advancement I noted was the self-checkout system whereby customers could go around it independently without requiring attention from an individual. This not only made the waiting times lower but also helped boost efficiency in the store since it needed less staff to work on cash registers.

Only limited challenges arose while finding data concerning technical aspects of the store. All the necessary information, which was quintessential to understanding the functioning of the store, was accessible online through official websites and online forums. In addition, performing online shopping has allowed me to get additional knowledge on the technologies I studied, for example, the advantages of self-checkout counters from consumers’ and business owners’ perspectives. I got data from this store’s website; also, there were other customers’ reviews and technology news that I came across.

Regarding the knowable but invisible instrument types, I should likely conclude that the warehouse would have put stock administration systems in place (Lin, 2023). These warehouses would enable on-demand product availability tuningcts, control stock levels, and even seamlessly organize orders. Moreover, the shop could use CRM software to customize patron taste preferences or purchase history. These behind-the-scenes technologies can increase the efficiency of operations by ensuring that popular products are always available and personalized marketing tools can be used.

The store may also decide to include modern technologies to make efficiency improvements. For instance, introducing RFID technology would help provide time-sensitive information on product tracking and handling (Lin, 2023). This would give an opportunity to automate barcode scanning, thereby doing away with the manual process of counting inventory and expediting the whole process. Furthermore, adding artificial intelligence to their online sites can improve the customer experience; it can help recommend products that suit an individual based on browsing and purchase history.

As for those who are deployed, the types of technology utilized in the course of their everyday activities would also depend on which branch of the military they belong to and are on assignment. As such, several typical technologies include communication devices, for instance, smartphones, GPS, and drones used as surveillance tools. Regarding unrealized technology, supply consciousness in a military environment would necessitate sophisticated inventory management systems that leverage barcode or RFID technologies (Lin, 2023). These systems would allow us to monitor things such as ammunition, equipment, and medical materials, checking their availability in time of need.

In conclusion, my trip to the local store gave me an inside view of the multiple technologies in practice that make shopping a better experience. Digital screens, barcode scanning systems, and self-checkout counters were used at the store. There were no occasional challenges in information searching because a sample store website and ample online sources provided sufficient details. I did not limit myself this time to the types of technology used and visible at manufacturing sites, presenting also the advanced technologies that are not applied in a mass but are likely referred to as the invisible sphere behind the production process. So that the store could become more effective, some technologies such as RFID and artificial intelligence may be implemented. Deployment requirements would affect technology as they differ by branch and mission, but devices like communication devices and specialized inventory management systems will remain standard. In conclusion, technology is essential for effectiveness while keeping customers content in diverse environments.


Lin, B. (2023, April 7). Uniqlo’s Parent Company Bets Big on Tiny RFID Chips. WSJ.


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