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Violence Essays

The New Imperialism Led to Gender Violence

Women in the colonies were referred to as “women,” and this term was used to denote both wives and mothers in its original and simplest sense. In Southwest Africa, there are just not enough German women for the number of German men that arrived. German women were needed in the colonies as early as 1896, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1361

Structural Violence as an Issue of Inequality

Structural violence is a sort of ferocity in which individuals are hurt by society institutions or organizations that make it impossible for them to meet their fundamental requirements. Although less apparent, it is by far the most destructive kind of ferocity, resulting in extra fatalities that would not occur in a more egalitarian society. It ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2657
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Policy Documents, Laws, and Program Reports in the Prevalence and Characteristics of Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone

Introduction Sexual violence refers to any aggression, physical or psychological, done by sexual means or by targeting sexuality (Taylor, 2003). According to Taylor (2003), sexual violence comprises Rape and attempted sexual assault, and crimes like forcing an individual to undress in public; coercing two victims to engage in sexual acts or hurt one another sexually; ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2336

Violence in Video Games

Experts estimate that the video game industry will generate over $230 billion this year. At the same time, other researchers suggest that over a half of the current top-selling games are violent. For the past few decades, the debates on the effects of these video games have been heated, with different researchers trying to establish ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1338
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