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The Effects of Medicaid Expansion and Non-Expansion


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) 2010 aimed to revolutionize healthcare access in the United States by encouraging states to expand Medicaid. This paper delves into the divergent decisions made by North Carolina and Wisconsin regarding the Medicaid expansion provision. The objective is to meticulously examine the positive and negative effects on various aspects, such as the quality of care and state revenue.

Medicaid Expansion Overview:

In 2014, North Carolina embraced the ACA, expanding Medicaid to cover individuals with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level. Conversely, Wisconsin chose not to expand Medicaid and continued providing coverage to low-income individuals through existing programs (Darney, 2020).

Positive Effects:

  1. Improved Access to Care:
  • North Carolina: Medicaid expansion significantly improved access to health care services. A broader coverage base resulted in enhanced access to preventive care and better treatment options for chronic conditions.
  • Wisconsin: While Wisconsin experienced a different comprehensive expansion, focusing on existing programs might have sustained access for low-income individuals.
  1. Economic Stimulus and Job Creation:
  • North Carolina: Medicaid expansion injected increased federal funding, stimulating the healthcare infrastructure and creating job opportunities within the sector.
  • Wisconsin: The decision to forgo expansion may have led to a comparatively lower direct economic stimulus, with the state relying on other healthcare programs to maintain economic momentum.
  1. Health Outcomes and Disease Management:
  • North Carolina: Expanded coverage likely contributed to better health outcomes and more effective management of chronic diseases, with a broader population accessing necessary health care services.
  • Wisconsin: The state’s approach might have resulted in variations in health outcomes, contingent on the effectiveness of existing programs catering to low-income individuals.

Negative effects:

  • Budgetary concerns:
  • North Carolina: Although the federal government initially financed some significant part of the new hospital’s construction costs, there was always worry that in later years, it could imply delayed fiscal problems to the state budget, mainly for the reason that the latter had gradually begun to play a part in financing some part of such costs.
  • Wisconsin: Failure to increase might have posed caveats to maintaining fully comprehensive healthcare services due to federal expansion funds’ lack of fiscal support.
  • Coverage Gaps:
  • North Carolina: Although such expansions have scarcely meant that some people waited in coverage gaps, especially those who don’t receive Medicaid and cannot pay for private insurance.
  • Wisconsin: An alternative situation that was not expanded might have created more uninsured people, and for this reason, the problem with coverage deficits could continue to persist, giving some people no alternatives to medical care.
  • Political and Ideological Disputes
  • North Carolina: The tying with ACA and Medicaid extension could have caused apparent political and ideological disputes over the realized responsibility of the federal government in health affairs.
  • Wisconsin: Political decision-making might also be changed due to some challenges put on by the ACA, which might have altered decisions and changed healthcare policies and accessibility in the state.


Such an exhaustive evaluation reveals the various effects of coverage expansion due to the Medicaid program. Faith in additional gains in access and economic stimuli might be observed in the case of North Carolina, and the provision of challenges in preserving the full spectrum of healthcare services could be witnessed in the case of Wisconsin.


Darney, B. G., Jacob, R. L., Hoopes, M., Rodriguez, M. I., Hatch, B., Marino, M., … & Cottrell, E. K. (2020). Evaluation of Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act and contraceptive care in US community health centers. JAMA network open3(6), e206874-e206874.


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