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Telecommuting Essays

Navigating the Rise of Remote Work: Benefits, Risks and the Need for Conscious Policies

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated working from home as the only working option. Although initially daunting, such change resulted in many people’s attitudes towards remote work, which became permanent. According to 2023 research, Americans 20-65 age group spend almost a third of their working days at their homes. Thus, this is a massive shift ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1322

Hybrid or Remote Full-Time Work and Its Implementation As the Primary Method of Work in America

Introduction Given current technological developments, education, and globalization, a paradigm change is very likely. Full-time workers now operating from a single location is an ineffective and unsustainable strategy. Hybrid or remote full-time employment are two possible answers to this issue. A hybrid or remote full-time position involves working from home sometimes but spending some days ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612
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