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Socioeconomic Status Essays

Implications of Socioeconomic Status

A family’s money and job can affect how kids grow up. It can be good in some ways and bad in others. People who have more money can go to better schools. Kids from wealthy families usually go to better schools and have more help with their education. This helps them do better in school ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 660

Juvenile Gun Violence

Abstract The study employs the strain theory to examine the complex link between SES and juvenile gun violence. Using an extensive literature review, the disturbing trends of children’s gun-related incidents are highlighted, stressing the socioeconomic elements leading to the crisis amongst youth. Guides, strain theory, serves as a theoretical lens for understanding how the discrepancy ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2924
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A Critical Review on the Impacts of Socioeconomic Status on a Child’s Intellectual Development

Abstract The cognitive abilities and development of academic skills are very crucial for the intellectual development process of a child. Socioeconomic status plays a critical role in influencing the intellectual development processes of a child. Parents’ socioeconomic status encompasses the family’s income level, education levels, occupation, physical heals, psychological wellbeing, housing conditions, environment, and neighborhood ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3128

The Impacts of SES on Child Development

For children to develop fully and healthily, many factors need to be considered, such as the family environment, parenting style, school, etc. Another essential element studied for many years, and one of the most popular topics in social sciences, is SES, socioeconomic status. Most people assume SES refers to family income. However, it involves several ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1843
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