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The Role of the Nurse Scientist as a Knowledge Article

The article “The Role of the nurse scientist as a Knowledge” is an intricate mass of knowledge drafted by authors. Seven individuals come together and draught the masterpiece, including Thompson and Schwartz Barcott. Evidence-based practice in nursing is the pathway to achieving various solutions in the medical field. The practitioners must adopt and adapt their client’s needs, preferences, assessments, and treatment histories. It is a way to guarantee better healthcare satisfaction, reducing treatment expenses and hiking treatment outcomes. Recently there have been various challenges to achieving an optimal and egalitarian service in various medical facilities which the article bases its research purpose on. The principal objective of the paper is to point out the multiple strategies nurses employ in promoting EBP.

Various steps come in handy in the implementation of EBP. The nurses work towards inquiry and illustrative questioning regarding the patients’ illnesses. The nurses hence seek clinically relevant information per the client’s issue. They later look for evidence from the literature and finalize by disseminating helpful information suitable for clinical practice. The aspect is ideal for medical decision-making, relevance in the medical practice, and innovation in the medical sector.

The article employs an amalgamation of methods for data collection and analysis. The search strategy remained on the key terms in various databases. The authors use instrumental investigation of twenty-three nurses from primary care and hospitals. The setting remains to cover more than seven strategic health administrations all over England. The data resulted from interviews and observation of the clinical nurses (Thompson & Barcott, 2019). The data analysis procedure was under the employment of the framework approach.

The research findings came in handy, whereby the advanced professionals are the expert brokers in employing EBP among ordinary clinical nurses. The idea of knowledge, including the precedence of the uptake of expertise, was critical to the brokering process. The aspect includes accruing the diverse types of evidence that are a repository for nurses synthesizing them and translating them through evaluation. There were interpretations and distillation for the diverse patients as per their preferences, healthcare history, and validity of the available literature. The accrued information would be disseminated via official and informal strategies. Advanced practice nurses were at the forefront in promoting the adoption of evidence via the advancement of knowledge and clinical expertise by being role models, tutoring, and medical challenge solving in addition to championing change.

The idea behind advanced practice medication knowledge in the medical sector implies that nurses are idiosyncratic since the nurses would be knowledge brokers establishing a connection between practice and evidence. In the future, the complication and multifaceted duty of advanced practice professionals should exist as knowledge brokers. The aspect must extend beyond knowledge management, connection, and capacity building. The idea must embrace critical thinking, problem-solving, and implementing the transition to client-based treatment (Thompson & Barcott, 2019). Generation z is a plethora of preferences and tastes. It would be challenging for nurses to treat the mass based on traditional information merely. Hence, nurses must seek the applicable information that matches their patient’s needs. They should be role models to interns and newbies in the medical field.

The article “ Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Using Knowledge Brokers (KB) in Canadian Rehabilitation Settings” by (Yamanie et al., 2023 ) is a piece of knowledge that works in illustration of the medical situations in a rehabilitation center. The article seeks to establish the issues surrounding the utilization of knowledge brokers in evidence-based practice in rehabilitation centers. The research scrutinizes the factors that hinder the ultimate effective employment of knowledge brokers within rehabilitation centers in Canada.

The research was a product of various data collection and analysis methods. It was an amalgamation of telephone-structured interviews with practical nurses in the setting of rehabilitation centers. The interviews would last an hour, and the questions would revolve around five domains: the inner setting, exterior setting, process traits, and characteristics. Per the data analysis, the independent professional analysts rated every interview to satisfy the review. The aspect resulted in twenty-three participants being interviewed from five Canadian geographical positions. Many participants possessed ideal communication skills, confidence in knowledge-brokering activities, and solid clinical experience and expertise.

At the official organizational strata, the professionals would be team players with diverse stakeholders and obtain relevant guidance from management. Several clinical nurses would receive minimal support from IT and clerical support. Many nurses want various tools and equipment to remain channeled to the KB practice.

The article is an addition to the existing knowledge. The world is advancing in terms of technology in every sector. There are emerging trends in the computerization and documentation of patient data (Yamanie et al., 2023 ). Hence, nurses must get the maximum support from the IT sector for the best performance. In contemporary society, minimal paperwork keeps room for efficiency and satisfaction. The provision of clerical and IT support is a guarantee of patient and nurse satisfaction.


Gaid, D., Ahmed, S., Thomas, A., & Bussières, A. (2020). Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Using Knowledge Brokers in Canadian Rehabilitation Settings: A Qualitative Study.

Retrieved from:

Yamanie, N., Felistia, Y., Bustami, M., Nulkhasanah, A., Sjaaf, A. C., & Miftahussurur, M. (2023). Exploring the role of knowledge brokering in developing specialized hospitals: A descriptive qualitative study. Electron J Gen Med. 2023; 20 (3): em478.


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