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Terminal Cancer Essays

Parental Loss to Terminal Cancer: The Impact on Well-Being and the Role of Resilience Factors in Post-Bereavement Adjustment.

ABSTRACT This dissertation delves into the profound impact of losing a parent to terminal cancer and its implications for individuals’ well-being. It explores the crucial role of resilience factors in the adjustment process following bereavement. The study thoroughly investigates the intricate dynamics of coping mechanisms and adaptive processes that contribute to the overall resilience of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2082

Non-Pharmacological Interventions To Improve Sleep in Children With Terminal Cancer: A Systematic Review

Abstract Children with terminal cancer suffer from prevalent sleep disorders and poor quality of life. This systematic review assesses non-pharmacological interventions to improve sleep quality in this susceptible group. First, a systematic search in electronic databases provided various studies that could be included. The chosen interventions were cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based intervention, and environmental changes. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3146
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