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Customer Value and Order Winners Case Study of Amazon


By combining supply chain operations and logistics with client satisfaction, businesses may achieve and even surpass consumer demands. In logistics, there are four components to customer value: service, quality, time, and cost (Matarazzo et al., 2021). Quality refers to a product’s efficiency, functionality, specifications, and how well it meets the client’s needs. The term “service” refers to all offerings or support provided to a customer after making a purchase. This also involves adapting to changing market conditions or client needs. Cost is determined by logistics expenses, including planning, quality standards, manufacturing, inventory, and distribution, and covers all transactions that the client pays for, including procurement and life cycle costs. It takes time to supply a product to a consumer or respond to their needs.

In international logistics, client value may be expressed as follows:

Customer value formula

With globalization, logistics is much more customer-centric. Historically, logistics was just more concerned with lowering operational costs and maximizing the companies’ profit margins. It is worth noting that contemporary logistics is primarily focused on enhancing a company’s internal and external agility, which allows it to satisfy its consumers’ service requirements (Junge, 2020). As a result, the customer-centric character of international logistics companies can be viewed as a crucial source of sustainable competitive advantage for such enterprises. Furthermore, because consumers’ expectations are getting more complicated, flexibility is critical for global logistics companies. By concentrating on Inc., this article delivers a critical debate on the significance of customer value in international logistics services (Wang et al., 2018).


Jeff Bezos established Inc. about three decades ago. The store began as a store for selling books. Notably, the company name changed from Cadabra to the now well known and established Amazon . This happened in 1995 (Amazon, 2019). It is essential to note that the form has grown tremendously and currently considered a multibillion company. It has expanded beyond selling books to include gadgets, games consoles, food, software, fashion, furniture, jewelry, and toys. Amazon provides live stream vendor, and Artificial intelligence assistant vendor, among several other things, and its online retail.

Order winners

Amazon operates an online store in the ecommerce industry. Today, it is the market leader with more focus on customer value as its main asset. The activities of Amazon are centrally coordinated to meet the main objective which is customer value (Lancaster, 2019). As such, it gains it competitive edge over competeors such ebay due to various factors. The company has been shown to satisfy these standards over time as it has evolved from an ebook vendor to a retailer of nearly everything a consumer may want to shop online.

Lean Processes

Given Amazon is an e-commerce enterprise, it is critical to examine service to customers.It is worth noting that companies and customers profited from the internet’s arrival. Consumers may now undertake research online before buying (Lancaster, 2019). While brick and mortar shops became more costly every year, the internet sector became ever less costly. Nevertheless, when firms transition to online operations, they must realize that trust and dependability are essential elements for prosperity in the online business world. Technological advancements have also touched the field of logistics (Wang et al., 2018; Pellathy et al., 2018). Information might be obtained in real-time due to the advancements.

Consumers search for and shop from the company website online and provide delivery address for dropping of goods. This procedure includes components of customer service and logistics throughout its whole. The organization’s pre-transaction customer service aims to guarantee that the company, its personnel, and its facilities are arranged so that they can consistently give exceptional customer support (Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The organization’s transaction service is designed to simplify consumers to order what they require. The company’s post-transaction system is intended to give added peace of mind by addressing component failures, returns, and grievances (Lu & Huang, n.d). Five essential factors meet specific criteria of customer service features in terms of pre-transaction components.


A prepared declaration of conduct guides the customer support department. Amazon has a properly organized customer response department to ensure customer demands are met ((Mangan & Lalwani, 2016). The transactional components have also been installed by the company for service to customers. All examples are backorder status, fill rate, order cycle time, tracking, consistency, product replacements, shipping shortages, route changes, and delays. The average time it takes for an order to cycle from when a client places it to when it is dispatched is order cycle time. Customers appreciate companies with a short-order cycle time since this is generally connected to client satisfaction (Kułyk et al., 2017). Transaction customer service components such as tracking and backorder status are especially significant since they enable customers to get real-time information on the things they bought from Amazon (Wang et al., 2020). These components also add to client satisfaction since consumers can relax believing that respective orders are on their way and plan appropriately for how to collect them. They can be alerted if there is a routing modification so that they may adapt their arrangements.

Risk Management Processes

Post-transaction components are a key customer service aspect of Amazon’s logistics (Wang et al., 2020). Consumers appreciate this because they want to know that the vendor will reimburse them if they receive incorrect or damaged goods or if things are damaged or misplaced during transportation. Invoice correctness, product replacement, returns and revisions, real delivery dates, and setups are all instances of post-transaction aspects. Post-transaction customer support aspects are critical since how well these components are managed will decide if a consumer becomes a regular customer and recommends Amazon to their friends. Product replacement is a promise that Amazon must provide to all of its clients in terms that the items they bought are damaged or lost along the way or if erroneous commodities are received (Makau, 2018). Amazon’s devotion to delivering on its promises has solidified its reputation as one of the consumers’ most dependable e-commerce companies.

Whenever consumers reach a firm to buy, schedule maintenance, ask, or dispute a purchase, they have grown to expect a particular degree of care. Customer service representatives must be informed about the firm’s products and support systems to respond to customer inquiries quickly and effectively (Matarazzo et al., 2021). The first offering and what consumers obtain from future contacts impact the opinion of customer care delivered. Although the customer may not always be correct, employees must be courteous and attentive when explaining concerns and assisting customers in understanding why things are as they are. Since no distribution system is immune to interruption, companies are under pressure to protect their supply networks. Protecting what consumers in supply chains value is the best approach to achieve this effect. This necessitates organizations to grasp what their customers value and how they distinguish themselves from the competition.

Relationship Between Order Winners and Customer Value Factors

With a unique value proposition in consideration, Amazon is able to segregate key threats that might have a detrimental effect on how its distribution network supports value offer and develops adaptability strategies to manage critical risks. Organizations must understand what challenges their capacity to support and which risk mitigation techniques will be most successful in achieving resilience (Matarazzo et al., 2021). All risk management methods should be based on seven risk drivers. These include merchandise versatility and duplication; risk governance, the company’s internal function convergence; data, modeling techniques, business intelligence, supply chain customer orientation; connectivity and process architecture; complexity management, and upstream and downstream supply chain integration. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate aim of service delivery. (Lancaster, 2019; Wang et al., 2018). Customer care and customer satisfaction are inextricably intertwined. Service delivery to customers is refined due to technological advancements (Wang et al., 2020; Lam & Zhang, 2019). Notably, marketing firms utilize to seal transactions and turn new consumers into repeat customers. Stock control, return minimization, and delivery time reduction are all ways to improve the customer experience from a logistical aspect. As such it ian essential element in Amazon giving it a competeive edge over other players.

Sustaining Market Leader Position

Currently, amazon is the market leader in the ecommerce industry. It must engage in business activities that promote customer value to sustain this position. Notably, Amazon must guarantee that most of its functions are aligned and that its efforts are focused on this goal. Because consumers’ expectations are getting more complicated, flexibility is critical for global logistics companies. Amazon is well-positioned as a cloud service provider, live stream vendor, and Artificial intelligence assistant vendor, among several other things, and its online retail. Protecting what consumers in supply chains value is the best approach to achieve this effect (Junge, 2020). All risk management methods should be based on seven risk drivers. Customers who purchase online want to buy from honest, transparent, and efficient organizations, and the company understands this. Through this, sustainability of the order winners and continued cuastomer value is garaunteed.

Amazon’s adaptable technological stack provides customers with a bigger product selection, more efficiency, and very affordable pricing. These characteristics render Amazon a formidable rival to traditional retailers. Its initial approach is to provide a greater range of products via a market. Amazon has portrayed itself as a market for the past fifteen years. This approach is beneficial to both buyers and sellers since it provides a diverse range of products. This puts conventional brick-and-mortar merchants at a significant disadvantage in comparison to Amazon.

Second, Amazon is a customer-obsessed company. Compared to its rivals, Amazon offers a much more user-friendly interface to its users. Augmented search and query functionalities, one-click purchasing at the checkout, recommendations based on previous purchases, automatic re-purchasing dash buttons, and various user feedback and evaluations are major trendsetters. When combined with a Prime membership, Amazon gets a complete view of its consumers, including data on the frequency of purchases, online transactions, spending preferences, and geographical profiles. This allows Amazon to tailor its responsive website to its consumers’ needs while also tinkering with and enhancing its functionality.

The third technique is to use a very competitive pricing policy. The substantially reduced price that drives its Market platform and many vendor alternatives is a fundamental benefit powering its market and various supplier alternatives. Amazon has consistently prioritized customer value above short-term earnings. It has also benefited from economies of scale, which have enabled it to provide one-hour delivery on a significant portion.

The last option is to employ fewer organizational and technology silos. Amazon concentrates on what its customers want, developing breakthrough technological solutions mostly in-house and commercializing them (Junge, 2020).


Customer value is an essential aspect in supply chain logistics. Logistics has become customer oriented due to globalization. Aamazon is one of the leading business that have integrated customer value logistics in their operations through various strategies. Given that it is in the ecommerce industry, customer value is one of the assets that ensure quality services for its continued success. The success of the online shopping giant is premised on its ability to identify and seize opportunities for the benefit of customers compared to its competitors. Some of its order winners include lean operation since it operates online, good relationship with the employees and customers, and proper risk managwement mechanisms. Notably, these order winners promote customer satisfaction, hence valuable to the company. Amazon should engage in various activiyies such as flexibility in adapting technology, proper and friendly pricing, and value customers more to continue enjoying the market leadership. Notably, the digital business environement is dynamic and Amazon has proved flexible given its easy adaptability to technology that is relatable to customers. For instance, it is easy to navigate the Aamazon website for shoping both on samrtphones and computers. A continued customer value may lead to even further expansion in future.


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