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The Need for Lifelong Learning


In today’s world, the traditional educational confines, particularly the degree route, are becoming superseded. Skills learned in university are increasingly hanging on the edge of becoming obsolete, given the demands of this fast-paced world. The reality is that, even if Gen Z are tech-savvy, they might fall short of satisfying the future market demand for technical skills [3]. To fuel innovation pipelines and adapt to innovative developments, a culture of lifelong learning is a must. Fortunately, learning and upskilling are not limited to classroom settings since individuals can gain new skills and deepen their understanding independently [3]. It is incredible how humans inherently have the drive to explore, grow, learn, and adapt, underpinned by the willpower to improve the sense and feeling of self-worth and the quality of life by being intentional about lifelong learning. Passions and personal interests advance lifelong learning, which empowers individuals to achieve satisfaction and personal fulfillment [1]. Lifelong learning implies the personal voluntary, self-driven, and continuous pursuit of aptitude and knowledge that aligns with individuals’ goals and ideas, whether personally or professionally. Today’s world is characterized by ever-evolving demands and advancements, making lifelong learning a fundamental human necessity to survive and thrive in this era [2]. Knowledge acquisition, as well as adaptability, remains to be paramount across the lifespan. The notion that learning is only confined to the early years of education is long forgotten, and the imperative need for lifelong learning is well-researched and documented to reflect today’s dynamic nature. Become resilient and adaptable to the rapid changes experienced can be made possible by lifelong learning. Besides, this endeavor guarantees individuals expanded horizons, satisfaction, and easiness when pursuing interests [1]. Notably, different pillars of lifelong learning can be flawlessly incorporated into diverse individual aspects to realize the benefits of lifelong learning.


Learning to Know

This lifelong learning pillar focuses on acquiring skills and knowledge to build a balanced and comprehensive knowledge base crucial for personal as well as professional development. In respect to the topic, this pillar drives individuals to pursue new interests, seek information, and advance their problem-solving competency and critical thinking [4]. Harnessing such a knowledge base enables individuals to navigate intricate challenges and stay informed on new developments. Particularly in the professional domain, individuals relying on this pillar have it easy since it becomes easy for them to undertake interdisciplinary projects [2].

Learning to Be

To develop wholly, individuals must focus on self-discovery and immerse themselves in undertakings that guarantee their personal growth [1]. Even if it plays a crucial part in professional development, learning to be places emphasis on self-reflection, individual well-being, consciousness, and emotional intelligence. This pillar advances the idea of a fulfilling and balanced life that extends beyond the professional life [4].

Learning to Do

This pillar speaks volumes about the practicability of knowledge application. Seamlessly applying knowledge in real life is a remarkable learning phenomenon because lifelong learners appreciate that theoretical knowledge becomes potent when fused with practicability. To put this pillar into practice, learners must pursue opportunities and projects to put their skills to work, whereby they still learn how to improve and get better [4]. This nurtures a mentality that values adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving, and the learner strives for hands-on capabilities.

Learning to Live Together

Human beings are social beings, and learning happens through social interactions and surrounding world observation. This pillar underscores living together, which implies interconnectedness reinforced by collaboration and social interactions. Appreciating diverse perspectives, being outgoing, and practicing empathy goes in hand with this pillar as people learn when interacting with others, working, or engaging [4]. This makes learners appreciate social cohesion and diversity richness because their worldview is enriched.


Lifelong learning stands to be an indispensable strategic undertaking that guarantees individuals fulfillment and gratification in their personal as well as professional lives. In today’s world, lifelong learning cannot be overstated, given its benefits to empowering individuals to stay competitive, upskilled, relevant, resilient, and adaptable, contributing significantly to their personal growth and societal transformation. The four lifelong learning pillars, including learning to be, to do, to know, and to live together, lay out a detailed model that nurtures a mindset of continuous learning to improve oneself and remain agile in navigating today’s world complexities. The future holds so much, including unprecedented changes and lifelong learning is the life thread to fulfillment and excellence.


  1. McGrath, R. (2023). Council Post: The Power Of Lifelong Learning: How Curiosity Forges Mastery. Forbes.
  2. Penn LPS. (2020). The importance of lifelong learning | Penn LPS Online.
  3. Skonnard, A. (2023, October 3). Comment: Supporting Gen Z with talent training. Engineering and Technology Magazine.
  4. Sobe, N. W. (2023). Reworking Four Pillars of Education to Sustain the Commons | UNESCO.


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