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Tourism Essays

Importance of Tourism to the World Economy

Tourism refers to people travelling within their own countries or from different countries and staying in places outside their typical environment for various purposes. These purposes may include; leisure; this is whereby tourists travel to get away from their familiar territory for relaxation; business; this is where tourists travel for work-related purposes. This movement could ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 580
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Croatia Tourism Attractions

Tourism attractions refer to the places of interest that tourists, both local and international visitors. According to Cervova & Vavrova (2021), tourism attraction sites are natural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts, public parks, mountains, deserts, and forests, which are instances of traditional tourism, making some of the highest percentages of vacation destinations that ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3183

Impact of Tourism on Economic Development

Tourism does not solely involve the movement of individuals from their homes or their country to visit other recreational facilities. Still, it is a cultural, social, and economic phenomenon that involves the movement of individuals to countries for business or personal purposes. Besides just the basic concept of movement, tourism comes with a package of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 671

Impact of COVID-19 on the United Kingdom Tourism Industry

Introduction China was where the Covid-19 Pandemic started 2019 in December and is still spreading throughout the world. To stop the spread of Covid 19, almost every government globally, including the United Kingdom, has come up with restrictions that they have imposed on both short and long travels (Voulgaris, Ferrini-Strambi, & Steimpoulos). Because of this, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1967

Sports Events Tourism: Theories, Concepts, Issues, and Impacts

Sports Event tourism provides a common platform for cooperation and development for both the sport and tourist sectors. S port tourism is a colloquial term that refers to the fusion of sporting and tourist activities (Mollahet al., 2021). Since the 1990s, both sport and tourism corporations, as well as academics, have paid increasing attention to sport ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3220

Camping Tourism in Canada

One of the growing tourism niches is camping tourism which denotes a type of nature-based excursion where campers stay in bounded areas together. This form of tourism obtains its distinction from other tourism types based on the flexible, temporary, and the flexible nature of its accommodation amenities including tents and recreational automobiles (RVs), and other ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1050

Virtual Reality in Tourism

Introduction With the continually evolving technology concerning Virtual Reality, in theory, it would be possible for an individual to have a complete tour experience through virtual reality. Although some individuals still believe that VR can never be a tourism substitute since it does not have the capability of replicating the feeling of being in nature, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1641

Environmental and Globalization Impacts of Tourism Transport in Japan

Introduction In the past six decades, Japan’s distinctive island topography, culture, and history have contributed to increased tourism. In the 1960s and the next two decades, Japan’s overseas visitors grew gradually, reaching a peak in the early 1990s with roughly 3.8 million arrivals in 1996. In 2012, the number of visitors from outside the country ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3453

Challenges of Hospitality, Leisure and Travel Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Different challenges are faced by the business of hospitality, Leisure, and Travel industry during COVID-19. Because of the global reach of COVID-19’s impacts, governments and corporations are putting all of their efforts into ensuring their citizens’ protection. While this concentration will continue, a global sell-off in equities markets is inevitable due to the ramifications ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1829

Anandsagar as a Tourist Attraction System in Maharashtra, India

Abstract Many religious theme parks, each dedicated to a different religion, have sprung up recently and gained widespread popularity. With reference to the Anandsagar religious theme park in the pilgrim-town of Shegaon, Maharashtra, India, this essay suggests that religious theme parks are evolving tourist attractions with profound impacts in managing religious heritage and tourism in ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2137
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