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Managing Organizational Issues That Affect Project Implementation


The development of advanced technology has, over the period, provided organizations with expertise that has enhanced service delivery. Despite the dynamic landscape, the company has made milestones that are technologically integrated as a tool for sustainable service delivery. In this case, this paper outlines a situation where the IT project encountered significant challenges due to organizational issues, leading to delays, budget overruns, and compromised project objectives. The lack of a sustainable evaluation affected the quest to attain the objective on time.

Challenged IT project

The organization needed to install a complex IT system whose implementation was aimed at streamlining business processes and enhancing overall organizational efficiency. Despite the efforts that the management put in place, some challenges emerged from the members. There needed to be more in the nature of the comprehensive project plan and understanding (Shan et al., 2022). They were pinning the fact that a change in the system would take time, and this would affect them. On the same note, there was an issue with training, which could take time before people adopt it. Ideally, the management had seen such challenges coming along, and there were skilled project teams who were ready to break down the complexity. Nevertheless, the initiative faced setbacks due to organizational challenges and this obstructed progress.

 Effects of System Rejection and Delay in Adoption

In this regard, a number of challenges were realized because of the delayed system implementation and rejection by some members. There were serious operation disruptions and financial challenges because there was slow service delivery. Besides that, there was frustration among employees because there was a competitive advantage between people who welcomed the changes and those who rejected the system (Schutt & Hartwell, 2023). There was a niche in the quest for opportunist innovation, and this would have a long-term implication on the general well-being of some employees.

 Model and Measures of Managing System Adoption

There is always a way out to solve any challenges that come along in a typical working environment. First, the management could have established a defined model that would help them understand the kind of system that they could have developed. This could have given staff members an opportunity to make their defined contribution. They could have conducted status meetings, training, and open channel mechanisms to ensure that a sustainable outcome was attained. The challenges caused by the lack of defined communication would have been solved if there had been defined communication between the members involved. Developing a culture of service delivery and accountability would have made it easy to implement and establish the new system in place.

On the same note, change in management training would be a very important process. It would help address resistance to change, and thus, organizations should invest in changed management training programs. It could have created room for employees to understand the proposed changes, address concerns, and build a more adaptive organizational culture before the actual program was introduced. The management could have taken an analysis of proactive risk management. In this case, the implementation of a proactive risk management strategy involves identifying potential risks early in the project and developing contingency plans. It should be followed by well-managed risk assessments and mitigation strategies, which are integrated into the entire process (Aken et al., 2020).

Other models that should be used include making some regular updates to employees, having flexible schedules, and continuous monitoring and evaluations alongside others. Importantly, the management should make good use of the external experts who will help members appreciate the system that was being introduced. At the end of the day., it’s their place of work, and they must follow the guidelines that the management is making. It ensures that we attain a sustainable outcome.


Aken, J. V., Berends, H., & Bij, H. V. (2020). Problem-solving in organizations: A methodological handbook for business and management students. Cambridge University Press.

Schutt, R. K., & Hartwell, S. W. (2023). The organizational response to social problems: Changing inter-organizational and organization-client relations. The Organizational Response to Social Problems, 1-13.

Shan, L., Zhong, W., Sun, L., & Chen, X. (2022). Disturbance rejection control of desulfurization system with time delay based on uncertainty and disturbance estimator.


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