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Technology Essays

Reflecting on the Journey: Unravelling the Dynamics of Cybersecurity in Digital Banking

Undertaking research to improve Barclays’ cybersecurity for digital banking has been an enlightening experience. This paper summarizes the complex and evolving process, the valuable insights uncovered, the difficult challenges overcome, and the profound personal growth throughout the research project. The path involved careful planning, data collection, and analysis to understand the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

From Help Desks to Chatbots: Enhancing Customer Service in the E-Commerce Industry Through AI Advancements

Introduction Rapid artificial intelligence (AI) improvements have transformed various industries, and the e-commerce sector is no irregularity. This literature review investigates customer service transformation in the e-commerce industry, explicitly directing the transition from usual help desks to AI-based chatbots. Adopting AI chatbots in e-commerce has raised main questions about their impact on customer ideas, user ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1959
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Transforming Healthcare With AI and ChatGPT: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations

Introduction: Amid the fourth industrial revolution, the convergence of AI and Chatbot-Guided Processing Technology (ChatGPT) is riding modern adjustments across many commercial employer operations. AI (artificial intelligence) is an interdisciplinary subfield of laptop technology concerned with developing increasingly smart machines capable of learning, causing, and remedying issues in approaches that mimic human overall performance. ChatGPT ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3133

ChatGPT a Catalyst for Business Digital Transformation in the Era of Industry 4.0

Introduction The emergence of AI has given rise to a new era of technological and economic growth. This innovative language model has captured widespread attention with its forward-thinking capabilities. This study examines the profound implications of ChatGPT on business digital evolution within the context of the Industry 4.0 landscape. In essence, AI involves creating software that can ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3007

Transformative Evolution of Google Company in the Digital Era

Introduction Google Company has significantly transformed the digital world since its establishment in 1998. The company was established by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, initially functioning as a search engine to organize global information and facilitate its widespread accessibility and usefulness (Slater, 2023). Nevertheless, it has rapidly transformed into a diverse and complex conglomerate, influencing several ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3179

Constitutional Issues in Criminal Procedures

Introduction Rapid technological advancement has revolutionized people’s social connections, modes of communication, and engagement in both lawful and unlawful activities. Regardless, the technological revolution has shackled the legal system, which is straining to adapt to the ever-increasing complexity that new technologies have imposed. Bitcoin, Binance, Dogecoin, and Ethereum are some cryptocurrencies that have emerged due ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1596

Stream Analytics Applications, Benefits, and Challenges

Introduction In the contemporary, the streaming process is ideal for data streams. Streaming is planned to analyze and also act on real-time streaming data. Stream analytics denotes the process through which data is analyzed and processed immediately as it is produced instead of storing the data for bunch processing. Stream analytics emphasizes the constant data ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1349

Needs Assessment for Integrating a Knowledge-Based Application Within an Integrated Health System

Technology integration is essential in the changing healthcare landscape for improving patient care, operational effectiveness, and connection across healthcare institutions. Incorporating a knowledge-based application into an integrated health system requires a comprehensive needs assessment to ensure effective deployment and user satisfaction (Makivić, 2022). The paper describes how to assess requirements, help doctors identify end-user needs, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 763

Using Technology in Social Work Improves Efficiency, Accessibility and Service Quality

Technology has revolutionized social service delivery in unprecedented ways. Through technological tools such as videoconferencing, social workers attend to their clients through online platforms. Clients do not have to travel physically to healthcare settings to seek services, and this trend can potentially reduce stigma and cost for clients. Technology makes it easier for social workers ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1402

Time Series Analysis

Data analysts use time series analysis to examine trends, patterns, and other behaviors within data sequences. The method also makes predictions and derives insights about underlying processes and patterns. The technique allows analysts to use historical data to make predictions. It makes time series analysis indispensable in manufacturing, marketing, weather forecasting, economics, and finance. Such ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1469

Possession, Ownership, and Control of Modern Mobile Devices

Mobile devices bring people considerable convenience, enabling them to access diverse services and applications on demand, including online shopping, internet surfing, and mobile media. Appliances such as phones, laptops, and desktops require software and media from developers to work effectively. Terms such as possession, ownership, and control relate to the operation of these applications. Ownership ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 606

Identification as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity-as-a-service is a subscription model existing on the cloud, and it provides access services to customers using third-party providers. It also has functions and works over the internet, giving the providers access to on-premises. It has different functions and ensures that organizations can have more accessible and low-cost access management systems. Many tenants access the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1314

Heartbleed: Lessons Learned and Preventive Measures for Secure Software Development

 Introduction Design flaws and software defects have a significant impact on businesses and organizations. The infamous “Heartbleed” flaw in April 2014 is one such instance. Heartbleed was a severe security flaw that affected many of the internet and was discovered in the widely used OpenSSL cryptographic package. A programming error in the “heartbeat” extension of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

Exploring Governance and Strategy in the Realm of Technology

Governance and strategy are crucial to business and social progress in the ever-changing technology environment. Given the digital age’s great potential and difficulties, understanding the profound relationship between these principles is crucial. Governance controls an organization’s direction, performance, and compliance. Technology governance involves creating moral and responsible use standards. It includes responsibility, risk management, judgment, ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2556

Challenges and Opportunities of Securing Government Critical Infrastructure: A Case of E-Government

Abstract In the current digital era, critical infrastructure for the government, especially in e-government, is confronting never-before-seen difficulties. As governments throughout the world continue to incorporate technology into their operational procedures and the delivery of public services, maintaining the security and resiliency of these systems becomes crucial. With a focus on the E-Government sector in ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4276
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