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Virus Spread Essays

The Spread of the Influenza Virus

Flu is a common viral infection that affects people in different communities. In many cases, people heal from it without medication. However, this is not the case for high-risk groups because it can be deadly. They attack the nose, throat and lungs. Despite everybody being vulnerable, children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 741

The Aspects of Influenza Virus

Introduction The influenza virus, often diagnosed in the Orthomyxoviridae virus family, is a virus that causes respiratory diseases (Influenza or “influenza”) in vertebrates. In localized or seasonal epidemics, its viruses’ subcategories A, B, and C cause acute respiratory infections. The clinical disease progresses rapidly after a short incubation period, with symptoms ranging from asymptomatic to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1918
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Data Plotting and Information Analysis

According to the data supplied in our graph, the top five cities for infected cases were Houston, Texas, with 272 infected cases; Austin, Texas, with 281 infected cases; Phoenix, Arizona, with 289 infected cases; and Jacksonville, Florida, with 322 infected cases. Prevalence rates for each of these cities would be.0032 or.3 percent for Jacksonville,.0029 or.29 ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1425
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