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Sociology Essays

Refugees and Immigrant Life in America for Viet and Vargas

The present essay aims to shed light on the refugees and immigrant lives of non-U.S. citizens living in America. It focuses on readings from “On Being a Refugee, an American—a Human Being” by Thanh Nguyen and “Outlaw: My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Antonio Vargas. The two authors both migrated to America at young ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 856

Sociology in My Society

Robert Alan states that the difference in culture and values among the people should not separate them from each other; the diversity in culture should impact a collective strength that is beneficial to the whole of humanity. Living a life entails making decisions, and everyone thinks that obviously, every individual makes their own choices. Nevertheless, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1746
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Social Worker Role

Bellewood & Brooklawn helps Kentucky’s most disadvantaged children and their households heal their hearts and souls. Bellewood & Brooklawn seeks to eliminate disruptions throughout children’s existence, help individuals recover from the impacts of child maltreatment and encourage family welfare through a complete continuum of care spanning from in-home programs and outpatient treatment programs and psychiatric ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1291

Social Isolation Among the Elderly

Introduction Understanding how social ties affect health is challenging to grasp in its entirety. A person’s health is influenced by the quality of their social connections and the quantity of those connections. An increase in research shows two elements of social relationships worth focusing on, isolation and loneliness. Adults over the age of 50 are ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1207

Essay on Overpopulation

Introduction The rapid increase in the number of people in the current generation has raised significant concern among humans. Early marriages cause overpopulation, search for job opportunities, and underutilized contraceptives. Many problems arise as a result of overpopulation. These problems include; depletion of natural resources, unemployment, high cost of living and even degradation of the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 831

Influence of Community on Deviant Behaviors

Deviant behavior can be defined as not adhering to the rules or norms of society or the community’s standards. An example of deviant behavior is a deviation from the accepted norms of a particular group of individuals. Such behavior could be regarded as criminality, alcoholism, school indiscipline, house prostitution, cultism, and gambling, as well as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 658

Indoctrination, Criminal Labelling, Institution of Marriage and Masculinity

In the material shared in class, what does Noam Chomsky mean by “indoctrination” and why is it occurring? What are the alternatives forms of education that he is defending? In terming education as indoctrination of the young, Noam Chomsky highlights that society has predefined the educational path for their children. It has been a custom ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2038

Identify and Discuss the Three Major Views of Human Nature

Human nature is the common basis for human existence, which impacts theirbeliefs,community arrangement and behaviors which remains unchanged over time and across cultural, ethnic, and racial contexts. Several enlightened thinkers and religions have different views which explain the nature of human, including the doctrine of noble savage, the view of angry savage, and dual human ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1747

Diversity of Views in America

To a reasonable extent, diversity of views contributed to the transformation of American society. America, being a country, whose heritage is diverse due to the variety of the population, there are many mixed views due to the various cultural systems, beliefs, and practices (Dubois et al, 27). In the history of America as a country, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 946

Argumentative Essay on Why Cities Are Better Than Small Towns

One of the greatest heated discussions among people is whether city life is desirable to country life or vice versa, and why. In fact, each sector is the polar contradictory of the other, and the advantages of one are essentially the downsides of the other. Despite the fact that village living has numerous advantages, such ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2424

The Link of Social Standing to Health, Family Life, Politics and Values

Social standing refers to an individual’s social class or status in society. It entails grouping people in a stratified hierarchy based on income, occupation, wealth, social network, and education (Simandan, 2018). Typically, people with high social standing status belong to the upper class. Thus, they quickly access quality healthcare and prestigious schools. Besides, their political ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Social Mobility in Hong Kong

The concept of social mobility is useful in explaining why individuals in society move to a different social ladder. Various factors such as earnings, education, and occupation determine one’s level of social class. It is imperative that a government plays a vital role in empowering its people to move a social ladder. That is by ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3292

Lessons From the Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed the world on how they used to perceive things. Before COVID, people never thought of a situation where they would be forced to stay in their homes or wear masks. The 1928 influenza flu was long gone and forgotten (Franchini et al., 2020). Businesses insure themselves against other certain risks such as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

A Summary: Exploring Interracial Relationships in the United States

The United States is one of the most ethnically and racially diverse nations in the world. Hence, understanding the politics, culture and other facets of American society requires an understanding of the different races and ethnicities that call the United States home. Among the dominant races in the United States, are Latinos and African Americans ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1563

The Reasons of Divorces in Canada

The legal termination of a matrimonial bond by a law court is referred to as divorce. The number of divorce lawsuits has risen in recent years. The conflict theory is one of several ideas that can be used to describe this phenomenon. Mankind is often in conflict, as per conflict theory, which was initially stated by ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 935
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