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Tourism Essays

Essay on Eco-Resorts

An eco-resort is a lodging facility that actively seeks to strengthen environmental sustainability and social responsibility by ensuring it positively impacts the natural surroundings and the local community. The industry has benefited from growing consumer interest in sustainable consumption. It is characterised by the reliance on renewable energy sources and water conservation methods. Wang et ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1591

Equality, Access, and Participation in Tourism

Recently, the tourism sector is the one that is transforming the most quickly worldwide. It includes various operations and services from many interested parties, including the administration, financial firms, tour and takes trips companies, carriers, parks and wildlife sanctuaries, the hospitality industry, culture and heritage stores, other associated sectors, and the general public (Cole, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462
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Evaluating Resident Resistance and Over-Tourism: A Case Study of Budapest

Overview Recently, terms like “tourism phobia” and “overtourism” have been bandied around. They reflect the difficulties of coping with a rise of tourists in metropolitan locations and tourist’s influence on the city and its citizens. In places where residents and tourists alike complain that there are just too many people, the standard of living or ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 5224

Tourism – Destination Marketing

Abstract New options for the design and marketing of tourist attractions are being examined in both the real world and the online sphere due to the fast adoption of technology, with the internet as its focal point. Destinations that want to improve their competitive position should prioritise creating powerful brands and facilitating enjoyable and memorable ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4270

Essay on Creative Tourism

In the recent past, creative tourism has become a strategy implemented by most cities to ensure a constant flow of tourists flocking the city. There has been a shift in the tourism sector, with cities preferring to invest In creative tourism instead of cultural tourism that took root in tourism sectors (Zhang, & Xie, 2019). ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1655

Personal Experience Paper: Bakersfield Entertainment

I visited the Bakersfield Entertainment attraction with my cousins Jennifer and Amber. Bakersfield is an entertainment destination in California that is a central hub for entertainment, shopping, vacations, and holiday trips. We booked tickets for the seasonal Bakersfield sound, which has various music venues and entertainment listings. The Bakersfield sound entertainment event was held in California ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 545

Authenticity in Crompton’s Travels

As a result of Dean MacCannell’s popularisation of authenticity, it has become an essential part of tourist studies. Because of its vagueness and cultural presuppositions, “authenticity” has long been acknowledged in academic literature to be difficult to define. Tourists looking for authentic experiences and products regardless of gender, age, or socioeconomic status are a fast-growing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 843

China Tourism and Economics

China’s Tourists demand Income and pricing influence tourist decisions. The majority of empirical research has concluded that a destination’s income elasticity of tourist demand is positive and larger than 1, implying that international tourism destinations are superior-good (OECD, 2016). According to consumer behavior theory, increasing destination costs diminishes demand while increasing the desire for alternatives. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 862

Tourism and Event Management Live Project – Final Assessment Essay

Introduction Reflective writing is the analytical process in which ideas or events are written and reflected upon to look back at how the process went and what it meant to the writer and other people around them. The reflective process is vital in examining the extent to which the process succeeded and what could have ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3526

The Tamarack Camps Experience

My earliest memory is The tamarack camps experience. In my whole life, I have only ever felt alone. It’s rare for most people to be cut off from the rest of the world. There was a 24-hour time of seclusion set out (Sheskin et al., 2022). There’s no central air conditioning, no phone, no TV, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1304

Importance of Tourism to the World Economy

Tourism refers to people travelling within their own countries or from different countries and staying in places outside their typical environment for various purposes. These purposes may include; leisure; this is whereby tourists travel to get away from their familiar territory for relaxation; business; this is where tourists travel for work-related purposes. This movement could ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 580

Croatia Tourism Attractions

Tourism attractions refer to the places of interest that tourists, both local and international visitors. According to Cervova & Vavrova (2021), tourism attraction sites are natural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts, public parks, mountains, deserts, and forests, which are instances of traditional tourism, making some of the highest percentages of vacation destinations that ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3183

Impact of Tourism on Economic Development

Tourism does not solely involve the movement of individuals from their homes or their country to visit other recreational facilities. Still, it is a cultural, social, and economic phenomenon that involves the movement of individuals to countries for business or personal purposes. Besides just the basic concept of movement, tourism comes with a package of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 671

Impact of COVID-19 on the United Kingdom Tourism Industry

Introduction China was where the Covid-19 Pandemic started 2019 in December and is still spreading throughout the world. To stop the spread of Covid 19, almost every government globally, including the United Kingdom, has come up with restrictions that they have imposed on both short and long travels (Voulgaris, Ferrini-Strambi, & Steimpoulos). Because of this, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1967
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