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Target Customer Analysis


To gather sales data, several sorts of marketing materials can be employed. For instance, social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales effort. These social media platforms will enable us to compile information regarding the issues our customers are experiencing. We can create a marketing solution to solve these issues and better serve our brand-new and devoted clients by doing data research. In this customer segment, I will assess our two customer segments and go over ways to draw in new clients and increase existing clients’ loyalty. The success of Java Been Café’s new location depends on choosing what marketing materials to include to provide further assistance. A highly complicated number of phases or procedures might make up the consumer purchasing process. When customers want to purchase a new product or service, they go through six stages. These steps are: Identifying the Need, Finding the Information, Evaluating the Alternatives, Making the Purchase Decision, and Post-Purchase Behavior (Darmawan & Grenier, 2021). Understanding the various stages, consumers go through helps Java Been better to customize its advertising messages to its target audience and foster customer loyalty among its current clients.

Market Research

Daytime customers- California’s Los Angeles will be home to the newest Java Been location. As of 2018, the Los Angeles area has an estimated population of about 10 million, according to the United States Census Bureau. The self-employed or remote employees who appreciate a concentrated location away from home to work a few productive hours will make up the Daytime customer population. People in Los Angeles who are 25 to 54 years old makeup most of the population. This age group comprises daytime users who are independent contractors or remote employees (US Census Bureau, 2019). Typically, people in this age range from the working young adult who may have just finished college to someone approaching retirement age. The daytime client needs a peaceful setting to escape to concentrate on their work for a few fruitful hours. This client is seeking a calm environment where they can concentrate and get internet access, coffee, or other refreshments to get them through the workday. This group often prioritizes their family, profession, and future and has a hardworking outlook. In Los Angeles, the civilian workforce employs more than 65% of the population. Los Angeles is a very well-liked city with a wide range of amenities (US Census Bureau, 2019). Throughout the day, the Java Been client base would be a fantastic fit for this metropolis.

Nighttime customers– Artists, student study groups, and regular folks wishing to have a cultural night out will make up most nighttime patrons. Inspiring actors and actresses are known to relocate to Los Angeles to start careers in the music or film industries. American celebrities across the country have relocated to LA to launch their careers. Given that it draws people worldwide, Los Angeles would be the ideal location for Java Been’s nighttime clientele (Darmawan & Grenier, 2021). The evening clientele needs a lively setting to mingle and meet others they might network with. The evening clientele needs a lively setting to mingle and meet others they might network with. There are several prestigious institutions and colleges in Los Angeles. Thus, Java has Been there might draw study groups of students. The typical interests of this customer’s demography include music, movies, and social interaction. Ages 25 to 34 make up a sizable portion of the population in Los Angeles. The typical values of this nighttime clientele include having a good time and making new connections for networking. For the nighttime clientele, Los Angeles would be an ideal site for Java Been.

Cultural Consideration

Daytime customer-When marketing to Java Been’s daytime client demographic, there are a number of cultural issues that one could take into account. A society collectively held and passed-down values, beliefs, and acquired behaviors are referred to as its culture. Over time, culture is frequently transmitted both formally and informally. Java Been needs to develop methods to adjust to its customers and staff if it wants to succeed. Cultural norms define what is appropriate and inappropriate conduct. Enacted norms are seen as specific regulations or guidelines that specify how a person is expected to behave (Lessmann et al., 2021). Members of a social unit learn and practice cruel standards, but they may not always be understood by others outside of that unit. By appreciating the variations among all of its consumers, Java Been should demonstrate due respect for its members from all cultures. Customers during the day may come from diverse ethnic backgrounds and have distinct values and cultural standards. To better advertise to people from diverse cultural backgrounds, Java Been must understand how certain tangible items might fit into particular rituals, norms, and customs. It is recommended that Java Been make changes during the day so that people from various cultures may have time to work in a calm setting and that it makes sure everyone feels at home and that the coffee shop is a secure place to express themselves.

Nighttime customers– Customers who frequent Java Been at night could come from a different cultural background than those who go there during the day. These clients can be trying to express themselves and accept differences in others and in themselves (Darmawan & Grenier, 2021). This group seeks connections with individuals through a range of interests. Java Been may embrace this cultural factor by organizing heritage evenings to draw people from all walks of life and finding methods to make nighttime cultural entertainment appealing to a range of groups. This will make it possible for Java Been to succeed and advertise to other cultures.

Brand Ideals

Daytime customers– The proprietors of Java Been want to provide a creative place with exquisite coffee, delectable baked products, and music to stir the spirits of the artists. They want to be proud members of their community (Darmawan & Grenier, 2021). Due to the fact that these individuals are independent contractors or remote employees seeking a comfortable workspace, this image appeals to the daytime customer audience. Typically, people in this group take pleasure in their job and seek out workspaces that offer baked goods and coffee. This is in line with Java Been’s goal since the owners take pleasure in their neighborhood and offer top-notch service, just as the employees do for their clients (Lessmann et al., 2021). Additionally, Java Been has a three-year history. “Java Been is now a busy café. The café has become a venue for exhibits, gatherings, and local musicians because of its high ceilings and “found space” appeal. It has grown to be a crucial component of the artists revival neighborhood that has established itself near the river in the former industrial and mill buildings. The daytime client population is drawn to the history because they are searching for a place to work. The café is situated in an area with breathtaking views along the river and offers enough space for remote and self-employed individuals to spread out and do their job.

Nighttime customers– The nighttime clientele is drawn to Java Been’s concept because they are searching for an exciting location that offers music and entertainment. These clients are trying to find a place where they may network and be inspired (Dash et al., 2021). That description applies to Java Been’s vision. The history of Java Been also matched the clientele’s preference towards evening hours. It offers lots of room to accommodate various cultural events, as well as local musicians at night, as was already indicated. It is located in the arts district, a popular area for the evening crowd. The goals and background of Java Been align with both demographics.

Persuasion Techniques

Day-Time Customers-The like approach is a persuasive strategy that would work well with clients during the day. There are three key components to liking. We enjoy being among similar folks. People that compliment us are liked by us. People who work with us are liked by us. Students participating in a negotiating study were divided into two groups. The first group was informed that “time money.” These students settled their disagreement to a 55% degree. The second group was instructed to congratulate one another and talk about common ground before the discussion (Lessmann et al., 2021). 90% of the group’s negotiations resulted in agreement. Sales will keep rising if the staff at Java Been employs this strategy while interacting with daytime consumers. It is advised that every employee develops a sincere interest in their clients each day and strives to constantly give them with satisfactory service.

Nighttime customers– Reciprocity is a persuasive strategy that might be advantageous to customers who shop late at night. According to the principle of reciprocity, you have to give in order to get. Research that was carried out by handing out mints at restaurants is an illustration of this. Following a meal, giving a client one mint raised tips by 3%, giving them two mints increased tips by 14%, and giving a mint, walking away, then coming back and saying, “Here is an extra mint for your kind people,” increased tips by 23%. Not the type of present you give but how you offer it is said to have a positive impact on the growth of sales (Dash et al., 2021). Giving the nighttime consumer group a tiny gesture of thanks, like a mint or piece of chocolate, would boost sales and the likelihood that they would return on other evenings.


Daytime customers– A blog article published in a newspaper or business magazine is an excellent strategy to target the client demographic that shop during the day. While performing their task, independent contractors and remote employees read the newspaper and other publications. Blog postings are a fantastic method to offer a lot of value and information to your prospects (Tong et al., 2020). If Java Been uses this kind of advertising, it will be quite helpful to individuals who read these postings and are seeking for a new café where they may finish their job. A blog post is a fantastic strategy to market to this audience and make money.

Nighttime customers– The marketing material I advise using for the nighttime client group is a social media post. All demographic groups currently utilize social media, but people in this category use it the most. This piece of collateral may be a Facebook update, an Instagram photo, a Twitter message highlighting a cultural event, or any type of marketing material that would appeal to the customer demographic that shops at night (Tong et al., 2020). An advertisement on social media would draw viewers, and those who were interested may spread the word and invite their friends, generating more income. Always very advantageous to have a celebrity influencer support the social media message. Social networks are where customer communities often emerge, and marketers may utilize them to promote social events and acquire market data. A social media post is a fantastic technique to advertise to the evening client base and entice them to attend any events that Java Been hosts.


Java Been has the chance to make use of the offered market information to appeal to both daytime and nighttime clients in order to increase income. Java Been may connect with the self-employed and remote workers that make up the daytime client group by running an ad on a blog post in a neighborhood newspaper or business journal. The nighttime client demographics, which include artists and people eager to connect with others, may be reached by Java Been through social media advertising and the use of celebrity influencers. The customer-driven marketing strategy was one of the research techniques I utilized to get to this conclusion. This strategy’s three main components are market targeting, need fulfillment, and connection development. Being knowledgeable about the requirements, wants, and expectations of the market entails market targeting. It’s also essential to satisfy client demands and offer a range of choices (Tong et al., 2020). Finally, creating a relationship with the consumer enables them to keep coming back to Java Been when they receive service they appreciate and feel compelled to come back and tell others about their experience. Knowing what the consumer wants and understanding how to draw in that customer base are prerequisites for the success of Java Been. The daytime client will be drawn to blog articles since it is something they routinely read and pay great attention to. Sales may be increased by writing an interesting blog article that describes the mission and history of Java Been and welcomes readers to the café. The blog article may even instruct readers to tell their servers about it in order to obtain a discount. This will increase foot traffic to the café and revenue while demonstrating that consumers have been reading the blog article. The late-night clientele will be drawn in by a celebrity influencer and social media-created events. Customers in this group follow a range of celebrities on Facebook and Instagram and browse those platforms often (Dash et al., 2021). This group desires social interaction and engagement. An influencer who promotes Java Been’s environment and all of its wonderful features, such as its heritage evenings or networking events, is likely to increase sales. It has been repeatedly demonstrated via research conducted by a number of organizations that this is the most effective method of consumer advertising. By paying close attention to the requirements and wishes of their customers and how they might strive to boost sales, Java Been has the chance to thrive.


Darmawan, D., & Grenier, E. (2021). Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix. Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3), 1(2), 75-80.

Dash, G., Kiefer, K., & Paul, J. (2021). Marketing-to-Millennials: Marketing 4.0, customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Journal of business research, 122, 608-620.

Lessmann, S., Haupt, J., Coussement, K., & De Bock, K. W. (2021). Targeting customers for profit: An ensemble learning framework to support marketing decision-making. Information Sciences, 557, 286-301.

The United States census bureau. (2019). Retrieved from

Tong, S., Luo, X., & Xu, B. (2020). Personalized mobile marketing strategies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 64-78.


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