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Needs Assessment Summary Report & Topic

Issue and Goal

Stakeholders in Hempstead should collaborate to solve the issue of healthcare access. Healthcare access is an important issue to society because it affects not only those with language barriers and geographical disparity. The goal of the needs assessment summary is to achieve the goal of equitable access to healthcare services for all residents. The individual’s socioeconomic status or cultural background should not be a barrier to their access to healthcare services within that community. The objective of the goal is to improve community health outcomes and reduce disparities in healthcare access. This regulation is similar to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or, in other terms, Obamacare, which expands Medicaid to improve access to healthcare through insurance for preventative services (Brown et al., 2021).


The state of health access is an important factor in society as it pulls several stakeholders in need of the services. In addition to the residents searching for better health, local healthcare providers form part of the stakeholders in the Hempstead community, which may also include non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other advocacy groups that want the right access to healthcare for everyone. The clients play a unique role since they demand healthcare access for better health, as do other stakeholders (Lal et al., 2022). They have to collectively advocate for policy changes, avoid language barriers, and dissolve regional geographical boundaries. These are the solutions the local community needs to solve their issue of healthcare access.


The performers who contribute towards the goal of healthcare access for everyone are worthy of recognition and applause, at the least. The efficient delivery of healthcare services to the community depends on the health providers’ efforts and the presence of clinics and hospitals where individuals receive healthcare services. The stakeholders also help to reveal the factors that would stop or boost effective healthcare access in the given community of Hempstead. To overcome language barriers, the residents need access to organizational systems with the right appointment scheduling and language interpretation (Pandey et al., 2021). The providers can rely on financial reimbursement to provide better care when they are sure that the government is looking out for them.

Next Steps

The community needs to have a proper timeline for when to achieve improved healthcare services. This timeline will indicate some of the important milestones and deadlines for overcoming language barriers, having transportation assistance programs, and increasing clinic hours. Steps like data collection on patient demographics and healthcare utilization will give further guidance on how well-targeted interventions are being implemented and whether they are on time.

Through the CHNA process, the stakeholders help to focus on healthcare access. Stakeholders help to identify, prioritize, and address barriers that stop the residents of Hempstone from getting the right amount of care. Collaborative engagement, clear goal-setting, and comprehension of the performance factors allow these stakeholders to develop and target specific interventions to improve healthcare access for the community. Better healthcare access means the community can achieve significant health outcomes and continue with other sectors of their life and economic needs while in good health.


Brown, E. A., White, B. M., Jones, W. J., Gebregziabher, M., & Simpson, K. N. (2021). Measuring the impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion on access to primary care using an interrupted time series approach. Health research policy and systems19(1), 1-10.

Lal, A., Lim, C., Almeida, G., & Fitzgerald, J. (2022). Minimizing COVID-19 disruption: ensuring essential health products supply for emergencies and routine health services. The Lancet Regional Health–Americas, p. 6.


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