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Strategies for Managing Distressed Projects: The Case of the Rem De l’Est Project in Montreal


Managing distressed projects can become a substantial hurdle in contemporary, rapidly evolving project landscapes, especially for entities where robust project management is not a forte. The REM de l’Est project in Montreal is a testament to such challenges, characterized by escalating costs and deviations from its initial objectives. In this piece, we aim to delve into actionable strategies and insights regarding the prevention, early identification, assessment, rectification, and governance of troubled projects, emphasizing re-establishing project goals. Furthermore, we will shed light on the continuous process improvement paradigm, underscoring its relevance in enhancing project deliverables and ensuring a competitive edge in the dynamic realm of information-age industries.


To stave off troubled projects, having a solid foundation is imperative during the project’s inception. As seen with REM de l’Est, not examining alternative routes and giving the task force a restricted scope led to its challenges. To avert similar pitfalls, organizations need to embark on comprehensive feasibility analyses, encompassing the assessment of alternative solutions, even before the project kicks off (Getahun Ayele, 2021). Investigating multiple pathways ensures the selected project dovetails with the organization’s objectives and financial limits. Furthermore, involving crucial stakeholders like urban designers, local inhabitants, and subject-matter experts at the early stages can provide a plethora of viewpoints, bolstering the project’s feasibility. Proactively pinpointing possible risks and formulating backup strategies is vital to circumvent unforeseen obstacles.

Behavior Detection and Analysis

Identifying early warning signs in a project is essential for prompt corrective action. Indicators of potential problems might be budgetary exceedances, unanticipated scope expansions, or discernible stakeholder displeasure. To spot and analyze these signs, real-time project surveillance can be employed to observe any budget, timeline, or scope deviations. Leveraging automated tools and reporting mechanisms facilitates early detection of emerging challenges. As Getahun Ayele (2021) emphasized, it is also vital to establish specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that reflect the project’s vitality. Periodic scrutiny of these measures can spotlight areas that necessitate immediate attention. Additionally, enlisting the insights of external specialists to undertake impartial project evaluations can offer a balanced perspective on where the project stands.


Fast response is crucial for salvaging a troubled project. It is essential to review project goals and consider other potential approaches periodically. Cheaper options to REM de l’Est can be found in tram networks or a Pink line. Spending may be controlled by renegotiating contracts or locating other funding sources (CBC News, 2023) or by implementing strict cost control procedures to avoid future budget overruns. Key recovery measures include clearly defining and communicating project scope to minimize scope creep and, if required, modifying the scope to correspond with available resources.

Control and Realignment

Managing a troubled project demands persistent oversight to ensure its alignment with its initial objectives and milestones. Key strategies to keep such projects in check and redirect them include deploying robust change management systems, which address alterations in scope and manage evolving stakeholder expectations. It is imperative to transparently relay any changes and their implications for the project (Getahun Ayele, 2021). Periodic project evaluations are vital, wherein progress is assessed, and requisite tweaks are made. This can involve reassessing project goals to guarantee they resonate with the broader organizational objectives. Employing the principles of continuous process enhancement can uplift project standards and productivity. Moreover, considering feedback and past experiences when making decisions is fundamental to preserving the project’s well-being.

Continuous Process Improvements Model

Organizations must emphasize ceaseless refinement of their processes to thrive in contemporary digital-driven industries. This approach mandates a series of pivotal actions: Firstly, it is essential to consistently scrutinize project outcomes by collecting stakeholder feedback, diving deep into data analytics, and spotting enhancement opportunities. Drawing from this evaluation, organizations should formulate a blueprint for procedural upgrades, clearly outlining goals and delineating the extent of anticipated modifications. Implementing these improvements might require adaptations in existing processes, technological tools, or methodologies, and it is paramount to ensure stakeholder awareness and consensus during this phase. It is also vital to perpetually gauge the effect of these upgrades on project efficacy, measure pivotal indicators, and determine if the alterations are producing the expected results. Welcoming feedback from both the project teams and other stakeholders can provide invaluable insights into the success of these changes, paving the way for further refinements when necessary. Chronicling each phase of this enhancement journey, from evaluation to feedback, is instrumental, offering a comprehensive guide for subsequent projects.


The REM de l’Est project in Montreal highlights the difficulties companies encounter when handling troubled projects in dynamic and rapidly evolving environments. For organizations to avert, identify, address, and steer such projects, there is a pressing need for thorough planning, active stakeholder engagement, rigorous risk evaluation, and adept project management techniques. Adopting an ongoing model of process enhancement is crucial for maintaining an edge in modern digital-era sectors. Drawing lessons from the hurdles faced in projects like REM de l’Est and applying these approaches can heighten the chances of project success, ultimately benefiting stakeholders and the larger community.


CBC News. (2023, July 4). At $36B, urban planners say the REM de l’Est project needs a rethink. CBC.

Getahun Ayele, Y. (2021). Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Distressed Projects: The Case of Designated Projects in Ethiopia. American Journal of Management Science and Engineering6(6), 173.


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