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Social Sciences Essays

Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?

In this experiment, the researchers were studying the relationship between political orientation and the general well-being of the people. They wanted to determine how being affiliated with a particular political party influences one’s general being and happiness (Napier & Jost, 2008). The researchers studied people’s happiness concerning their political affiliation by conducting interviews and analyzing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1143

What Is a Constitution For?

The Constitution is a set of legal provisions that establish the machinery of a nation’s government and identifies and outlines the connection among its numerous agencies and elements, such as the executive, legislative, judicial, federal, and state councils. It is a state or country’s Supreme Law that establishes the system for making legislation or laws ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 648
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Welfare Law Associated With Children Requiring Protection From Parents

Child abuse occurs in so many ways. Child abuse includes physical abuse, neglect, mental and emotional abuse. Children are abused by their parents, caregivers, or other adults who are living with them. Physical abuse on children includes all forms of physical harm to the childlike beating and sexual abuse. Emotional and psychological abuse includes when ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1724

Using the Role of Teacher or Educator With Our Clients

The learning cycle may appear static depending on the level of experience, but it surely never ends. Often, one is faced with scenarios that demand relevant information to implement an action plan or build up knowledge. When it comes to dealing with a client, the role of a teacher or educator becomes paramount in social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719

US-China Relations in the 21st Century

In international affairs and international politics, US-China relations are essential in global affairs and foreign policy. As emerging powers with increasing influence on world events and actions, China and America’s relations impact many aspects of contemporary society such as economy, finance, security, technology, and environment (Hass, 2020). Both countries are members of the United Nations ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2846

Unfair Dismissal: A Case Study of Frankie’s Foods

There are many ways in which employment relations end. Some of these include; (a) employer termination of contractual relations for misconduct with or without notice; (b) termination of contract due to job abandonment; (c) end of employment relationship due to completion of a fixed-term contract; and; (d) constructive dismissal[1]. Constructive dismissal is unique and involves ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3583

U.S. Courts and the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Courts play a crucial role in ensuring justice prevails. A criminal justice system is an organization that enforces the legal code. The system includes the correction, the court, and the police (Office of the Justice Program, 2021). The above trio works together to ensure that a case is handled successfully. When a crime has ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1909

The West and Iran

The western presence in Iran before the 1979 Iranian revolution can best be described as ugly primarily because it escalated tensions that led to the ouster of the Shah. These tensions emanated from the initial idea that the Shah’s regime was perceived as oppressive and dictatorial, coupled with giving Western companies valuable concessions over Iranian ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2070

The US War on Terror in the Middle East

Introduction Terrorism can be understood as the intentional utilization of violence to develop a general fear climate in a population, mainly to achieve a specific political objective. Throughout the world, terrorism has been exercised by revolutionaries, religious groups, and nationalistic (Fridlund, 2018). In addition, there are cases where state institutions like the police, intelligence services, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2044

The Study of the Spiral of Silence Theory in Real-World Designs, and Popular Culture

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist developed the spiral of silence theory in 1974. She stated that individuals and social groups would exclude or isolate members based on their opinion. This factor limit people from expressing their minority opinion as they feared they would be isolated in public (Noelle-Neumann, 1974). The concepts are analyzed in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1240

The Role of Islamic Women

Introduction Islam is one of the world’s known religious communities in the world. Muslims are monotheistic, and they worship only one God, who they refer to as Allah. In Islam, women hold different positions depending on the beliefs and laws given by the religion. The experiences of Islamic women differ depending on the societies and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2989

The Reliability of Eye-Witness Testimony

Introduction For centuries, the concept of using eye witness testimony has remained one of the most commonly relied sources of evidence for a long time. The criminal justice in multiple cases has relied on it to build its cases and use it as a credible source of evidence to argue their point of view. Over ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

The Relationship Between Community Development and Social Change

Community development is the process by which a community assesses its needs, decides how to address them, and then takes action. There are many organizations that work on the ground to help develop communities, including social services, non-profit organizations, and concerned citizens. Social change is any lasting alteration in the structure of a society and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

The Killing of Russell Timoshenko

The New York Police Department is a law enforcement unit in the police of the United States which is entitled to keep law and order within New York City. The New York Police Department prides itself on being the largest and the oldest police department in the United States. The police department was established on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1787

The Impacts of SES on Child Development

For children to develop fully and healthily, many factors need to be considered, such as the family environment, parenting style, school, etc. Another essential element studied for many years, and one of the most popular topics in social sciences, is SES, socioeconomic status. Most people assume SES refers to family income. However, it involves several ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1843
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