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Title of Negotiation Exercise or Negotiation Reflection and Analysis


Framing and Coalition Building

The paper mill used a strategic plan that appeared during the negotiation event whereby alliance accepted to employ people for fish sampling tests. In particular, in this case, the paper mill did very well by framing the deal in terms of coalition goals, highlighting common benefits as reasons for cooperation. This strategic framing fits the idea that Lewicki et al. (2003) discussed: framing is the process of influencing people’s perception of a negotiation outcome. The ability to connect the coalition’s goals with those of the paper mill speaks about a high understanding of negotiations. The reading from Bacow and Wheeler (1984) supports the concept that discussion is an ordinary way to resolve disputes. It is emphasized that negotiations are voluntary, and parties normally agree or compromise if they can find common grounds with mutual benefits.

Privacy of Company Records

As another instance of strategic framing, the paper mill’s decision to maintain company records confidential was reached through negotiations. In this instance, the paper mill painstakingly stated that a privacy agreement was required to stay ahead of rivals and prevent public madness. Framing of this strategy reveals how important it is to change people’s thinking about problems and decision-making; as Lewicki et al. explain, the ability to put the privacy agreement in a framework that emphasizes reciprocity demonstrates strategic negotiating skills. Bacow and Wheeler’s reading complements the significance of bargaining as a crucial element in conflict resolution due to the voluntary nature of agreements. This successful negotiation over the privacy of company records illustrates that means can be vital to problem-solving and reaching consensus.

Quarterly Public Meetings

The DEP has used strategic framing in resolving public meetings every three months with the EAB, political activists, and entrepreneurs. The DEP organized discussions in this situation to allow people to work as a team. They stressed their role in the first two years to convince them to join. This strategic framing fits the idea that Lewicki et al. (2003) discussed: framing impacts how stakeholders frame conflicts that influence these actions and beliefs. The organization of the talks demonstrates that Bacow and Wheeler considered negotiations reciprocal. This demonstrates the necessity of collective effort to address environmental challenges. The negotiation results allow us to conclude that both sides possessed some strategic knowledge about using framing as an instrument for striking partnerships and thus promoting teamwork in settling environmental disputes.


Framing Success

The paper mill’s goals were in the coalition’s interest, which implies that the framing negotiation approach was correct and successful. The focus was on strategic framing – a crucial element of making people collaborate, and it resulted in a satisfactory solution regarding the fish sampling tests. Frame-based strategies work well in building a shared story. This becomes evident when negotiating from Bacow and Wheeler’s (1984) perspective on negotiation as a reciprocal process. The authors note that negotiation involves more than swapping ideas. It also includes negotiation. In this case, framing works to strengthen the idea that people can have something in common when they bargain because both sides want similar things. The cooperative understanding reached through framing aligns with what Bacow and Wheeler have referred to as the basic negotiation rules.

Privacy Framing

Privacy framing was used skillfully so that the group acknowledged after calling attention to the benefits everyone would enjoy should they maintain the confidentiality of company records. This methodology, in terms of focusing on Bacow and Wheeler’s emphasis on negotiation as a crucial dispute resolution element, clearly illustrates the significance of mutual agreements in environmental conflicts. The negotiation process is usually accompanied by sensitivities and conflicts of interest, especially towards the environment. In this case, privacy, confidentiality, and competitive advantage concerns were adequately addressed. The ideas propounded by Bacow and Wheeler agreed that negotiation is a disputing mechanism, both acceptable to contending parties. With the privacy framing, this is how these kinds of implicit deals become inevitable in managing complex environmental issues.


The group had problems during the bargaining process because of concerns about privacy and losing a competitive edge. To address these issues, we had to be clever and frank. Open communication that allowed both parties to discuss their concerns and aims openly was one way in which they overcame obstacles. One major issue plaguing the paper mill was the confidentiality of company information, a sensitive topic. This challenge was addressed in the discussion group by highlighting how much documentation should be shrouded. All interests were aligned in explaining to the officers how secrecy could save paper mills from competition and prevent public madness.


Strategic Framing

Strategic framing was crucial in the negotiation stage as it helped change people’s views and make concessions on controversial topics. The negotiation, informed by what Bacow and Wheeler read, also revealed how complex the bargaining stages are. The authors emphasize that negotiation is a simple exchange of ideas and involves difficult decision-making. A critical aspect of addressing such issues is strategic framing, which can be seen when the team discusses with the paper mill, DEP, and alliances. With common frames, negotiators could close the gaps and drop their differences, making things easy for people to work together. Indeed, Bacow and Wheeler’s ideas reveal the significance of having a theoretical framework to comprehend and manage complexities that emerge within negotiations.

Effective Communication

Good communication was essential in the course of getting through the difficult stages of this discussion. The ability to articulate the virtues of deals was vital in ensuring that everyone could understand each other. According to Bacow and Wheeler, bargaining is an agreement on what will be done. In this case, communication is not merely passing information but also helping people to agree. The negotiation process depicted in the reading emphasizes how both sides make decisions as a consensus. Through good communication, people with different ideas meet and work towards goals that benefit both parties. The communication between the paper mill DEP was effective, and it shows how essential reaching an agreement and settling environmental conflicts can be.


Bacow, L. S., & Wheeler, M. (1984). Environmental Dispute Resolution. Plenum Press.

Lewicki, R. B., Gray, M., & Elliot, eds. (2003). Making Sense of Environmental Conflicts: Concepts and Cases. Island Press.


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