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USA Essays

Disparity and Safety in Correctional Institutions

Introduction Correctional institutions or facilities refer to prisons, jails, or any other detention institution meant to house people detained, arrested, or convicted in a criminal justice court (Williams, Ahalt, Cloud, Augustine, Rorvig, Sears, & Walter, 2020). Incarceration is the act of detaining people in prison or other correctional facilities. Critics have criticized the United States ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

Comparison of Britain and the US

Political Structure Britain is geographically located in Northern Europe, unlike the United States in North America. Nevertheless, both countries utilize English as the official language, which tends to differ in pronunciation. The United Kingdom, which represents Britain, gained independence in 1707 compared to the United States, which attained independence in 1776. The United States tends ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1192
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Black Lives Matter Campaign (BLM), How It Was Established, and the Policy Changes Induced in the US and Australia

The Background of BLM – How BLM was Established Racial segregation and ethnic division have unfortunately described various US social systems, factors that have necessitated the emergence of motivated humanitarian activism in protest to these social segregation practices. A case in point is the Black Lives Matter Campaign (BLM), which emerged to champion the rights ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4308

Assessment Written Community Plan

Introduction Community plans play a pivotal role in assessing and meeting the needs of communities. However, the community plans keep changing based on the advancement of the community and require timely updates to effectively balance the population’s requirements (Rowe et al., 2001). This paper involves a community plan that summarizes and integrates my previous research ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3395

APRN Consensus Model on APRN Practice

There has been progress in nursing education from the time the training of nurses began. Advanced practice registered nurses consensus is a regulation model for the future that helps align the relationship among licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE). The consensus model for APRNs is essential as it will help produce the uniformity that is ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1860

Applying Economics to the Real World

Case1: Government Spending and Taxation The government finances its spending through treasury bills, borrowing, and taxation. Different forms of taxation are the main sources of government revenues. Taxation allows the government to collect a common pool of funds to finance social projects which are sensitive to be left in the hands of private investors. The ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2082

An Ethnographic Study of the Maasai Community in the US

The Maasai is an ethnic community in Kenya, East Africa, with one of the most distinct cultures in the world, which is recognized visually. They wear unique clothing, which is red, as well as colourful beaded jewellery. They are nomadic pastoralists famous for herding, rustling, and fighting using traditional weapons. This tribe of people has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 939

American Political Culture

The American political culture has evolved due to various contributing factors. The American political culture involves the shared beliefs, values, and norms between the American citizens and the government and citizens to citizens. These beliefs and values shape the country’s democracy and economics. The American culture is composed of several elements, such as liberty, equality, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 716

Essay on American Imperialism

Introduction According to American history, Isolationism was a practice in which is an independent country operating without interaction with other countries. America also engaged in expansionism, a strategy whereby a nation expands its territory while exerting economic influence over neighboring nations. American imperialism evolved from Isolationism and continental expansion. Imperialism is the power a stable ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1696

Essay on American History

Prior to Industrial Revolution, no kind of mechanical transportation existed. Individuals entirely relied on animal labor for land transport and wind for sea transport. The development of cities in kilometers in the region remained the same for long periods because individuals could only manage to walk for short distances. However, automated transport systems like railroads, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 627

American Federalism and Separation of Powers

The foundation of American federalism is a division of authority between the federal and state governments. While the states have police authority, the federal government has enumerated, implied, and reserved powers. African Americans faced discrimination and segregation, which was the goal of the Civil Rights Movement. A case that supported the idea of “separate but ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2549

Essay on American Democracy

Introduction American democracy is a result of a political culture that shares common values and respects each citizen’s thoughts and the government’s basic functioning. With the implementation of a democratic, the new constitution enforces equality and liberty. Also, it praises the meaning of democracy as the people’s government, by the people, and for the people, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 627

Criminal Justice System

Every country has those people who are constantly breaking the law. In other words, these people do wrong or do what is not allowed. Such people are also referred to as criminals or lawbreakers. Because of such people, a particular system helps punish or rectify the lawbreakers. The system that takes charge of criminals is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 640

The U.S. Constitution

The Constitution was a revolutionary document that limited the people’s power. It was created to restrain the newly formed democracy in America. Patrick Henry feared that the Constitution would be a conservative document restraining the “democracy” unleashed by the Revolution. This is not what happened, however. Instead, it was a revolutionary document that placed limits ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 703

Comparative Domestic Context

A state’s domestic context refers to a country’s political activities, events, and situations. This is different from the actions occurring outside the state and which the state has authority over. Understanding a state’s domestic context makes it possible for the state to identify its strengths and opportunities and establish fruitful relationships with neighboring states for ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326
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