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Telehealth Technology Needs Assessment for St. Anthony Medical Center


Developing a tele-counseling services program for rural high school students requires a thorough needs analysis to ensure the initiative’s smooth and efficient implementation. This comprehensive review of the issues deals with the necessity and importance of the telehealth technology offered to the readers, such as nursing care, safety, regulations, patient confidentiality, and the consequences on the stakeholders. Adhering to the strict scrutiny of these aspects shall be a stepping stone to establishing the telehealth program customized to address the one-of-a-kind needs of high school students in more remote places under the management of St. Anthony’s Medical Center.

Relevance and Importance of Needs Assessment

The essential basis for any successful project is a needs assessment, which explicitly reveals the knowledge gaps to draw up and understand the complexities inherent in the different stakeholders. In this piece of the puzzle, the evaluation participates in a particular role, ensuring that the telehealth technology adopted fulfills all project objectives while facilitating the distribution of the goals among real and achievable objectives (Haleem et al., 2021).

In addition, a detail-oriented evaluation of all relevant regulations, especially the commitment to maintaining a HIPAA-compliant system, is a must. Furthermore, this conforms with the rules and morals, ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards, and establishes the base for ethical utilization of telehealth resources, strengthening the integrity of the planned initiative at St. Anthony Medical Center. The meeting of these forces underlines the fact that a detailed needs assessment approach is the most essential tool in the design of the telehealth project.

Key Nursing Care Issues

In addressing these main issues in nursing care on the patient outcomes side at St. Anthony’s Medical Center, significant challenges involve nurse burnouts, staff shortages, high turnover rates, and competency problems emanating from a large number of fresh graduates. These issues are resolved through the introduction of the proposed telehealth counseling program, which is a strategic solution. One way the program aims to achieve this goal is by extending mental health support to high school students, a move that will alleviate the nursing burden along with enhancing mental well-being among the students. The indirect impact of this can be geared to reduce stress on the nursing staff, hence improving the quality of patient care and, in turn, the overall patient outcome (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). The inclusion of a telehealth system is a focused initiative aimed at tackling various complexity issues within the nursing care delivery arrangement at Saint Anthony’s Medical Center.

Safety Requirements and Regulatory Considerations

Various subsections and, overall, the initiative aims to monitor and protect the mental health of students at school. Such an initiative involves a thorough analysis of components like the integration of pre-installed systems working in unison with security and surveillance and identifying vulnerabilities to which the rise in Telehealth may subject the system (Jin et al., 2020).

Assessing technical security precautions involves a thorough technical infrastructure review of the system, which allows these virtual conversations. Particular encryption features, access controls, and authentication mechanisms must be there to keep patient data exchanged between physicians and patients during counseling sessions safe regarding privacy and integrity. On the other hand, analytics detection systems, which need regular audits and version upgrades, pose a security risk and every new risk they deal with. Furthermore, analytics must be tested with regular security audits and updates to tackle emerging risks and shortcomings.

Stringent adherence to HIPAA compliance is an absolute necessity. The telehealth technology interfaces must follow the HIPAA guidelines for the privacy of Patients’ health information to sustain the requirements. Through this effort, we protect data transmission, storage, and access to patient records. Continuous engaging training is critical, so we regularly remain current with HIPPA laws that call for change.

Identifying probable risks determines active measures used to identify the factors that would cause the telehealth counseling to be inconsistent or, at worst, unsafe. Risk assessment should include technical vulnerabilities, potential information leakage, and remote nature challenges that may arise in telehealth exchange. A well-thought-out risk management plan will be needed to pull together the implementation and regular operation of the telehealth program.

Delivering quiet counseling rooms is an ambivalent yet significant factor as it helps to keep the discussions confidential. This consideration indicates the sensitivity of mental health dialogues and, at the same time, provides a safe way for students to attend telemedicine counseling. Creating a soundproofed environment helps improve students’ standing and ensure they feel at ease while expressing themselves, ultimately making them trust the telehealth process.

Patient Confidentiality and Privacy Protection

A key pillar for any telehealth program is providing patients with a safe and confidential healthcare setting. The upturned telehealth technology ought to provide secure patient access through encrypted communication channels and data stores with access controls, among other things (Tariq & Hackert, 2023). Privacy is considered a critical factor in this program because it keeps the confidentiality of the participating students secure both in terms of the law and the importance of fostering trust in the telemedicine program. Trust is another essential medical currency; trust is the glue for getting patients into the engagement.

Ensuring confidentiality within the telehealth venture is essential; from there, more things can evolve, and it is more likely to be a successful and lasting process. The technology enables the access to be secured by applying the authorized individual’s check-in measures. Encryption protocols have to be used for said channels to ensure the sensitive nature of the information flowing in the counseling sessions.

Data storage will be another critical component of the technology implementation to ensure data protection protocols for authorized access. Meeting the underlying privacy requirements, HIPAA compliance becomes a crucial legal necessity. However, staying on top of regulatory updates is meeting legal obligations and confirming ethical healthcare behavior commitment. Security, the fundamental element upon which patient engagement relies, determines a link between trust and privacy.

When talking to high school students about their mental health, the fact that the conversations are sensitive becomes crucial. Undoubtedly, this emphasizes the aspect of confidentiality. To secure the patient’s privacy is to get trust, which mostly lays the ground for patient engagement and the achievement of telehealth initiation.

Impact of Stakeholders and End Users

The telehealth counseling program must recognize and value stakeholder members’ substantial influence to achieve its triumph. These stakeholders, who range from internal groups such as the school administrators to external bodies including parents and students, have tremendous power in the program’s success (Galvin et al., 2023). Being practically engaged with stakeholders and having the right expectations about an initiative’s difficulties helps develop further steps to overcome the situation.

Such joint understanding from the beginning of the acquisition and the subsequent implementation would, however, ensure that the telehealth technology is blended correctly. Thus, the acquisition proceeds seamlessly. To realize the importance of the stakeholders, however, excessive or narrow involvement in the endeavor should be noticed; instead, their role as impactful partners is underscored. This partnership implies that all parties involved will feel responsible and that they should confirm the goal of the initiative. In essence, the effect of stakeholders and end users is not just transitional but decisively contouring the ultimate success of the telehealth project.


The effectiveness of the envisioned telehealth counseling program at St. Anthony Medical Center revolves around the impeccable implementation of comprehensive needs assessment. A telehealth approach must convey not only technological integration but also nursing care, safety requirements, legislative measures, confidentiality of information, and impact on all stakeholders, thereby establishing a solution that exceeds a mere technological framework. This approach aims to strengthen the mental health support for rural high school students, which will build a healthy community.


Gajarawala, S., & Pelkowski, J. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners17(2), 218–221.

Galvin, E., Desselle, S., Gavin, B., Quigley, E., Flear, M., Kilbride, K., McNicholas, F., Cullinan, S., & Hayden, J. (2023). Stakeholder perspectives and experiences implementing remote mental health consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study23(1).

Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., & Suman, R. (2021). Telemedicine for healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sensors International2(2).

Jin, M. X., Kim, S. Y., Miller, L. J., Behari, G., & Correa, R. (2020). Telemedicine: Current Impact on the Future. Cureus12(8), e9891.

Tariq, R. A., & Hackert, P. B. (2023, January 23). Patient confidentiality.; StatPearls Publishing.


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