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Technology Industry Essays

Trends Influencing Human Behavior and Performance in the Technology Industry

The field of technology is one sector that keeps on changing every day with modern facilities; however, it holds a vital position in the fabrication of today’s world. As someone currently working in the technology industry, I have observed three significant trends influencing human behaviour and performance: Digitize, Work From Home, and D&I efforts. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1059

Exploring Best Practices in Benchmarking for Continuous Improvement

Best Practices for Benchmarking Benchmarking helps firms across industries uncover best practices, enhance performance, and stay competitive. Organizations must adopt best practices to benchmark effectively and improve continuously. Benchmarking requires defined goals. Companies must set benchmarking targets before starting the analysis. Well-defined objectives guarantee that benchmarking efforts are focused and generate relevant information. Successful benchmarking ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1390
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Apple Inc. v. Pepper et al. (2019)

Abstract The lawsuit concerning the conglomerate Apple versus Pepper and others (2019) focuses on a collective court case initiated against Apple by purchasers alleging anti-competitive methods in its App Store. The primary argument was Apple’s enforcement of a 30% tax on developers, resulting in excessive valuations for iPhone applications. This essay furnishes an exhaustive scrutiny ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1388

Competitive Strategy Outline of Apple Company

Abstract The competitive strategy of Apple Inc., as well as its analysis and organizational suggestions, are the main topics of this paper. The key topics covered include how Apple uses the Resource-Based View (RBV) theoretical framework to differentiate its products, create a seamless ecosystem of products and services, and integrate vertically. Apple’s competitive approach has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1379

Company Review: Apple Inc.

 Introduction Apple Inc. is a global company specializing in consumer electronics such as PCs, computer software, and commercial servers. Besides, the company divested the distribution of digital media content through its innovative iTunes Music Store in 2003. Its core products include Macintosh Computers, I pads, tablet PCs, iPhones, and iPod portable media players. The company ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2718

Apple Inc. Final Paper

Introduction The fortune 500 ranks the most significant public and private corporations in the United States according to the total revenue in a particular, fiscal year. This paper evaluates Apple Inc., Examines and describes the process the company uses to manage its supplies and develops an improvement plan for supply chain management to improve the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1619
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