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Strategic Planning Final Paper


In ensuring effective strategic change in an organization, strategic planning is inevitable for organizations to develop and implement strategies through the strategy change cycle. This paper looks at every step in this cycle due to its importance in attaining effective strategic change in an organization, as shown. From initiation of the process to reassessing strategies, critical elements about organizational mandates, mission and values clarifications, environmental assessment, strategic issue identification, formulation of strategies, review and adoption, vision establishment, implementation processes, and periodical reassessment are considered in the comprehension. The paper follows APA format guidelines and offers a concise yet all-inclusive analysis of every move.


A strategic change cycle is a systematic procedure that is indispensable in determining whether an organization will be successful. This paper discusses ten vertical steps in the change cycle by keenly describing why they are essential for organizations in planning and implementing their strategies. Each step plays a particular role in determining the organization’s direction; therefore, an overall understanding is critical to effective strategic management.

Initiate and Agree on a Strategic Planning Process

The outset of the strategic planning journey is the initiation and agreement of a structured process. The major themes that emerge in the involvement of principal collaborators. They offer a broader perspective that helps to understand the organization’s landscape (Zhang et al., 2022). The definition and setting of a clear purpose become the means of navigating and defining the strategic planning process’s goals, points, and expected results. In addition, effective communication and leadership commitment set an atmosphere for improving strategic discussions and decisions. This stage forms the basis of the whole strategic planning process. If the first stage in crafting a strategy is not well developed and actively engaged, then subsequent stages of forming a sound strategy will be shallow and narrow. It cannot be overstated how important it is for organizations to understand that this is the critical starting point for successful strategic planning.

Identify Organizational Mandates

These mandates at the organizational level form the basis of strategic planning, positing the conceptual frameworks that will define the perimeters within which strategies will operate. Legal requirements and considering regulation within which the operated strategies will fall are deliberated to ensure the proposed strategies do not contravene existing legal provisions (Zhang et al., 2022). Looking at organizational history and culture goes beyond the legal limits to present valuable insights. Decision-makers can draw helpful lessons that inform strategic choices by recognizing past successes and tribulations. Identifying organizational mandates is not just another box to be checked but foundational towards enabling an organization to align its strategic initiatives with more broad-ranging goals in outcomes. Having a solid understanding of the regulatory environment and concerning the organization’s historical context, strategic planners negotiate confidently that their strategies are hinged on a solid foundation.

Clarify Organizational Mission and Values

Mission and values act as the argentation’s directional and moral compass.

In this phase, the stakeholder engagement process begins with the collection of diverse perspectives to assist in developing organizational identity (Smith, 2020). As such, they participate in making the mission statement and values through open dialogue and joint ventures, giving ownership and commitment to the clarifications made. At the same time, the concept of organizational identity is articulated as critical. A defined mission and values guide strategic decisions and shape the organization’s reputation and culture. As such, this step transcends mere rhetoric; it is about creating a shared understanding among internal and external stakeholders of the principles driving the organization’s strategic initiatives.

Assessment of External and Internal Environments

Strategic planning requires a holistic understanding of outside and inside factors that shape the trajectory of an organization. This step needs a complete SWOT analysis, which underlies the tool for evaluating systematically systematically without misrepresenting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It comprehensively appraises the various market trends, technological developments, and competitive arenas to identify strategic opportunities and threats in the environment (Smith, 2020). Aspects of resources, capabilities, and organizational culture internally are also appraised. The purpose is to develop an accurate and dynamic snapshot of what the organization should. This environmental analysis sets the stage for subsequent steps of informed organizational decision-making. It is not just identifying isolated factors; it is recognizing the interconnected web of influences shaping the organization’s strategic landscape.

Identify Strategic Issues Facing the Organization

Strategic issues are the problems or potentials that will require the attention of organizational leadership. Further, this calls for keenness in problem identification, which involves breaking complex situations into manageable parts. This will be done through analytical thinking and stakeholder input towards zeroing down on the relevant issues that tackle issues with a strategic implication. The ordering of the issues is essential at this step. All the issues are not of similar weight in terms of strategic importance. Some will have immediate consequences, while one or some may impact long-term viability. Successful identification of strategic issues sets the stage for focused strategy development to ensure it faces areas of critical need and makes a critical difference in its success.

Formulate Strategies to Manage the Issues

At the core of strategic planning is formulating how to go about the identified issues effectively. This step requires creativity and innovation as the decision-makers try to find unique and feasible answers. This is all about seeing a future state where the organization’s well-being is guaranteed, even if circumstances are turbulent. Ensuring that alignment exists with organizational goals is of utmost importance. Strategies cannot be evolved in isolation but should be worked out as part of a well-integrated and complete package. This is through making collaborative decisions to ensure diverse opinions that enrich the strategies. In addition, it initiates a comprehensive risk assessment to foretell imminent barriers and lower their impact.

Review and take on Strategies or Strategic Plans.

It is a milestone but not the endpoint to be reached. It implies continuous improvement because a strategy review and adoption process is crucial (Perreault Jr et al., 2022). A mechanism for periodic evaluation is established, including involving feedback loops with essential stakeholders. This ensures the iterative nature through which strategies continuously align to organizational goals and be responsive to evolving challenges. The critical consideration in this phase is that decision-making becomes all about transparency. Ensure stakeholders are confident with the strategic choices through open communication and accountability. Adoption is a commitment of organizational resources and effort; hence, ensuring it has the broad and encompassing support of all its stakeholders becomes necessary.

Establish an Effective Organizational Vision

An adequate organizational vision is a compelling tool for painting apparent pictures of the state of the future. This will take leadership communication of articulating the vision to its stakeholders. Leaders must produce commitment and coherence in the vision, consistent with the organization’s values, to ascribe a higher sense of purpose to all team members (Perreault Jr et al., 2022). Timeframes for this type of ambition are more realistic over five to ten years or even beyond. The unifying element of the organization inspires individuals to work together towards this common goal. A vision that has been realized needs now to be well contextualized in terms of the organizational culture, and it must aid in rallying the various internal and external stakeholders together due to its successful articulation. This step is not just words on the paper but represents putting a sense of direction and inspiration into the organizational culture.

Develop an Effective Implementation Process

With developed strategies and established vision, attention turns towards translating plans into reality. This entails developing an effective implementation process that coordinates the strategy formulation and the taking place on the ground (Bryson et al., 2020). Fundamental project management principles come in, ensuring a systematic and organized approach. Accountability structures are instrumental during implementation. This step in the action plan implementation also needs to consider the assignment of responsibilities and tracking the plan’s progress and adaptation to unforeseen challenges.

Last but not least, the organization has to show adaptability. The fact that the business environment environment is changing requires organizations to be flexible in their implementation processes. During implementation, effective continuous communication assists in making the stakeholders engaged during the process and gives an airstrip of collaboration. The implementation itself calls for the effectiveness of the entire planning process, ranging from the design stage to its actual execution, from the perspective of the success of the organization’s overall strategic plan.

Reassessing the Strategies and Strategic Planning Process

The strategy change cycle is not a linear process but a continuous loop requiring periodic reassessment. This final step realizes that the organization will require monitoring of implemented strategies and evaluation. It allows changes in the strategies or the planning process itself to be made based on feedback from stakeholder engagement and ongoing environmental scanning (Bryson et al., 2020). The ever-dynamic business environment needs companies that can regularly relook at their perspectives to continue being responsive toward emerging challenges and opportunities. This step is cyclical, so it plays its role as an ongoing, adaptive process and not as a one-time event of strategic planning. It ensures that strategies and the strategic planning process are reassessed with organizational learning, agility, and effective environmental change management.


Finally, understanding the different stages entails excellent analysis. Indeed, the change strategy cycle requires that cooperation be embraced throughout; stakeholders should be engaged while flexibility is nurtured to navigate the strategic planning process towards prosperous times ahead despite changing times.


Bryson, J., & George, B. (2020). Strategic management in public administration. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.

Perreault Jr, W. D., Cannon, J. P., & McCarthy, E. J. (2021). Essentials of marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach. McGraw-Hill.

Smith, R. D. (2020). Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge.

Zhang, H., & Chen, X. (2022). Open innovation and sustainable innovation performance: The moderating role of IP strategic planning and IP operation. Sustainability14(14), 8693.


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